Chapter 9:Escape

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Five days they left me in that cage. Chantelle came down on the fifth day to bring me some food. “How are you, Jax?” She smiled. “Great, darling.” I was sat leaning back against the wall on the cold concrete floor, one arm draped over my bent up knee, dried blood all over me, I was just f.ucking dandy. Chantelle was a simple girl, not stupid, but easy and predictable, she’d sleep with anything she could, maybe I could use that. I stood up and held on to the bars as I looked through them at her. “You look pretty today, darling.” “Thanks,” she blushed, and twirled her blonde hair in her fingers. “You smell good too, come here.” I knew she’d come, werewolves got excited by violence and danger, they weren’t f.ucked up like I was, but the females were always attracted to the danger of me. She came over, and I murmured, “I’d kiss you, but the bars kind of ruin the mood.” “You want to kiss me?” She flirted. “Darling, I want to do so much more than just kiss you right now. Get in here.” She looked hesitant. “Your dad would kill me.” “Nah he won’t, come on.” “Are you really interested in me?” She asked. Fair enough question seeing as I’d never paid her much attention before, she was more Fenris’ girl, they didn’t date, but he liked f.ucking her. I thought about my last murder to help, and then said, “touch it and see for yourself.” I pressed my groin up against the bars, and she cupped my d.ick, feeling I had an e.rection. “Ok,” she grinned. She grabbed the keys and unlocked the door and came in. I wasn’t a complete monster, I’d give her what she wanted, then I’d knock her out after. I wasn’t expecting her to be so f.ucking k.inky. We kissed and touched, and she asked me to s.pank her, I slapped her hard and asked, “good enough?” “Harder,” she moaned. I s.panked her hard enough to leave welts, then she wanted me pulling her hair. I pulled it hard, tilting her head back while I fingered her p.ussy. “You’re a dirty b.itch, aren’t ya,” I murmured. She nodded and moaned, “maybe you should clean me up.” I grabbed her throat and slapped her face. “Clean you up how?” “P.iss on me,” she panted. F.uck, she was turning me on. I had to wait for my e.rection to go down, and then I pulled my d.ick out and started p.issing on her. “You like that?” She nodded. “Good, f.ucking drink it.” She f.ucking did too. “Good girl darling, you belong to me now, got it?” She nodded, and moved herself so I was p.issing on her face and over her t.its. When I was finished, I w.anked and came on her too. I ate her p.ussy and made her come, then I knocked her out when she wasn’t expecting it, I grabbed her head and smacked the back of it against the metal bars. She’d told Rose a less truthful version of this story, trying to hurt Rose by making out we’d been in my bedroom, and it had been more than it what it was. Wasn’t true, I was never really interested in her, I was just using her to break out, that was the truth, then I’d knocked her the f.uck out. I snuck out of the house and stayed away for a couple of weeks, I behaved too, didn’t kill anyone. Annie was in her own place and dating someone, a human someone, but like me, she was stubborn and didn’t listen to dad’s rule of not dating humans. I went to hers, and she let me stay for a bit, she was awesome like that, she never judged me, and she always had my back when I needed her. She’d adopted a baby girl and called her Lisa, she was seven now, and with long blonde hair and blue eyes, you’d never think she wasn’t Annie’s real daughter. Annie had transitioned as soon as she could, these days you’d never know she was ever called Andrew, she had long blonde hair, blue eyes, flawless makeup and always wore dresses and high heels, classy. I didn’t like her boyfriend, he was averagely good looking, polite, maybe a little overly friendly at times, nothing screamed alarm bells, but I just had this gut instinct. I tried to brush it off, told myself I’d spent too much f.ucking time hunting predators, and now I saw them everywhere. Besides a grunt of acknowledgement when he would say hello, I basically avoided him. I went out to get the rest of my tattoo sleeve done, I’d decided to have one not to look cool or edgy, but just for myself. I liked the artist’s work, and having a design of angels and the war in heaven on my arm made me somehow feel closer to God. Maybe I’d skipped that part about why I got into religion, partly it was Rosie, she’d told me she went to church every Sunday, and she was scared she’d get in trouble if she didn’t get back in time and missed it. After she died, I looked up everything about God, even went to church a few times just to see what it was like, I liked the peace, and it also reminded me of Rosie, I liked to believe she was with God now, it helped me through the grief and most werewolves believed in the goddess Selene or the god Thoth, so I added God to that list because why the f.uck not. The following week, I was coming back with some food shopping when Romulus bumped into me. “Jax? Where the f.uck have you been?” I tried not to sneer at the blonde bimbo on his