1590 Words

“Why?” she asked. “What has happened?” “I should have thought you might have guessed. “ “But I have not. I don’t know why you are behaving as you are. Oh, Harry, what have I done wrong?” It was like the cry of a child that had been hurt and instantly Harry turned to her. “For God’s sake, my darling,” he said, “don’t speak like that. I cannot stand it!” Betty was still in sheer surprise and he went on, “I love you! I thought you might have guessed that. If you think I can travel back with you in The Sea Siren without going mad and throwing myself overboard you are very much mistaken!” “So that’s it!” Betty exclaimed in a rapt little voice. “Why did you not tell me so? I love you too, Harry! I have loved you for weeks and have been so unhappy because I thought you were – indifferent t

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