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Knuckles While Clara and Jay ran to the store for some last-minute items Gunner wanted, I volunteered myself to help Axel with the quadruplets. I couldn’t imagine taking care of four babies at the same time. But he and Lizzy have gotten pretty good at it even in just the couple of months since the four were born. Even still, it took more than one to get them all fed and changed quickly. And I offered to help so Lizzy could spend more time with her brother. I know I give Gears a hard time, but he was a good kid. Always had been. And honestly, I couldn’t think of a better guy to take care of Clara. Actually, both my girls had done well for themselves.  Standing over by the window, I fed one of the baby girls for Axel while he worked on changing the other. As I fed the babies for Axel, I wa

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