When Your Reaper Was Compromised

3136 Words
Deftones- Change B.B.: I'm laying in bed. I know it's not mine because this bed is a little too soft for my liking. If I have to sleep in this, I will most likely wake up sore in the morning. My bed is firm and that's the way I like it. Another indication that proves I'm not where I'm supposed to be is the classical music playing. The only person who would listen to that in our house is mom. The room I'm in is more like a loft. The brick walls have a coat of dark gray paint. The ceiling is white and there's a lot of stainless steel. The canopy bed I'm laying in is huge. I mean I can easily fit all of the guys on here. There aren't any windows. I sit up to see a man sitting at a desk across from me. I clear my throat and see him tense up. He turns in his seat slowly until his eyes land on me. I feel a little relief to know those eyes but I'm still freaking out a little. Chance has really unique eyes. They're white but his irises are lined with red like tiny bloody veins circling around the darkness of his pupil. They're absolutely gorgeous. This is the first time I ever get a really good look at him. When we met the two other times, my eyes couldn't focus on him. Not really. "Hey," I greet him. He stands up and walks over to me, looking me over skeptically. "How did you find me?" he asks. I look around and laugh. "I'm sorry? No, you brought me here," I shake my head. "I assure you, B.B. I did not," he crosses his huge arms over his chest. "No matter how much I want to, I personally cannot drag you to hell," "What? This is hell?" my heart starts to beat in my chest frantically. I sit up to find that I'm still wearing my costume. "Am I dead?" I ask panicking. "No, no, no, no, no. I can't be dead. Tell me you're lying. I can't-" "Shh, shh, shh," he comes over to me. He sits at the end of the bed his hand out. He's panicking. I don't think it's for the same reason I am. I think he's freaking out because he's never had to deal with someone who is about to go hysterical. "You're not dead," "But I'm in hell," I say falling back onto the pillows. "Hold still," he looks me over. He raises his hand to cup the right side of my head. I wince when his fingers touch the side of my head. When he pulls his hand back there's blood there. "Who hurt you?" I pull away from him touching the sore spot on my head. I look down at my blood trying to remember how I got here and what happened. The party. I was playing the organ. Did I kill them? I look up at him feeling the guilt flood my body. "My sister," I whisper. "My siblings are assholes as well. What did you say to her?" "No, I mean. It wasn't like that. I asked her to," "Why?" his eyebrows knit together. He seems to be getting upset. "I lost control. I don't know what happened. I was playing Tocata for my cousin. It's her birthday and Remy took over. She wouldn't stop. I was so scared. There were like eighty people at the party and I could feel myself feeding on all of them," I start to cry because I really did that. Are they okay? Are they alive? "You are way too young to be able to do that," he places his big hand on my head. I scoot closer to him needing to feel a little less out in the open because, despite the walls, it feels like I'm sitting in the middle of an arena or something. Like I'm exposed on all sides. "It was another reaper," "What do you mean?" "Reapers are creatures of darkness. All of it. They're born of it. So, they're all connected through shadows. The more experienced ones can manipulate others. Mostly for healing purposes. That's what was done to you. You were hurt or upset and it was easy for the other reaper to overwhelm yours," "So any reaper can just come along and take over my body?" I inch a little closer trying to get away from the wall behind the metal headboard. He wraps one arm around me and sits me on his lap. I look up at him a little stunned. "You have very good instincts. You know I'd never let anything hurt you while I'm around, yes?" he asks. "I don't know you," I whisper, making him smile. "Don't you?" he asks tucking my hair back. Chance is gorgeous. His hair looks like shiny thin strands of sterling silver in this lighting. His skin is pale, almost paper-white. I'm slightly darker than he is. A little more alive, I guess. He's wearing something casual this time. A t-shirt, sweatpants. He smells like burning wood and roasted marshmallows at a bonfire on a cold winter's night. If I were in my right mind, he'd scare the hell out of me because he's intimidating. Enough to have all my instincts on high alert but not enough to make me run. At least, not right now. "Why am I here?" I ask looking away. Why am I looking at this man this way when I have, not one or two back home? I have six. "Were you thinking of me when your reaper was compromised?" "No," I say truthfully. "I just remember needing someone or something to stop me from killing everyone I grew up with," "I see," his hand cups the left side of my face before his fingers bury themselves in my hair. I stop him. "I have six boyfriends," I try to pull away but he doesn't let me. "We have six boyfriends," he says with a little smirk on his perfect face. "You didn't think I was only interested in you, did you?" "I have six boyfriends," I growl pulling away from him. He laughs. "Hmm, this is unexpected," he releases me. I get off his lap feeling anger pumping through my veins violently. I've never gotten this anger this