Chapter 12: Punish

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It was the hardest thing I’d ever had to do in my life, staying away from Rose. The night we had a party for me and my brothers becoming the new alphas, I’d gotten drunk, danced with another girl, kissed her, tried to forget about Rose, to forget the fact no one could ever love me as I was, a dark and depraved piece of s.hit. When Rose caught me f.ucking around with Faye down the side of our house outside, I knew I’d seriously f.ucked up. She beat the s.hit out of me and I let her, I knew I deserved it, but the pain in her eyes, f.uck me the pain in her beautiful sad brown eyes broke my f.ucking heart, it was like seeing my own pain reflected back at me when Benji had betrayed me. When she collapsed against me, crying and exhausted, I held her so f.ucking hard, I never wanted to let her go, but she deserved so much better than me and I didn’t want anyone to see me breakdown, because that’s what I did when I got on my motorbike and drove off, I didn’t go kill anyone or find another girl, or anything like that, I booked a hotel and spent the night crying like a f.ucking baby over her. I wanted Rose so bad my f.ucking heart physically hurt, I loved her so much and she didn’t realise it. I was good at sabotaging my own f.ucking happiness, I let fear get in the way and cloud my judgement, was still convinced she couldn’t love me anyway because of what I was, I knew she didn’t like me killing, and then seeing her fear when she’d looked at those chains had hurt, to think that she would think I would ever hurt her. Did I go back the next day and apologise? Beg her to take me back? No, I didn’t because I was a stupid f.ucking c.unt, I let anger take over because it was better than sadness. When I’d returned and Fenris asked me at the breakfast table if I’d f.ucked Faye I’d told him no, but spouted a bunch of b.ullshit about licking her out and her sucking my d.ick and me fingering her, it was all a lie, I had been grinding my d.ick against her when Rose saw us, but the rest was bulls.hit. I don’t know why I lied, I wanted to rile up Fenris I suppose, but I hadn’t been thinking about how that would affect poor Rose who had been sitting there. I gave her space after that, she thought I wasn’t talking to her because I was mad, I wasn’t, I was mostly just sad, I’d never f.ucking admit that to anyone, it sounded too f.ucking soppy, but it was the truth, I was sad and moping, the bond between us affected me just as much as it did her, my heart felt constantly broken, no matter what I did to try and get away from the pain. I met Aurora in a bar, if you’ve heard Rose’s version of events, then you’ll know who I’m talking about. Aurora was an absolutely beautiful female werewolf, but I felt nothing, I wasn’t really that attracted to her, I didn’t really like her personality either, she hadn’t been horrible or anything, she was nice and friendly, but I just wanted Rose, she deserved better than a f.ucked up killer though, so I dated Aurora and tried to dull the pain, didn’t really work. I might have played up to the part of boyfriend and lover, but I wasn’t feeling it, even when I found out Aurora was happy to give me the pain I needed or to let me give it to her in the bedroom, I didn’t enjoy it all that much, the wolf in me pined for Rose. After only a couple of weeks that pain in my heart lessened, and I thought using Aurora was really working, I wasn’t thinking of Rose as much and as the weeks carried on by, it got worse, I didn’t even care much those days, but I wanted to care, I wanted to love her, even if I couldn’t be with her, I didn’t want to lose my love for her, it was special, and she was my first and last when it came to s.ex, I knew that, I would make sure of it. The less I felt towards her, the more I found myself trying to fight to hold on to those feelings I had for her, I couldn’t bear the thought of losing them, of finally severing the last piece of connection I had to her. Little did I know the f.ucked up b.itch Aurora along with my second chance mate Ashley, had worked with some dark witch to break the bond between us, then Aurora had used some sort of f.ucking love spell to make me want her and only her, to this very day I still believe it was the psychopathic part of me that helped me cling on to my love for Rose and not lose myself completely to the spell. I could love, but I also knew I lacked empathy, I think the spell probably didn’t have much feelings to work with inside of me so it didn’t have quite the full effects it had on my brothers. I learned later they had fought against it too, but a bond between true mates can never truly be broken, so that played a part in helping too. Ok, I ain’t gonna bore you f.uckers, you know what happened next, I found out poor f.ucking Rose was being beaten and abused by her new boyfriend, almost killed him, didn’t, we fixed the bond and I vowed never to f.ucking leave her side again even if she couldn’t love that f.ucked up part of me. I went hunting that witch and the two b.itches. Found Ashley first, saw her making her way home to her alpha, who was also her father, Jared. I didn’t give a f.uck that I hadn’t warned him I was on his territory right now, I waited until no one else was around, or until it was at least as quiet as it would get, and then I grabbed her, my hand around her mouth to muffle her and bundled her into the back seat of my car. She fought me, kicking and punching, I grabbed her flailing arms out of the way and punched her in the face with all my werewolf strength to knock her out, werewolves required a much harder hit than a human. I drove her to the warehouse that was basically my slaughterhouse now. I got her chained up and waited for her to wake up. I wouldn’t kill her, she’d done a f.ucked up thing, the cruelest thing you could do to a werewolf, she hadn’t killed or hurt anyone, but she still needed to be punished and by werewolf laws I was well within my rights to punish her however I saw fit, it was basically treason to act against an alpha outside of your pack, to cause harm to him, and she’d done it to all three of us who were alphas of our pack, tried to destroy our bond between our mate, Jared couldn’t stop me or retaliate against me punishing his daughter. Ashley was my second chance mate, so did I feel anything while I t.ortured her? Yes, it was much more difficult than t.orturing another killer or predator. I felt things for Ashley, of course I did, probably always would feel something, I wouldn’t exactly call it love, I already loved Rose, my true mate, so with Ashley, I suppose it felt like a connection between us, attraction? Sure, I cared about her, I felt the same about Jessebelle and Josh too, they were all my second chance mates, but Rose mattered to me more. I beat Ashley for what she did, cut her up pretty bad with my blade, but I wasn’t as brutal as I could have been, not like I usually was, not just because I wasn’t planning on killing her, but also because it was hard to hurt her and not want to cut her down and hug her better, I had to fight through that urge I felt towards my second chance mate. I managed to close myself off from those feelings, and then I was able to finish what I’d started, I broke her fingers, all of them, broke her ankle, I wanted to cause her pain, but not pain she couldn’t heal from, so I didn’t maim her or cut pieces off her, just gave a few little cuts here and there, ok, they weren’t little cuts, I cut her down to the bone in some areas, others I sliced deep enough to need some stitches, but nothing she would bleed out from. She cried and begged, and that was the hardest part for me, I had to drown it out. When I was done, she was barely conscious as she hung from the chains. I gripped her chin with my hand and snarled, “you don’t ever f.ucking hurt Rose or come between us ever again, do you f.ucking understand?” She nodded weakly, and I let her go. I unchained her, and if it had been anyone else I’d have forced them to walk out or dragged them along the floor, but as my second chance mate, I found myself unchaining her and gently carrying her in my arms out to the car. She’d been punished and warned, I didn’t need to hurt her anymore, so I could afford to be a little gentle. I parked up outside Jared’s and carried her up to the door and knocked, it was dark by now, so the streets were empty. He answered the door to see me holding his daughter unconscious and covered in blood and wounds, and I passed her over into his arms like she was a f.ucking present. “Why?” He asked, a slight tremble in his voice. “She broke the bond between us and Rose, tried to destroy our relationship, I had every right to punish her.” “Is she even still alive?” He looked down at her in horror. “Use your wolf hearing, she’s alive.” He looked at me like I was an alien or something, complete shock and bewilderment on his face. I walked off and went for the witch next, I’d t.ortured Ashley into telling me where she lived.
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