Chapter 13: Witch

1488 Words
Our world was hidden from the human world, they didn’t know us supernaturals existed, so it wasn’t like I could go and easily find the witch living in some big old f.ucking castle flying around it on a broomstick, thought that would have been more fun. I went off what Ashley had told me, the witch lived a few towns away in a flat, which made it more difficult for me to get her without alerting neighbours, but I’d make it work. I used my nose to help too, when I was in the right street, I caught that faint whiff of spices and earth, that seemed to be all witches natural scent. I thought I was being clever until I looked and saw a palm shop offering readings alongside spells, for f.uck sake, could it have been any more obvious? At least give me a bit of a challenge…or not, I looked up to see above the shop was a small flat, I sighed, disappointed, and went to find a way inside. When I walked down the side of the building I was in a bad mood, a f.ucking fire escape practically led right up to the place, one high jump and I was able to pull myself up and climb the stairs. I liked a challenge, I wasn’t sure if that was the wolf in me or the killer, I was pretty sure it was a combination of the two, I liked the hunt, the chase, enjoyed it more when it was difficult, I found it fun to figure out how to catch my prey, it was boring if I could just f.ucking walk right up to them. Oh well. I broke the glass window and felt some satisfaction when I heard her give a little scream from inside. I climbed in and her face paled when she ran out and saw me standing there. I could tell by her face that she knew who I was, could also tell that she knew as well as I did that I’d be on her before she had time to cast a spell. She ran, I chased. She managed to get down the fire escape and jump to the floor, I watched her run out across the street and towards the big open field that led towards the woods. Perfect. I took my time and found somewhere to shift to my wolf form. I’d like to have t.ortured her my usual way, bring her back to the warehouse, but I already had a voicemail from Fenris asking where I was, so this would have to do, I could still t.orture her as a wolf. I didn’t kill those who weren’t killers or dangerous themselves, but here was the one time I made an exception, when Rose had jokingly said to kill her I knew she meant it, so I’d kill her for Rose, I also agreed with Rose that this witch was far too dangerous to let live, if she was able to almost tear our bond apart never having even met us or been near us, then I didn’t want to think about what else she could do, probably had done to others. So she had to die. Once I was in wolf form, I ran across the empty field towards the woods where she had run. I slowed once I was inside, I wasn’t stupid, I knew she had come this way for a reason, to lure me into a false sense of security being in the woods where I’d feel most comfortable. I didn’t chase her full out like she wanted, like most non wereanimal supernaturals she mistook us for stupid lumbering beasts who weren’t all that intelligent. I found a bush to hide in and laid down patiently, I could still smell her on the air, so there was no need to rush. I could out wait her. Wherever she had been hiding, she grew wary and unsure when half an hour had passed by. She came out from behind her hiding spot behind a big tree, her hand was held up ready to blast me with a spell like I knew she’d planned to do. She moved quietly around, eyes darting back and forth for any movement, she wasted whatever spell she had planned for me on some flock of birds that flew from the trees and made her jump, she didn’t even hit the birds, dumb witch. Dumb wolf too because some stupid f.ucking teenager or drunk had left a broken glass bottle in this bush and I stupidly stepped on a bit of glass, it cut through my pad and I tried not to whine or growl. I licked my paw, and then I stayed low down on my belly as I edged out from the bush and started following her. It would have been handy being a black wolf like Rose, our fur was always the same colour as our hair, so mine didn’t blend in as well when I had light golden fur, it didn’t matter too much though because I was learning that she may be a badass witch of dark magic, but out here in my natural habitat she was doing poorly, she’d created her own downfall by coming in here, and I think she was beginning to realise that too. I stayed behind her, using bushes and trees to hide behind whenever she looked back behind her. She was slowly edging her way back out of the woods and I didn’t want that, I edged closer and closer, and then I darted in and bit her ankle and jumped back behind the trees. She stumbled and fell. “S.hit!” She yelped. I took quite a good bite, her ankle was bleeding a lot. She limped along as her eyes darted around everywhere, but I guess her trainer was rubbing on the wound because she took it off. You wouldn’t look at her and think evil witch, she was young, maybe late twenties, with light brown hair done in a half up and down hairstyle, slim frame, plainly pretty face, she looked like she was freshly out of university, looked a bit out of place outside though wearing her thin black nightie with a thin beige cardigan on top and wearing one trainer. I’d always been the best at stalking and hunting as a wolf, maybe because I thought more like a wolf, or maybe because I spent so much time hunting. I moved silently along the floor, not even a leaf crunched under my paws. I lunged out again and bit her other ankle, shook my head to cause more damage, I didn’t want her leaving these woods, she couldn’t leave if she couldn’t walk. She cried out and fell to the floor, grabbing her ankle. Her eyes grew wide when her hands came away covered in blood. “Coward!” She yelled. “If you’re so dangerous, then come out and fight me like a true predator.” Pfft, no need to tell me twice! I stepped out in front of her, towering over her where she was sat on the ground. I saw both fear and determination in her eyes, I respected that determination, it was almost a shame I had to kill her. She got to her feet slowly, taking her time and I realised she was buying herself time so she could chant a spell, she turned and flung her hands out at me and I went flying like a f.ucking unicorn for a moment before my body crumpled against a tree. I got up and dived out of the way before she threw some electric energy bolt at me. Holy f.uck! The tree was scorched from it. She threw a fireball, a f.ucking fireball, a literal ball of f.ucking fire at me, I danced out of the way of that too, just barely, then she hit me with some spell that made me feel like I was being crushed. I couldn’t move, and the gloat on her face filled me with rage, she came over to me and smirked, “such a pretty wolf and an even prettier man I hear. There’s a spell I’m working on, I could do with your help for that, but as pretty as your wolf form is I’ll need you in human form, I don’t do wolves.” What? What the f.uck was she talking about? I tried to move, but couldn’t, the more I struggled, the more that vice-like grip was crushing me. She was so confident and c.ocky in her powers, she giggled and said, “stay right there, we’ll need to do it outside.” She went back, f.ucking left me there and went back to her home, I was guessing because she returned with a kitchen chair. Was she gonna sacrifice me to the f.ucking devil? f****d if I knew.
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