Chapter 21: Fathers and daughters

2282 Words
Things were pretty calm and quiet, I wasn’t off killing anyone, and neither was Nick, even work was easy. When we sat down the kids and explained, they were all excited except for Luna, she played the part, but I knew she was pretending to be happy. When the others went off to play, I found her in her room. “What’s up?” I asked, barging in. “You have to knock first!” She sulked. “Right, sorry.” I went back out and knocked the door. “Come in!” I went in and asked again, “what’s wrong?” Romulus always thought I was the worst person to send to talk to the kids, but Rose and even Fenris thought I was the best, not because it was a f.ucking compliment to me about how good I was with kids, but because they thought I talked to them like any other kid would, I was on their f.ucking level and that made them find it easier to open up to me. Pfft. “Nothing’s wrong,” she looked down at her hands, wringing them nervously like her mum did. “I feel like something’s up, but if you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to.” I went over to her drawings, little stick figures and flowers, she was possessive as s.hit over her drawings. I touched one, and she yelled, “don’t touch them!” “I want to see them.” I flicked through a couple more, and she growled in frustration. “I don’t want the baby to come!” I turned back to her and went over, bending down to her level. “Why not?” She shrugged, and more gently I said, “talk to me, and maybe I can help.” “Get rid of it?” She asked hopefully. I tried not to laugh, in her mind, get rid of meant tossing away like one of her broken dolls, she didn’t understand what she was saying, she was only four. “No, tell me why you don’t want a new baby brother or sister.” A tear slid down her cheek and she quietly mumbled, “Nick is my daddy, but you’re not, or Fenris, or Rom Rom. I’m the odd one out, and now another baby is coming, and you’ll all love me even less. I’ll have no more attention from you, and even now, I only get a little bit.” She started sobbing, I hadn’t been expecting that. “Aw, baby, come here.” I sat on the floor and pulled her into my lap and held her. “I love you so f.ucking much.” “That’s a bad word!” “Ssh, don’t tell mummy.” She narrowed her eyes at me, but nodded. “I love you Luna, as much as I love your brother and your sisters, you’re my baby girl as much as you’re Nicks, alright?” She shrugged. “Fenris loves you too and so does Rom Rom, if you’d like, you could even start calling us daddy if you wanted to, we all see you as our little girl too, you’re not the odd one out, darling.” “I am, Elena, Anita, and Lucas get cuddled lots and kissed lots more than me, Fenris doesn’t like me.” I stroked her hair. “Don’t say that babe, Fenris loves you, he’s just a moody f-uh-guy, he’s moody with everyone.” “Not Elena, or Anita, or Lucas.” She folded her arms and leaned her back against my chest. “You know, you’re not the odd one out, guess why?” “Why?” “Anita is mine, but Elena is Rom Rom’s and Lucas is Fenris’ we aren’t all their daddies, but it doesn’t matter because we love them all the same, and we love you the same.” “Why do they call all of you, daddy?” “I just told you, we love them all the same, and they see us all as their daddies.” “I can call you daddy?” “Of course you can.” She thought about it and then said, “ok…daddy.” She grinned up at me. “Love you baby girl,” I kissed the top of her head and she seemed better until she looked back at me. “Fenris? He doesn’t like me much.” “Of course he does. Hold on.” I got up and put her on her feet and went and opened her door. “Fenris!” Werewolf hearing meant he’d hear me even in this big house. “Ow!” Luna covered her ears. A few minutes later, Fenris came up looking p.issed. “What? I was working.” “Luna thinks you don’t like her.” He frowned at me, “what?” “Tell him,” I said to her. She grew shy and bashful and tried hiding behind me. “What’s wrong Luna?” Fenris asked, struggling to keep the cold tone out of his voice. I glared at him, but he genuinely looked confused. She tugged on my pants leg and whispered, “you tell him.” She kept her face hidden behind my leg. “Luna is scared about the baby coming, she thinks that means we will love her less and give her less attention because we aren’t her real daddies.” When I stopped talking, she tugged my leg, so I carried on. “And she thinks you hate her, she thinks you love the others more and don’t like her because you give them more affection.” He rose an eyebrow, and then he looked around me at her, and his face softened. Walking in, he came over to her and bent down. “You really think I don’t like you?” She shrugged, still not making eye contact with him. He tugged her away from me and pulled her into his arms. “I’m grumpy and moody I know, but of course I love you sweetheart, you’re as much my baby girl as the others, ok?” She shrugged again, and he pulled back to look her in the eyes. “Luna, I love you, I always will just as much as your siblings, I love you all the same, and if you ever want to, you can call me daddy too. Ok?” She nodded slowly. “Good,” he kissed her cheek. “I’ll try and show you more affection, it’s not that I don’t want to, but your daddy Nick can be a little too protective,” he smiled. She smiled too, “that’s true,” she whispered. “Why don’t you come with me to my office? I’ll make some phone calls, and you can use the computer to draw something on there.” “Yes!” She grinned, and jumped up and down. Laughing, he held