arm, I swear he had a new girlfriend every f.ucking week, he wasn’t loyal to them either, if he was out and saw another hot girl he wanted, he’d f.uck her, he had been such a d.ick back then, Rose was literally the only woman he’d ever been loyal to. “None of your business,” I replied, I wasn’t telling him jack s.hit, he’d probably go tattling to mum, he had always been a bit of a mummy’s boy. “Miserable f.uck, I was only asking.” “And I told you, none of your f.ucking business.” “And there I was wondering if you’d like to share Cherry here.” I looked at the blonde and then back to him. “Seriously? Cherry’s her f.ucking name? What’s that? A strippers name?” “It’s my real name!” She pouted at me. “I bet you lost that cherry long ago, though, didn’t you.” “Jax, stop being a d.ick,” Romulus snapped. “It’s ok, I like the bad boys, the hard to get ones,” she smiled at me. “Not interested,” I said, but caught myself staring at the woman behind them walking by. Romulus looked to see who I was looking at and grinned. “Ah, you like her? I can get her instead if you prefer?” I wasn’t even surprised, and sighed, “you know her too, don’t you.” “Yep,” he jogged over to her, while miss Cherry here stood awkwardly and unsure of what to do, that made me feel bad, it must suck to have your boyfriend go ditch you for someone hotter for him and his brother to play with. When she looked down at the floor, that did it for me, I had an irritating soft spot for girls when they got all sad and meek. “You’ll join us, right?” I asked her. She looked up at me as if wondering if I was actually talking to her, when she realised I was, she nodded, and smiled a small smile. Why was I agreeing to join Rom? I don’t f.ucking know, I wasn’t even in the mood, but the exotic looking woman he brought over sure was f.ucking hot. They were both werewolves like us, but we didn’t bring them back to the pack house, I was hiding out and wasn’t going back there just for dad to lock me up again. We booked a hotel room and as we entered, I realised how sleazy this was, I know it sounded weird when I had an open relationship with Zara and met other lovers, but I honestly wasn’t really into all this s.hit, sleeping around and stuff, I was still a virgin, but I’d basically done everything else. I did have needs, sometimes I craved being hurt and dominated, and other times I craved to dominate and hurt in return, but mostly, I think I just did it because I didn’t want to be alone. I wanted a mate, but I was terrified of being hurt again, so the most I allowed myself was a night in the arms of some woman, a bit of company when it got too lonely. Once or twice I’d let a guy suck me off I’d met at a bar, we’d go down the alleyway or even the toilets, I didn’t care, some nights I was just too horny, werewolves liked a lot of s.ex, but I only liked my men submissive, pfft, then again, I guess I like my women submissive too, that’s why I always fell for the sweet shy innocent ones, the geekier, the better too, don’t ask why, it just f.ucking did it for me. I loved that whole good girl thing, I’d never been into the bad girls, to play around with sure, but I’d never date one, which was f.ucking hypocritical of me when I guess I was a bad boy myself, if killing monsters could really be classed as bad, I didn’t think it did, but apparently that was just me. I won’t lie, we were dirty b.astards before Rose came along, Romulus was always horny and f.ucking everything in sight. I was, well, I don’t f.ucking know, both lonely and horny, I guess, Fenris wasn’t really interested in f.ucking as much as me and Romulus, he liked his own company, so he didn’t get lonely like I did, and he wasn’t as s.ex mad as Rom, but when he was in the mood he would usually f.uck Chantelle, or whoever showed interest at that time. I think he found it as sleazy as I did though, because in the end, he started dating some girl called Paige from another pack, gorgeous girl, massive t.its that Rom could never stop staring at. It was always easy for Fenris, everything always seemed to fall into place for him, and sometimes I think it was because of who he was, he was quietly confident, he didn’t feel the need to prove himself or show off, he didn’t care if people wanted to hang out with him or not, he enjoyed his own company, and I think that sort of rubbed off on others around him, they were drawn to that. I knew why Rom struggled, he could get any girl he wanted, but everyone knew he was a f.ucking dog, he wasn’t loyal, and he’d use the s.hit out of you, so most girls stayed away, the good girls, he always got the bad girls, but I guess that suited him just fine, probably got the shock of his f.ucking life when sweet innocent Rose came into his life later on. Me, well, I just scared the f.ucking s.hit out of everyone, sure, they were drawn to the danger of me, but most only dared to enjoy me from a distance, it was lonely, but it also meant I didn’t have to worry about another broken heart, and I didn’t expect anyone to ever truly love me anyway, how could they when I was a f.ucking psychotic killer freak.
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