Without Getting All The Details

1919 Words
The Plot In You- Enemy B.B.: My lungs are burning as I hunch over trying to catch my breath. Stacy is sitting on the floor next to me equally out of breath. I offer her my water bottle. She snatches it out of my hand. "b***h," she pants breathlessly. "Why are you punishing me?" "What?" I laugh straightening up. "I told you not to come with me today. I just said goodbye to Ro and Ahsan," "Look at these legs," she slaps her thigh. "They look amazing. Not as good as yours but almost there," "You are doing great," I offer her my hand. She takes it and lets me pull her up. We jog the rest of the way back to the house. Johnny is waiting outside, leaning against his Porsche, smoking a cigarette. Carson comes out in gray sweatpants and slides. That's it. Asshole. He greets Johnny "You okay?" Johnny asks Stacy when we walk by. She's tired. I told her not to come with me. "Don't talk to me," she huffs past him. He grins when I laugh. "Good morning," Carson greets me. He kisses me on the lips and motions me to go inside. I don't say a word. Stacy is laying on her side next to the door. Lucille, her demon is crouching next to her whispering encouraging words into her ear. I rush up the stairs to my room. Lucien is still asleep in my bed. He's actually wearing clothes. I jump on the bed and straddle him. He smiles sleepily when I put my hands on his chest and shake him a little. "Wake up," I demand. "Okay, okay," god his sleepy voice is literally my favorite. He opens one eye as I move to get off. "You have a doctor's appointment," I remind him. "Mmm," he groans covering his face with a pillow. "Wake up after you shower," "If you're late they're going to make you pay-" I freeze when I open the door to my bathroom. My sister's demon is standing there butt naked with his hand on his d**k while he pees. "I'm sorry," I scream and slam the door shut. "Oh, no!" "What?" Lucien sits up. "Ashmedai is using the restroom and he didn't lock the door," I say, slamming my forehead against the door. "I apologize, little death," he calls out from the other side of the door. Lucien bursts into laughter. "When you're using the bathroom always lock both doors from the inside," I call back. "I'll remember that," he answers. I listen for the flush. "You may enter," I pull the door open carefully and peek. He laughs and shuts my sister's door. I lock it and begin to get ready for my doctor's appointment. I'm sore everywhere. Especially my head. As I wash, I look down to see blood trickling down my leg. "f**k," I groan and just stand here for a bit. I can't remember the last time I got my period. "You okay?" the knock comes from my sister's room. "Yeah, do you have pads and stuff?" I call back. "Yes, I do. I thought you didn't get your shark week on that thing in your arm," "I've had it for a while. They're supposed to change it today," "Okay. Unlock the door," I reach out and unlock it. "Jesus, hog all the hot water why don't you?" "Mmm," I groan feeling the ache in my belly. I'm so glad it didn't come out when we were running. "Cry baby," she laughs. "At least, now you know," "Know what?" "That you're not pregnant," she laughs. "Was that in question?" Lucien's voice fills the bathroom. "No," I open the shower curtain enough to glare at my sister. She laughs putting her hands up in surrender before she disappears into her room. I look over at Lucien who is staring at me. "No, it was never in question. I've been safe these past two weeks. I just haven't had my period in a long time," "Okay," he nods opening the curtain all the way. He looks down at my legs. "Luc," I shake my head. "You're not talking me out of it," he says taking his shirt off. "Luc, no," I laugh, reaching for the knobs. He stops me pulling me away from them as he gets into the tub. I don't fight him as he raises my arms up so that I can put my hands on the wall. I gasp when slides right in. "It's so f*****g hot and wet," he groans "You're disgusting," I moan. "I can stop," he bites my shoulder and pushes me against the wall. The cold tiles send cold pleasuring ripples through me as he goes deeper. "No, don't stop," I cry out. I can smell the copper scent of my blood thick in the air as he f***s me massaging the aches in my belly. His fingers are digging into my hips hard and it feels amazing. I know this is gross but I can't help but love the way he's making me feel right now. He growls pulling out. I feel him cumming on my back as we both try to catch our breath. "f**k," he reaches around me to grip my breasts. He massages them gently. "We're covered in blood," "In the shower," I remind him. He pulls us under the hot spray and starts washing me. He takes the loofa and cleans us both. "Did you wash your hair?" he asks. "Mhm," I nod. "Okay. I'll get you some Motrin and food. Get ready," he gives my ass a slap as he gets out and walks out into my room. Or as he likes to call it, our room. I get ready for the day and meet him downstairs. He and Carson are waiting for me in the