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About four and a half years in Brass came back from visiting with a brother on the outside. Walking over to the rest of us, he had a large smile on his face. Sitting down next to me, he slapped me on the back. “I figured it out.” Sighing, I shook my head. Here we go again. “Don’t shake your head at me, boy. I finally figured it out.” The others were now basically sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting for him to say who I looked like. “Knuckles.” At the same time, everyone grew excited. “Holy s**t, you're right. He does. Almost as if he were cloned.” Rock nearly screamed as Brass nodded. “It was so hard to sit there and talk to him and not just f*****g blurt it out.” Razer shook his head. “Fuckin hell. Exact f*****g match. From the brown hair, brown eyes, f*****g spotless f*****g tan, build, everything. Hell, both of them even jailed for beating some jackass nearly to death.” Brass laughed loudly, slapping my back again. “Oh damn, I forgot about that. Oh man, kid, too bad you didn’t have some sweet young thing to write a letter to the parole board on your behalf to get you out early as he did.” Shaking my head, I was sure they were messing with me now.  Clearing his throat, Brass got himself under control after a few more minutes of comparing me with Knuckles. “Anyway, kid, when you're out, you should look him up. He’s a good seed. I can tell you if he had known about you, he would have fought for ya.” I nodded. Brass had no reason to lie. I would keep the name in mind and maybe look him up one day. Probably not because I was a f*****g chicken, but I wouldn't tell Brass or the others that. “Anyway, Knuckles has a request for us. He needs us to talk with Gates over there. A message from Gates' son who just so happens to be a brother.” Nodding, we all grew serious. A fellow brother was asking for our help getting a message to another inmate. We would do it. Standing, we all followed Brass over as he led the way over to Gates. He was an older guy, maybe in his forties or so. He was here when I arrived, and my understanding was he would be here for a while longer. “Gates.” The guy looked worried as we surrounded him. “We need you to add a name to your visitation list.” Looking around at all of us, he looked confused. “And why would I do that?” Brass Shrugged his shoulders, “Because it would be in your best interest. Brandon McConnell. Add the name. He will be by soon to see ya.” We waited long enough for him to nod his understanding before leaving him alone. Heading over to the weights for our daily workout. As we approached, the other guys slowly moved out of the way, making room for us. It wasn’t like we went around enforcing our dominance. But the MC has always had members on the inside, and well, we have always run the prison. Others have tried, but it always seems to come back to the MC.  Things were routine in prison. We got up, had breakfast, went to whatever job assignment they had for us, went outside in the yard, worked out, had dinner, then went to bed. In between, we would play cards, smoke cigarettes to help curve our cravings for real food, or sit and bullshit. That was the day in and day out. Nothing hardly ever changed. Every so often, one of us would get a visitor breaking up the day. By the time I was down to six months left, Brass came back from another visit from Knuckles. Again with a message for Gates. Again we followed him as he walked over to the guy. “Gates.” Looking up from his book, he took in the fact that we were basically invading his cell space. “Yes?” Brass held out a piece of paper. “You will need this when you go see the counselor before your release.” Slowly he sat up, taking the paper from Brass. As he opened it up, I was able to make out a couple of things, like they had a job for the guy waiting for him. If there were questions, there was a number listed. I could only hope that when I am up for release, the MC helps me out just as much in six months. Not waiting for him to respond, we followed Brass back down to the commons area. Taking up our normal table until we were sent back to our cells for the night.  Two months later, I got my answer as to if the MC would help me as much as they would a brother's father. Walking into the visitation room, I found Bones waiting for me with a slightly worried look on his face. Sitting across from him, I couldn't help but worry about what he was here to tell me. "Bones, your poker face sucks. What's going on?" Sighing, he shook his head. "You're right. I should work on that. Now before I get into it, I need you to listen until the end." Sighing, I nodded and tried not to think the worst. Which I was sure was the guys decided after everything to vote me out. Bones took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "First, I need you to know when I said the club would take care of you while you were here, and after your release, I meant it. The problem is Danny and your mom decided to move to town after everything. With how small the town is, you know keeping your distance from either of them will be next to impossible. And we aren't exactly set up like some of the larger chapters. I can't guarantee you a job." Sighing, I nodded. Still trying not to think the worst. "And well, we would rather have you on the outside. So I put out a few feelers with some of the other chapters. Even though I would rather you come back with us, one of the other chapters said they could set you up not only with a job but a place to live. It would mean a transfer, but we could still take care of ya." Sighing, I nodded. I could deal with a new town and definitely not being anywhere near Danny or my mom. "Is that what you were worried about telling me. s**t, man, I thought you were going to say I was out." Bones looked slightly shocked, "you're not pissed I'm shipping you off to another chapter?" I shrugged, "why would I? Sure would I prefer to go back home? Yeah. But if they are in town, I wouldn't be out more than twenty-four hours. You know it, and I know it. So which chapter is taking in strays?" Relief filled his face as he pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. "Good. Your contact will be Rooster. He has his boys set up real well. He says he can work you out of his auto body shop. His boys make more money working security out of his nightclubs, but you won't be able to work shifts there per your probation stipulations. But he can make sure you get paid well enough until your probation is done. He also said above the shop is a small studio apartment. It's yours if you want it. It's nothing fancy, but it's a roof over your head." On the paper was Rosters contact information. Job information along with the address for the autobody shop and apartment. Everything I would need to report before I left. And the bonus, job already set up. "Thanks, Bones." Smiling, he nodded. And with that, I was set. I wouldn't be going back to my hometown. But let's be honest, it was for the best. I have come a long way with controlling my anger, but I couldn't make any promises that the next time I wouldn't actually kill Danny if I ever saw him again. So a new town upon my release and a new start. Brass assured me I would enjoy working with Rooster and his guys. He said out of all the chapters aside from the original, joining with Roosters’ guys, my chances of making it was high.  A few weeks before my release, Bones came back to let me know all the things he had stored for me were waiting for me in my new place. My bike was also taken to the clubhouse, where Rooster and the rest were holding onto it for me. Overall I was excited and couldn't wait to be on the outside again. But, at the same time, I was nervous. These guys were allowing me to transfer to their chapter, and I didn't know much about them. All I knew was the little bit that Bones and Brass had told me. None of that told me if the guys would have an issue with my lack of interest in women. I knew from experience that not all members were ok with having a fellow member that was gay. To me, I didn't see why it should matter. But for some, it did matter. And not all were shy about their dislike for a gay man. Now that's not to say all members were against it. There was a good amount that didn't give a s**t. One less guy to compete with gaining the attention of a beautiful woman.
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