her hand and walked out, and I followed them. Romulus ruffled her hair when we got downstairs. “Rom, tell her,” I said. “Tell her what?” “That you love her, she doesn’t think we do.” He looked at her with a mock horrified face. “What! How dare you think that! Get here!” He grabbed her up into a big hug and spun her around making her giggle, holding her, he said, “you don’t really believe that nonsense, do you?” “It’s not nonsense!” She pouted. “It so is, that’s the most silliest thing I’ve ever heard! How could anyone not love you! I love you so much, my heart wants to burst!” He put her down and clutched his heart dramatically. “Uh oh, I think it’s going to burst!” He said. Giggling, she yelled, “how can we stop it!” “I—I don’t know! You better say something! Quick!” He fell to his knees dramatically and laughing, she yelled, “uh, I, I don’t know, oh! I love you too, Rom Rom!” He pretended to wipe sweat from his forehead and slowly stood back up. “Phew, that was close, you can’t doubt our love ever again, ok?” “Ok!” She giggled. He kissed the back of her hand and said, “have fun with Fenris sweetie.” Now she was sorted, I checked on Anita quick, she was thirteen, but also had autism, she’d been mostly nonverbal, and it was only around now that she was using a few more words, her mind was more of a nine year old and she still needed help with things like getting dressed and brushing her teeth. I found her in the playroom trying to read while the other pack members kids were being loud and noisy as they played. I could see her getting agitated, and she threw the book on the floor. “Hey, beautiful, why don’t you come with daddy and read in your room where it’s quiet?” It took some coaxing, but I picked her book up and held her hand, leading her out. There were little set routines she liked, so as we went into her room, she pushed my hand up to the light switch, I switched it on and then off again, we always had to do this, I didn’t know why, but I did it. She went and sat on the edge of the bed and handed me her pyjamas. “You don’t need to get ready for bed yet, it’s only six, darling.” “Daddy dress!” She shoved the clothes in my hands. Sighing, I replied, “alright.” I pulled her top off for her while she lifted her arms, I stupidly left the bedroom door open, like her mum she had a big chest, and had to wear bras, she didn’t take any notice, but I turned my head and saw Robert staring at her. I growled inhumanly, and he quickly rushed off, for a minute I lost control and went out yelling down to him, “I’ll f.ucking find you in a minute you disgusting c.unt!” I was still growling when I went back and slammed the door shut. Anita was scared and covered her ears with her hands, she wouldn’t make eye contact with me, which wasn’t unusual, but recently, she’d been doing it a lot more. I bent down in front of her, “I’m sorry baby girl, daddy got mad, but not at you, I love you.” I kissed her chastely on the lips and grabbed her pyjama top quickly pulling it over her head, she lifted her arms and helped put them in the sleeves. “Good girl.” I tried to get her to take her own trousers off, we all tried to encourage her, but as usual, she started getting upset. “Alright, baby, I’ll do it.” I’d just scared her, so I didn’t feel like pushing her into anything right now. She stepped out of the trousers and I pulled her other ones up for her. She tugged my hand and made me sit on the bed like she often did, then she climbed onto my lap and curled up against me while she read. It was the most affection you could really get from her, so I enjoyed every second, I never took anything for granted. I played softly with her hair and lightly tickled her arm, even now, she still enjoyed that. About an hour later, Caleb came in and gave us a weird look. “What?” I snarled. “Uh, nothing.” “Clearly it’s f.ucking something, spit it out.” “It’s just, isn’t she a bit old to be on your lap with you tickling her arm? It’s a bit weird.” Rage filled me, but I didn’t want to scare her again, she hadn’t even glanced up at him. “It’s not weird.” “It is, she’s massive.” I glared at him, i knew what he meant, she was still very fussy with her food and would rarely eat anything healthy, beige foods were a favorite and dry foods. She was overweight, and it made her look a little older for her age. “F.uck off Caleb, I’m allowed to cuddle up with my daughter, you know she’s special needs, there’s nothing weird about it.” It’s almost like he forgot sometimes about her, and he nodded as if remembering. “Oh, right, yeah.” It was difficult explaining yourself to ignorant people who didn’t understand, but f.uck them, if I wanted to cuddle up with her, I would. “What the f.uck did you want?” I asked. “Fenris told me to get you, think he wants someone punished.” His voice trembled saying the word punished, he’d experienced my punishments before, my job as the enforcer meant I punished, alright, t.ortured, pack members who stepped out of line, or anyone outside the pack who broke any agreements we made with them. “Alright, get Rose for me.” He went off and Rose came in a few minutes later. “Can you take over?” I asked her. Anita ignored me, but I didn’t care, I gave her lots of silly kisses and whispered, “I love you, baby.” I moved her off and she got a little upset, but Rose took over and Anita quickly climbed into her lap. I leaned down and kissed Rose lingeringly on the lips. “Love you, darling.” “Love you,” she grinned.

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