kitchen. There seems to be no one around. "Where is everyone?" I ask. "Sleeping. It was a long night," Carson answers. His elbow is on the counter and he's leaning lazily on his hand while he stirs the coffee in front of him. "Here," Lucien places a glass of water and two pills in front of me. "Are you still bleeding from your head?" Carson leans in to smell me. "No," I take the two tablets and put them on my tongue before drinking the water. Lucien places a plate full of food and some orange juice in front of me. I don't really like to eat this early in the morning but my stomach wants all of it. I take a fork without hesitation and start with the hashbrowns. "I'm on my period," "Oh," he looks over at Lucien. Lucien just smiles at him. "You're sick," "Hmm, she thought so too," he smirks. "But she didn't stop me," I laugh as I continue to eat. "Is it better?" Carson asks. "No, I mean yeah. I don't know. I can't finish when I'm on my period. It kind of hurts," I shrug. "It just builds up and has nowhere to go," Lucien looks me over as if he were thinking about taking on the challenge but I don't think I can do that again. I shake my head and continue eating trying to ignore him. After breakfast, the three of us get in the jeep and head into town for our doctor's appointments. Lucien heads over to the chiropractor's suite. Carson decides he wants to stay in the car. My doctor comes in and she starts asking me questions. She weighs me and compliments me on the four pounds I've gained. She's been wanting me to gain weight for some time now. I'm sure it's just muscle from all the working out I've been doing and I'm not talking about the s*x but that should be included. "No s*x for the next ten days," she tells me. "Most of that time you'll be on your period anyway. If it drags on longer than that, come back," "Everything is fine?" I ask. "Yes, ma'am. How is Ashley doing?" she asks. A little sharp jab pokes my chest at the question. "I have no idea. She hasn't called me back," I answer. James called her every day at first. Now it's once a week. She looks me over and nods. "How has having Delilah back been?" "Good. She's a little skittish about everything but she's doing better. She's finally opening up to me," "That's good. That's really good. She's been attending therapy. Espinosa has been keeping an eye on her," she hands me a lollipop. "Did you two have a fight?" "Me and Del?" "You and David," "Yeah," I nod. "After mom left, I said some pretty f****d up things to him," "You should apologize," "I don't want to," "B.B. I know-" "Vanessa, I don't want to talk to him. I'm not the one that needs to apologize. Just drop it," "Okay," she puts her hands up in surrender. "I'm just saying. You and Del don't have any adult supervision and James doesn't count. He works for you. David cares about you and your sister. Even Lucien and Carson. It's just something to think about," "Okay," I nod. "Okay," she repeats as she wraps my arm. "You're all set," "Thank you," "I'm really proud of you. You know?" she says as I pull my blazer on. I stop and look up at her. "You're doing so good. Your grades. I hear you and Del are going to be class reps. Mrs. H is over the moon about your contributions," "She can use all the help she can get," I shrug. "Don't do that. Don't undermine what you're doing. When Ashley gets back, she'll be really proud of you too," "She's not coming back, Vanessa," I say as I tuck my phone away. "You don't know that. She does this. She needs some time," "You didn't see her," I shrug. "She acted like she was going to be sticking around and then she said goodbye. She's not coming back and even if she wanted to. I don't want her here. My sister doesn't want here either. She can rot where she is for all we care," "Okay," she laughs. "You sound just like Dante. I swear. You're like a mini female version of him," "I'll see you in two weeks, Vanessa," "Dr. Van please," she waves me off. "Dr. Van Burstein?" I laugh. "I know I sound like a vampire hunter. David makes fun of me all the time," she waves me off. "David?" I repeat. Her smile falters. "Are you and Espinosa together?" "Uh," she clears her throat. "We haven't labeled it yet," "Is that why you've been probing?" "B.B. I always probe. Your parents and I grew up together. But yeah, he misses you. He told me you fell apart when she first disappeared. That you went awol and that you found Delilah like that. I know you're hurt, sweetie. He just wants to help," "Sure," I scoff. "Did he tell you we're paying for his campaign too?" "What?" "Oh, yeah. We're paying for his campaign. That's the only reason he's been checking in on Delilah because it's beneficial for us that David becomes mayor. He doesn't care. He probably just feels like he owes us," "I didn't know that," she shakes her head. "But I don't think that makes a difference," "Then you don't know David as well as you think you do," I shrug. "Maybe don't let him in without getting all the details,"

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