Unplanned (A Kennedy Stern Christian Suspense Novel, #1)

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Request your free novels when you join the Alana Terry Readers’ Club! *** A mysterious phone call will change Kennedy’s life forever. When Kennedy Stern’s childhood pastor asks her to volunteer at his new pregnancy center, she carves time out of her rigorous college schedule to promote the cause of the unborn. After receiving a disturbing call from someone far too young to carry a child, Kennedy can no longer blindly hide behind the pro-life platitudes she grew up believing. She resolves to locate the unknown girl but winds up entrenched in a mystery that grows more convoluted as it unfolds. Soon, Kennedy finds herself a pawn in a deadly game of intrigue, at the mercy of those who consider a few innocent lives a small ransom to pay in exchange for personal and political victory. Praise for Unplanned by Alana Terry "Deals with one of the most difficult situations a center could ever face. The message is powerful and the story-telling compelling." ~ William Donovan, Executive Director Community Pregnancy Center "Alana Terry does an amazing job tackling a very sensitive subject from the mother's perspective." ~ Pamela McDonald, Director Okanogan CareNet Pregnancy Center "Thought-provoking and intense ... Shows different sides of the abortion argument." ~ Sharee Stover, Wordy Nerdy "Alana has a way of sharing the gospel without being preachy." ~ Phyllis Sather, Purposeful Planning Unplanned a novel by Alana Terry The characters in this book are fictional. Any resemblance to real persons is coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form (electronic, audio, print, film, etc.) without the author’s written consent. Unplanned Copyright © 2015 Alana Terry Cover design by Damonza. Scriptures quoted from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. www.alanaterry.com
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