Chapter Two

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Clara raced to the mirror, "Jesus, Mom is gonna kill me!" she whispered frantically. Leslie snickered at her sister's predicament, "You know, I heard that a really cold spoon will help with those." The young girl tried to sound nonchalant and worldly. "Right, like we just keep spoons in the freezer," Clara retorted. Layla looked at Clara, "You're what, twenty-one? What is Mom gonna care? You are a whole adult," she reminded her sister. The young girl's eyes widened in surprise, "You didn't do that, did you? Ugh, you're so gross. With him?" She threw her head back and rolled her eyes. Clara smiled at her youngest sister's reaction to the thought of having s*x. "You keep it that way too, Missy," she said, shaking her finger at Layla before turning to the mirror image on Layla's left, "That goes for you too. And how did you figure out that those would help?" "Social Media," Leslie said with a giggle. "That and you'll need like green make-up." "For what?" Clara asked, "So I can look like Shrek?" It was Layla's turn to roll her eyes, "No, dufus, green is opposite reds on the color wheel, it'll cancel it out. And you're gonna need it." The girl's mother came in, "Don't call your sister a Dufus," she scolded. "Clara, really?" she asked, giving her eldest daughter a pointed look. "What if your dad had seen that?" Clara's mother pointed at her daughter's neck. Clara's hand slapped her neck, "Mom, I'm sorry," she started, blushing furiously at the thought of her father seeing the evidence of her little impromptu romp. Her mother smiled as she shook her head, "It's about time, young lady. Are we going to meet your mate soon, then I take it?" Clara swallowed nervously. Her parents were extremely old-fashioned when it came to mates and s*x. "Uh, soon Mom, I promise." The flustered young woman thought quickly, "I got the girls to finally agree on a party theme," she told her mother, hoping that this would change her focus back to something other than who she'd just boned. "Oh," a relieved smile spread across her mother's face, "And what would that be?" Clara and her sisters quickly filled their mother in on the party plans, and she nodded the whole time. "Finally! You girls can agree on something! And this idea sounds like a lot of fun. Would you like to make it a costume party? Encourage all your friends to dress up?" "OOHH, that sounds like fun!" the twins agreed, clapping their hands excitedly. "What do you think, Clara?" The older sister smiled, "That sounds like a lot of fun." She yawned and stretched her lithe body, looking up at the clock on the wall and noting the time, "But I am exhausted. It's been a long day." She hugged her mother and sisters, "And I have to go to work early tomorrow, so I'm going to bed." As Clara walked away from the women in her family, her mother called, "And tell Jaxton, thank you for the idea when you see him tomorrow." "I will," Clara said absentmindedly as she continued to her room. She shut the door and paused. She'd never mentioned Jaxton's name tonight. She leaned her head against the wooden door as the realization dawned on her, "Dammit, Jaxton." This just caused a whole new set of problems. Her parents think her best friend is her mate. She ran a finger through her hair and shook her head before stripping down, changing into her nightgown, and climbing into her bed. Her mind was filled with confusing thoughts about what she wanted. Did she want a life as a chosen mate, or should she wait for her fated mate? Jaxton was an alpha and should have his goddess-fated mate, not try to rush something with her. ********************** Jaxton pulled the pillow from his impromptu escapade with Clara closer to him as he breathed in her sweet scent. She'd always smelled good to him, but not mate pull good. That had disappointed him from the day he'd turned eighteen. He lay on his bed holding the pillow, staring at the ceiling, hoping he hadn't ruined the one great thing that he'd had in his whole life. Every other girl in the pack had tried to get with him, and while he'd easily slept with a few of them, he had imagined they were Clara as they were beneath him. He smiled, nothing had prepared him for the fact that she'd been a virgin. She gave him a piece of her that no one else would ever have. He picked up his cell phone and texted Clara, "Hey, are you okay?" "Yep." followed by a thumbs-up emoji. Jaxton couldn't help but think about her naked beneath him, it was better than he'd imagined, and the thought got him hard again. "Send me a pic?" he asked as his hand drifted to his lengthening member. His phone pinged, and he opened it to see her smiling face shining back at him. Her dark hair was splayed across her white pillowcase, he could see the hickey he'd placed on her neck, right where she would be marked. "Can I have another one?" As his hand moved up and down his shaft, thinking about his best friend and their stolen moment. The phone barely pinged when he opened the conversation, and he laughed at the image she'd sent. It was nearly identical to the earlier one, this time, though, her tongue was out and her eyes were crossed. "Mom said thanks for the idea, the girls love it. Now, I'm going to sleep, Jax." It was followed by a sleeping emoji and a moon. He sighed, he couldn't ask her for what he wanted from her, so he settled on sending her a kissing emoji and the sleeping emoji back. Then the bewildered alpha-to-be settled on letting his memory of his evening with Clara guide him as he brought himself to completion, and then settled into his bed to sleep. Tomorrow, he would ask her again to become his chosen Luna. As Jax closed his eyes, he prayed for a good night's sleep, filled with dreams of Clara. His phone beeped one more time. "And you still have balloon duty." Jax drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face. At least she wasn't angry with him. ******************* Clara rolled her eyes, "That boy is a pain in my ass," she muttered, "bothering me about pictures like he doesn't have any of us." Clara's wolf, Ebony, chuckled in her mind, 'That wasn't the type of picture he wanted, Clara.' Her human was still quite naive for being twenty-one. "What?!" Clara exclaimed, "We're best friends!" The realization dawned on her of what Jaxton was asking her for. 'That just had s*x,' Ebony said laughing. "That was a mistake!" Clara groaned, "Why did I let him do that? Now, I'm just another notch in the alpha's belt." 'I wouldn't say that,' her wolf said calmly. 'Maybe you should take him as your chosen mate. We haven't found ours yet.' Clara shook her head firmly, "No, Jaxton deserves his fated mate. Not me, I'm just a gamma's daughter." 'And a damn good she-wolf. Don't sell yourself short," Ebony admonished her human. The confused woman pulled her spare pillow closer to her chest, "He deserves more." 'You could be that more,' Ebony said. She wanted a mate too, even if it was a chosen one. And Jaxton's wolf was large and protective. He's proven himself to be a fair leader. What's not to love? Clara shook her head, "No, I deserve more too. I deserve what my mother and father have. A fated love, and he's out there somewhere." 'Fine,' Ebony agreed, 'I'll help you wait.' Even if she didn't want to wait that long. 'Let's hope the moon goddess blesses us soon.'
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