We Gotta Be Incognito

1140 Words
La Dispute- Nobody, Not Even The Rain B.B.: By the end of the school day, Rosa was hanging off of Shane as if nothing had happened. Since Delilah is going to be finishing school with me, the two of us signed up for class representation. She wants to be class president and I don't want to do this but I signed in for VP. We're going up against Rosa and her "best friend" Clara Montgomery. While Rosy can be a nightmare, Clara is a Hellbourne princess. Her dad owns half the strip. He's the one that bought out Sheldon's. "Blackstone," Clara sits to my left. Stacy is firmly planted to my right. "Monty, it's been a while," I smile at her. "I hear your crazy ass sister is going to for class pres," she smirks. I roll my eyes letting out a heavy sigh. "Yeah, tagging me in as backup," "Don't sound too excited, emo girl," she laughs but it dies down when she turns to look at me properly. "We need to get rid of her," she whispers. "She doesn't belong here. She keeps talking about her dad coming here. If I were you and Del, I'd kill her," Stacy and I exchanged very worried glances before we look over at her. She gets up and walks to the back of the room before Rosa and Shane walk through the classroom doors. I ignore them as they both walk by. "Uh, that was dark," Stacy chuckles. I nod as I open my class material on my laptop. When the bell rings, we all walk out behind them. Clara is laughing and joking with Rosa as if nothing were wrong. When my eyes meet Clara's she gives me a wink and it doesn't go unnoticed by my sister. "You can't sleep with the competition, Bella. That's my thing," she laughs. "Really? Clara Montgomery?" I glare at her. "Slice of heaven," she smirks. "Been there a couple of times," "And mom thought I had dad's libido," I smack her on the back. "It's the uniforms," she shrugs. "What emo bullshit are you listening to?" "The Plot In You," I answer. "But I've been really into Logic and J.Cole as of late," "b***h, even your rap is emo," she sighs. "Damien is on his way. Clubhouse tonight," "I know. Hey," I stop her as she walks toward Lucien's car. He's been riding with Carson. "Pastor Addams is coming over tonight for dinner. This is kind of important to me," "Tone the Del down. Got it," she smirks. "Is this your first time trying to impress a dad?" "No, second," "Who was the first?" "Rigo's parents," "Right, and according to Lucien they f*****g love you," she laughs. "All right. Best behavior. I promise," "Thank you," I call after her. She gets into Lucien's car and burns out of the parking lot. "Clubhouse today, baby," Lucien wraps his arms around me. I turn around to lean on him. He smells amazing today. He's been using the Dior Homme cologne I got him. I love it. "I know. How are you feeling?" "Better. Nothing a good night's rest and a big breakfast can't cure," he reassures me. "No more back-to-back nights. I can't risk you, Luc. At least until I know how to control it," "Worth it," he bumps his forehead against mine. "Not to me," I kiss him. "You're right. I'm sorry. It was fun though," "Yeah, it was until you passed out," I laugh. He growls digging his fingers into my side. "Clubhouse, lovebirds. Don't be late," Carson says. "Give me a ride," Lucien calls after him. Carson stops looking us over. "You good?" he asks. "Yeah, the girls are picking up their dresses. Stacy and Nat are coming," Lucien points to the entrance. "Do you listen in on all of my conversations?" I ask. "Mhm," he leans in and kisses me. For a second I forget that I'm supposed to be mad at him. "All of them," he reminds me. "You're mine. you don't have the luxury of privacy, B.B. Pick the black and green concept. Mrs. H is doing Harry Potter houses and we're definitely Slytherins," "That was supposed to be a secret," I laugh. "Not to us. My little reaper queen. Don't be late," He pulls away and follows behind Carson. Carson looks back at me and winks as he gets into his car. Stacy and Natalie catch up. They're arguing over what house they think they should be in. "I'm a f*****g Gryffindor," Stacy argues. "b***h, no you're not. You're a straight-up Slytherin," Natalie shakes her head. "How?" "Tell B.B. what you did to get your result," she points at me. "I took the test and got Slytherin the first time so I adjusted my answers and then got Ravenclaw," "Then she went over to Marco who is actually a f*****g Gryffindor and asked him what his answers were so that she could get that result," Natalie adds. "I am a Gryffindor," Stacy repeats. "That's some manipulative Slytherin s**t right there," I agree with Natalie. We both laugh but Stacy doesn't think it's funny. "Why do you even want to be a Gryffindor?" "Fred and George," she answers without hesitation. "I'd pretend to be twins so I can have them both," "You're a f*****g Slytherin, b***h," Natalie laughs. "We should go. If we're late to the clubhouse meeting today, they guys are gonna be pissed," I toss my keys up in the air. Natalie beats Stacy to them. "I am an actual Gryffindor, Stacy. You gotta be quicker than that, sweetie," The sound of music blaring stops us when we walk down the stairs of the school. Decarious pulls up in front of us. Kill Jill blaring from his speakers. I tuck my hands into my blazer pockets and look over at Natalie. I hold up a roll of hundred-dollar bills. "I won't be late," I promise. "That's your ass. Not mine," she shrugs and takes them. "Bros before hoes," Stacy shouts over the music when they walk around the car to get to mine. I get in the car to see him smiling big. "Lil Mama, you got somewhere to be?" he asks turning the music down. "Not for a couple of hours. What do you have in mind?" "It won't take that long. I've got a job to do. Thought you might want to come with," he reaches into the back seat and places a black boutique box on my lap. "Change out of that. Put your hair up. We gotta be incognito," "Yes, sir," I salute him as I push the seat back. I take my blazer off and toss it into the back seat. "Eyes on the road, Dec. We might not be able to die in a car accident but it will seriously hurt,"
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