Chapter 11: Asylum

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I downed a glass of water to calm myself enough to think. My whole body was tingling, blood rushing through my veins with hot rage. I couldn’t kill him, though, not here. I could beat the f.uck out of him, though. I went to find him in Annie’s room and calmly said, “can you come help me with something quick.” “Sure,” he jumped up, eager to make me like him, and followed me down the stairs. I’d already made sure to jam Lisa’s door so she couldn’t stumble upon anything. When we got to the living room, I knocked him out. While he was out cold, I found some kinky handcuffs and s.hit in Annie’s room and used that to cuff him. I grabbed duct tape and taped his mouth so he wouldn’t scare Lisa with his screams because I sure as f.uck was going to make him scream. When he woke up, I gave him time to fully be conscious before I began. He saw the knife in my hand and terror filled his eyes, good, vile p.rick was watching the same terror in those children’s eyes, children that looked similar to Lisa. “Good, you’re awake, I saw the f.ucked up s.hit you were watching. I’m going to start with your ears, make sure you can never hear them poor f.ucks again, then I’ll move onto the eyes, so you can never watch them again, either, after that, I’ll have to get more creative.” He tried to beg, but only muffled noises came through the tape. “Huh? What’s that? Didn’t quite catch that,” I said sarcastically, then I cut his ear off, and he screamed against the tape so loud I had to add extra pressure by covering his mouth with my hand. Blood dripped between my fingers and onto Annie’s precious carpet, but f.uck it, I’d buy her a new one. I had his hands handcuffed behind his back against the kitchen chair, and he fought so much he toppled over. “I.diot,” I mumbled, and pulled the chair upright again. I knew I had little time, so I didn’t waste it, I stabbed the knife in his eye. It felt so good to watch him suffer, to hurt him, to see the blood. I was in the middle of beating him, and breaking some fingers, got to the part where I was about to take his other eye out when mum walked through the door and almost screamed before she realised Lisa would hear and chose to slam a hand to her mouth to muffle it. S.hit, I forgot she had a spare key for this place and liked to show up sometimes. Ah f.uck. I dropped the knife and tried to smile at her, but I think that scared her more. “Jax,” she whispered in horror. “My sweet boy, what have you done?” “Saved Lisa from a predator.” “What?” “This vile p.rick was watching child p—” I trailed off and said, “you know what I’m trying to say, don’t make me say it.” A tiny bit of her horror subsided, now she could try to rationalise what she had caught her son doing, could understand it as me lashing out and being protective over Lisa, horrified by what I’d seen, but this was still bad, I was still t.orturing someone, beating up she could understand, t.orture she couldn’t. She stepped outside and then came back in. “I love you, Jax, you know I do, you’re my baby boy, and always will be, but this? This is too much, you need help that me and your father clearly can’t give you.” “What the f.uck does that mean?” “I’m sorry,” she repeated, she kept saying sorry over and over again as a van pulled up outside, some nurses climbed out, and I glared at her. “You’re going to lock me up in some mental f.ucking asylum?” “You need some help before you can come home.” “F.uck you!” I growled. The male nurses came in, and I fought against them, I struggled and ignored mum crying and begging for me to just go with them. They were supernaturals too, wereleopard and weretiger by their smells, they jabbed me with something and I grew so f.ucking tired and weak, then everything went black. When I woke up I was on a bed, a hospital bed and strapped down on it. “Let me the f.uck out!” I yelled. They didn’t, of course, they ignored me, it took almost a week of me fighting and cursing them, they would inject me to calm me down and so the cycle would repeat itself. I realised this wasn’t going to work in my favour, so I stopped waking up violently. I was here around five months when I somewhat settled in, I wasn’t staying, but I’d play the part until I could figure out a way to get out. I usually failed at playing the part for long, I refused to speak to the doctors, I refused to participate in the group therapy sessions, they were stupid and I didn’t need them. I found it pretty easy to seduce the female nurses here, I’d give them some attention, finger them and while they were busy enjoying themselves I was tucking their keys into my pocket. They’d leave, and I’d rush to go explore, I couldn’t get out of this f.ucking place with these keys, but I could entertain myself by unlocking the file room and reading up on patients. The asylum was where I met Rose for the first time, the love of my life, my everything. I didn’t know it at the time, but she would change my life for the better. I didn’t notice her right away, it wasn’t until she dropped her fork on the floor. She grew all flustered and panicked over it, which I thought was cute, I picked it up for her and carried on with my own food, but I’d noticed her. I watched her from where I was sat on the floor at the far end of the room, my back against the wall. All the tables were full, and I could see the panic on her face as some b.itch nurse told her she couldn’t sit in her room to eat. I don’t why I took in every little detail about her, I noticed she was a black girl, very short, no more than five, three, she was an overweight girl and wore baggy clothes to try and hide it, I took in her posture, she stood there nervously, feet almost turned inwards like she wanted to be invisible, she wore thick black rimmed glasses and had tight black curls. What caught my attention the most though was her name, Rose, the nurse had called her that when she’d called her back from trying to sneak to her room. Rose, so similar to Rosie. I invited her to sit with me, ok, I grabbed her tray and made her sit with me, but you know the story, you’ve heard it from her, although our perceptions are probably a little different, she thought I only liked her as a friend, then I was a f.ucking jerk, and she thought I hated her, none of those things were true. I liked her a lot, more than I’d ever liked anyone, she was so f.ucking beautiful to me, both her personality and her looks. I loved everything about her, and that freaked me out, I couldn’t risk getting hurt again, and worse yet, she was a werewolf, so I didn’t have the excuse of her being human to hide behind, so I treated her like s.hit when things got too heated between us, said I used her to get us out of here. That week when we’d escaped, and she wondered off, I couldn’t stop thinking about her, even now, she didn’t know the truth, I hadn’t just stumbled upon her when I saw her living homeless in the town, I’d purposely gone out to track her down, ok, that made me sound like a stalker, but I had just wanted to, I don’t know, make sure she was ok. I won’t bore a beautiful lady such as yourself with everything Rose has already told you, I’ll just tell my parts, like when I was a horrible f.ucker to her and told her I didn’t want her as my mate, it wasn’t even f.ucking true, I did, so badly, when it was revealed she was our true mate I was so f.ucking happy, then like always, I freaked out, a true mate was a lifetime commitment and bond, what if she broke my heart? What if I did something that sickened her? I couldn’t bear to see her look at me in fear or disgust, and so I’d hidden behind the lie of not wanting her. Then I’d finally accepted her, and it felt f.ucking great, I was happy she was mine, I did struggle sometimes when I saw Romulus kissing her or cuddling her, that old fear of him seducing Benji would sometimes creep up on me, and I’d have to remind myself that Rose was nothing like Benji, she was loyal and kind, and thoughtful, she was the best part of me. Then I’d f.ucked it all up like I so often did, she came into my room, I saw her look at my chains and saw a flash of fear cross her face. Instinctively, I shut down and grew cold, convinced she could never love the beast that I was, so I’d thrown her away before she could throw me away.
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