18 - Shopping trip

2174 Words

Melissa The atmosphere in the house was tense this morning. If Jai hadn’t told me what happened last night, I’d wonder why everyone is tip-toeing around. However, Jai told me everything, and I was utterly shocked! Jai explained as we got dressed for the day that we’d be leaving Gray Shadows soon. Two weeks, to be exact. I’m nervous because I don’t know what to expect as a Beta female. As Jai’s mate, I’ll be the female equivalent of his Beta status. I haven’t had time to ask Jai what it all means for me, but I will later. I haven’t spoken to Mom yet, and I’m worried she hasn’t gotten in touch. I don’t have a phone number for her because Mom never had a phone. I can’t mind-link with her because nothing is going through. I’m unsure if our link is blocked because Mom is on Lion territory or

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