fast before. "You are dangerously possessive," "They're mine. Just mine," I sit back against the pillows. He grins widely. Before I can say another word his hand is around my ankle. With one hard tug, he has me on my back with his large body hovering over me. "You're mine," he says calmly. "You've always been mine. From the moment you took your first breath. You live for me. I granted you life," "Not out of the kindness of your heart," I scoff placing my hands on his chest prepared to push him away should he attempt anything. He laughs. The sound is a low menacing warning. "Nothing is ever done of the kindness of someone's heart. Not even acts love," he pulls away. "I didn't realize what I was agreeing to when I stumbled upon the greatest Reaper to ever live. I just knew giving him what he wanted would reassure my own wants. "Your father didn't save you because he was kind, Belladonna Blackstone. He saved you because he was too selfish to let you go. Even if it meant your life wouldn't be a kind one. Even when I warned him that you'd belong to hell. Selfishness," "What was your reason?" "Greed," he doesn't hesitate to answer. "My father agreed for love," "Love," he laughs. "Man's great lie," I pull away from him but I don't go too far. "Chance!" a woman's voice echoes outside of the only door in the room. The door is ripped open and a little girl walks in. She might as well be his twin. She's significantly smaller than the two of us. She looks to be around nine or ten but her voice is a lot more mature than my own. She runs over to him. He steps back and offers her his right arm. She grabs onto him and he pulls her up to link her to his side. "When did you get back, lovie?" he asks her. "Just now. Daddy asked for you but I see you're preoccupied brother," she smiles. Her teeth are all pointy like shark teeth. Her eyes are the same as his. Her hair is slightly lighter than his but the resemblance is uncanny. "Yes, will he be here long?" "He's staying. He says you haven't been very present since you got your new horsemen," she growls when I look away. He lets her go when she scrambles in his arms. She runs up to the bed and climbs on looking me over curiously. "I do have to train them properly," he tells her. "Yeah," she reaches out for a strand of my hair. "Blue is so pretty," "It is," I agree. "What shade is this?" "Sky blue," I answer her. I reach out to touch her white hair. It's very soft. "The sky is red," she giggles. "Not on earth. At least, not always," "She's really pretty, Chance. Who is she?" "That's Dante's daughter," he answers honestly. Her eyes widen. "Whoa. This is her? B.B.?" she asks scooting closer to me. Her little hands come up. She hesitantly reaches for me but she's not sure if she wants to touch me. I smile cupping her little hands with my own and put them on my face. Her eyes fill with tears as she caresses my face like she's trying to memorize it. "You're very beautiful," I compliment her. "You think so?" she asks. "Do you think I'll grow up to be pretty like you?" "Prettier. I'm sure," I smile. The red in her eyes glows brightly. The way Chance's did when we first met. I cup her cheek needing to touch her. She leans into my hand closing her eyes. "That's enough," Chance growls. She pulls away averting her gaze. "Tell father I will be down soon," "Okay," she nods and looks back at me. She gives me a little wave and reluctantly walks over to the door. He growls at her when she hesitates to walk through it. "Shut the door," he demands. She runs out and slams the door shut. "She's really cute," "Yes, until she isn't," he says. "I didn't feel like I was in danger," I say finally looking up at him. "That's your biggest problem, little death. You don't fear the things you should," "Like you?" "Precisely," "What do you want from me? From us," "Us," he repeats. "Yeah, us," "Clarify us for me," "Lucien, Carson, Victor, Rodrigo, Ahsan, Decarious, and me," "Seven deadly sins," he sighs. "Every king of hell has them. Pride, Carson. Greed, Ahsan. Envy, Decarious. Gluttony, Lucien. Sloth, Victor. Lust, Rodrigo. Wrath, you," "What does that mean?" "It means I have plans for all of you. You all belong to me. I have been watching over all of you for a very long time. You were the last piece. The strongest. The deadliest. The most bewitching. Although, Lucien and Rodrigo try," "Why don't you visit them?" "They're not yet ready for me. They've got a one-track mind for now. One with only you in mind. Wrath is the most tempting of all sins. Many think it's lust but they would be wrong. Wrath is the conclusion. It's what happens after the reason. When all other passions have been exhausted all that is left is wrath. Burning and all-consuming. That's you, Belladonna Blackstone," "How do I get back?" "You wake up," he says sitting next to me. His hand comes up again. Entangling in my hair. He's so warm and he smells so good. My chest is on fire with the subtlety of his burning scent. "Hold still," "Why?" He doesn't answer me as he leans in and presses his warm, soft lips on mine. A ripple of hot pleasure floods my body. When he begins to pull away I grip the front of his shirt and pull him back to me. He smiles when I kiss him back. Our lips move in perfect sync as he leans into me, pushing back against the bed. He stops for an instant. The two of us are panting heavily. He smiles licking his lips. They're turning bright red. He reaches up to touch his lips and laughs when the