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Dominic The decision to not join the MC and follow in my father’s footsteps and my older brothers was based on many reasons. The biggest was the reaction my father had to me coming out at sixteen. I knew before then that I wasn’t into girls and preferred guys. Unlike some, I didn’t try and convince myself otherwise. I didn’t bother having a girlfriend. There was no point, and I know it. There was no reason to waste a girl's time. I already knew I didn’t enjoy looking at a woman's body. So there was no reason to deny what I already knew. And at sixteen, I simply decided to tell my parents. My mother gave the reaction I knew she would. She didn’t care who I loved. I was still her baby. My father, on the other hand, wasn’t so open. He still isn’t. Our relationship was never as good as it once was. And over the years, it didn’t seem to change nearly as much as his relationship with Jax. My father simply chose to ignore the fact I had relationships with guys. Never talking about who I was seeing or what I was up to as far as that part of my life. And well, I found it easier that way. He was still my father and didn’t outright hate me or turn me away. He was still present in my life. He was never rude or anything like that to my boyfriends if ever he was in the same room as them. But he also didn’t go out of his way to speak with them. Unlike my father, who had been perfectly fine with my decision not to join the MC, Jax was slightly disappointed. Although he understood the choice, he still wished I would have joined him and Gears, our best friend, in joining. The two of them have been the most supportive besides my mother. I honestly don’t know what I would do without them sometimes. I would do anything for them just as they would me. And even though I wasn’t an official member of the MC, many of the guys in town were the same way. I knew all the members and hung out with a good amount of them. And so long as events didn’t include official business, I always got an invite.  So when Jax told me they were expecting a member from another chapter, and I wouldn’t get to meet him for a month after he transferred, I was bummed. I was a social person and loved meeting new people. It was one of the things that made me love my job at the science museum. But in order to keep that job sometimes, I had to go out of town. And well, since I was set to go overseas to England for a couple of weeks for the museum, I also took a couple of weeks for myself. I needed it after breaking up with my long-time boyfriend. Well, I should say he broke up with me. His reasoning being he didn’t think we were going anywhere, and we weren’t into the same things, which was true. I mean, he was into some nineteen-year-old who wasn’t really sure if he was gay or bisexual or really what he was. So I guess in the end, it was his loss and my gain. Then, a week into my trip, I heard from a friend that the nineteen-year-old had already moved on from my ex, leaving him for a woman. I was happy he got his heart broken in some ways, and in others, I felt bad for him. He was so sure he was leaving me for the one, only to find out it just wasn’t meant to be. So being away when it all happened was probably a good thing for me. I know if he had turned up on my doorstep so soon after dumping me, I would have taken him back. But having a full month to get over him, I was good. I was ready to move on, actually. And getting to spend time in England was amazing. But I was ready to head home.  Well, that was after stopping by the autobody shop that the MC owned to let my brother know I was back. Could I have called or texted him? Sure. But I hadn’t seen him in a month and missed him. The two of us were close, and I knew even if I simply called or texted, he would show up at my doorstep, most likely with Gears as well, to see me. And once I got home, I planned on sleeping off the plane ride and not being bothered. I didn’t have to be back to work until Monday, and with it only being Thursday, a good sleep would be nice. Then maybe go out and see if I could find myself a new man. Pulling my car into the parking lot, I made sure to park off to the side, so I wasn’t in their way as they moved cars around. Climbing out of my car, I was greeted by Jax. He must have seen me pulling in and came out to meet me. “Dom, when did you get back in town?” Smiling, I embraced him as we hugged. “Just now, I thought I would come by and say hi.” Just as we let each other go, I was attacked from behind as Gears jumped on me. “DOM. How was it? Tell us all about it? Meet anyone new?” I shook my head, “No...it was awesome. I needed the break...and you really don’t want to hear all about it. A good chunk of it was work stuff, and you don’t really care about all that.” Letting me go, he nodded, “You're right. I will let you tell Clara all about that. She will eat that s**t up.” I couldn’t help but laugh. Clara was his old lady and had grown up with all of us. Out of our whole group, she was the only one other than me into the science stuff. She even became a science teacher.  The three of us stood next to my car, getting caught up with each other. Gears told me about the new guy and how he was quick and way better at changing oil and rotating tires and all that than Jax ever was. But my full attention wasn’t on what Gears was saying. The sight of the new guy stepping out of the garage with a couple of the other guys had me distracted. He was cute. Damn cute. He was so cute that even when he lit up a cigarette, I was willing to overlook it. I wasn’t really into guys who smoked, but I was willing to make an exception for him. Jax’s arm landed hard on my shoulders, pulling my attention back to him and Gears. “Want an introduction or want just to stand here and drool?” Instinctively I reached up, whipping at my mouth, making sure I wasn’t really drooling, which I wasn’t. “NO.” My voice came out more forcefully than I meant it to and way louder than I definitely meant it to. Gaining the attention of not only the new guy but the other two guys he was talking to. Both Gears and Jax burst out laughing along with the two guys the new guy was talking to. Pushing Jax’s arm off my shoulder, I glared at both him and Gears. “You both are assholes.” Both of them laughed harder, nodding their heads in agreement. Slowly they got themselves under control, Jax throwing his arm back around my shoulders. “Oh, come on, Dom, who knows maybe he is your one.” I shook my head, “He is a club member.” Both of them shrugged together, “that may be so, but he is definitely not into girls. Maybe you are more his type?” Again I shook my head. “I highly doubt that.” Gears shared a look with Jax a moment, then nodded. “Fine, we won't introduce the two of you yet. How about, since you are back in town, you come over, and we can all get together for dinner Saturday. I am sure the girls would love to see you, and the kids have all been missing their uncle Dom.” Sighing, I nodded. I am sure they will also be inviting the new guy, but that didn’t mean he would be showing up. But at the mention of getting to see my niece and nephews, I would show up anyway. And besides, it would be nice to also see Clara and Sophia, Jax’s old lady.
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