11 - Thank you

1451 Words

Melissa A hand on my face wakes me from my dreamless sleep. I open my eyes, realizing someone put me to bed, and smile. “Mom,” Goddess, she looks so healthy and beautiful. She’s wearing a dark green dress with a white jacket. Her hair is loose and curled, and her makeup is light. I’ve never seen my mother look so stunning. I have never seen my mother wearing makeup, but I must say, it suits her. “How did you know I was here?” Mom smiles. “There is nowhere you can go where I won’t find you. You’re in here, you see.” She points to her heart. I smile at that. “Baby girl, I just came to say goodbye.” My heart sinks, and I scramble to sit up. “Goodbye? Why? Where are you going?” Mom takes my hand in her own. “Jessie, Adam, and I are leaving for my father’s Pride.” My jaw drops. Why did

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