redness shines on his pale skin. I sit up worriedly. Did I hurt him? "It's alright," he licks the blood away. "It happens the first time," "The first time you kiss someone? Is that my blood?" I ask touching my lips. There's blood on them. I wipe it away with the back of my hand. "No, it's mine. It happens the first time a demon shares a kiss," he explains. It takes me a minute to process what he said. "I'm your first kiss? Aren't you like thousands of years old?" "More or less," he nods. "For thousands of years while looking the way you do. You never kissed anyone?" I ask baffled. There's no f*****g way. "You like the way I look?" he asks. "Do other's not?" "I look like my father. Divine more than demonic. They fear me more than anything else. Not that anyone has captured my attention long enough for me to want more than a casual conversation," a knock makes us turns toward the door again. "Chance. I smell blood. Are you alright?" a loud booming voice asks from the other side. "I'm fine. I said I'd be down soon, father," Chance sighs. The door opens anyway. A gush of hot air floods the room as a man steps through the door. Chance growls and stands in front of me protectively at the edge of the bed. He wasn't kidding when he said he looks like his father. This man has bright red eyes and they aren't even glowing yet. He looks between the two of us and smiles. "A girl? That's what you been hiding?" "Today," Chance answers honestly. His dad laughs. The sound makes goosebumps rise from my head to my toes. I scream when he appears next to me. I look to the spot where he had been standing and then back up at him and laugh nervously. "What's your name, sweet pea?" he asks. His hair is void of all colors except for the gold strands. His eyebrows and eyelashes are gold. His five o'clock shadow is gold. His skin glistens gold even in this lighting. It reminds me of the first time I met Chance. "Belladonna," I answer. He straightens up and looks over at Chance. "Dante's daughter?" "Yes," I answer when Chance rolls his eyes and averts his gaze. "It's an honor to meet you," he holds out his hand. Even his claws are gold. As if he dipped the tips of his fingers in gold body glitter. I reach for his hand wondering if it's going to stick to me but it doesn't. That's just the way his hands are. His pale skin looks almost polished against the traditional three-piece black-on-black suit he's wearing. This close, his eyes look like tiny pools of blood. "Likewise, Mr?" "Mr?" he laughs. "Please, call me Lucifer," he turns my hand over and cups it between the two of his. He looks up at his son when Chance growls. My hand drops to my lap when he lets go of me. I laugh again. "Lucifer," I clear my throat but end up laughing again. "Delilah really hit me really hard," "Does Dante know she's here or is he out still?" Lucifer asks. "He's out," "Always on the move that one," he smiles. Just a little tug at the edges of his lips. "Tell me, do you also plot the demise of your father?" "Honestly, I probably would be if he were alive. He's an asshole," I admit. He laughs and it has the same effect on me. He's terrifying and not in a good way. "It's always the favorite ones," he smirks. "Well, I'll leave you to it, Chance. I know you're busy. Dinner before the screams of the damned begin. You know I hate awkward silences. Your siblings are all here. Do try to be on your best behavior. I don't want another fight to break out. It was good to meet you, Ms. Blackstone. Hell awaits your timely demise. We're all very excited," Without another word, he walks out of the room and shut the door without slamming it. Chance finally lets out a heavy sigh and takes a seat at his desk. He licks his lips again before looking up at me. "I'm sorry about that," he says and comes over to me. I don't realize I'm shaking until his warm hands touch the pleather. "What are you wearing?" "This is my Selene from Underworld costume," "Selene? There is no Selene here," "Really? No, Selene has ever been condemned to hell?" "Not that I am aware of," he smirks. "Underworld is a movie. A few movies. The main character is a vampire who hunts werewolves for her coven. Her name is Selene. It was my cousin's birthday and it was vampire themed. This is what she wears in the movie," "And the others let you wear this in front of people?" "I had a trench coat," "Good," he looks me over again. "I don't like to share," I tell him. "You'd let them indulge in one another, no?" he asks. I look him over once again processing what he said. Would I? If they wanted to "indulge" in each other. Would I have a problem? "Think about it, B.B. Our time is up," I reach out to cup his face. His hand covers mine and I suddenly feel exhausted. He picks me up and settles me on his lap. His lips press against mine. I can feel all of him until I open my eyes again. I look up at Lucien and Rodrigo looking at me worriedly. "Hey," Lucien helps me sit up. I wrap my arms around them and pull them in close. "Please, please tell me no one is dead," I cry. "We compelled them and took them all home," James informs me. I lean forward pulling Lucien and Rodrigo into me. They press their foreheads against the sides of my face. I can feel the throbbing ache on the side of my head but I ignore it. "Thank you," I choke out because I almost kill all those kids. Me. I almost killed them. I deserve to go to hell when it's all over. "Thank you,"
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