A dead squirrel

1141 Words

Chapter Seventeen – A dead squirrel. Scott looked around the hole for the last time before concluding that it was dead. A shiver ran down his spine but he tightened his fists and walked away. Some animals came to him but he just moved like he didn’t know what happened. A small bird perched on his hair, trying to call his attention, but he brushed it away. They’d be all the curious on what killed the squirrel. It was a normal thing to die in the forest but not in this case. Whatever killed the squirrel was surely not a normal animal. The squirrel was old and weakly and such animals are usually left to die before eaten. It was among the Alpha’s law of the jungle. So whoever did that was an intruder. And could possibly not be an animal as there isn’t even footsteps or carcasses left

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