Chapter 14: Don’t get caught

1660 Words
She chanted something, don’t know what, to me, hearing a witch chant some unintelligible mumblings of a spell was no different to the babbles a baby makes. Basically, she spouted some s.hit out of her mouth and I found myself being forced to change back, that f.ucking infuriated me, do what you want to me t.orture wise, but to f.ucking force my wolf away against my will? F.uck that. When I was in human form I was catching my breath and sweating from the change, it f.ucking hurt even worse when it was forced. She got me on that chair and tied me up with my hands behind my back, then she looked me over with her finger tapping against her lips as if I was a f.ucking object to be inspected. “You really are pretty, aren’t you? I thought Ashley and Aurora were exaggerating, but you’re truly beautiful and in such a masculine way too, not too pretty, not feminine, that chiseled jawline is just ugh! Yes, you shall do.” “What the f.uck are you spouting on about?” She came over and straddled my lap, I was naked and under that nightie, with her groin against mine I knew she was not wearing any panties either. “I need a werewolf child,” she smiled. F.uck, I calmly asked, “what for?” “It’s a complicated spell, I want to create my own familiar, a werewolf familiar, you wolves are so powerful, and a familiar werewolf who can both be on the physical plane and the spiritual would be such a huge asset, the perfect and most powerful familiar.” “Uh, you want to f.uck me and have my baby so you can bring it up to be a familiar?” “No, silly wolf, I will make a deal with my demon guardian.” “Right, demon guardian,” I rolled my eyes, what next? The wizard of oz? “I’ll sacrifice the baby, and he will use its blood, take it as an offering and make me the familiar I want.” I gave her a dirty look. “What are you? F.ucking Linda Blair, want me to f.uck you with a crucifix too while we’re at it?” She only giggled and leaned in to kiss me, I turned my face so she got my cheek instead, she didn’t seem to care, she kissed her way down my neck, and grabbed my d.ick in her hand, stroking it and trying to make me hard. “Pretty, and big too,” she murmured. F.ucking call me pretty one more time witch b.itch. When I wasn’t growing an e.rection for her, she whispered, “oh right, you’re the violent one, aren’t you? I’m guessing you like more violent things.” She got off me and found a rabbit, she zapped the poor thing so it couldn’t move and brought it over to me. “What would you like me to do to it?” “What? B.itch you’re crazy.” “Would you prefer to see me covered in its blood?” “I’d rather see you covered in your blood, I’ll get real f.ucking hard then,” I replied sarcastically. She let the rabbit go and pulled out a knife, I watched her with raised eyebrows as she made a slice along her collarbone so that blood trickled down, she slipped the strap of her nightie off her shoulder and then the other until it pooled at her feet. The blood dripped down and over her b.reasts and she straddled me again. “Ah, so this works for you, does it?” She wriggled against my e.rection. Damn it. I was not letting her have s.ex with me, I stayed calm, I needed to make sure she wouldn’t have time to use another spell on me because right now, she was confident in the ties and had stopped using that crushing spell. “Why don’t you lick the blood?” She whispered. “I’m not a f.ucking vampire.” She was just straddling me for now, she hadn’t made any attempt to slide my d.ick in her, I waited until she was distracted kissing my chest, and then I snapped the ropes she used and grabbed her wrists so fast she didn’t register right away. I stood up with her wrists in my grip, and she looked up wide-eyed at me. Meeting her eyes, I snapped her wrists, breaking them both. She screamed so loud I slammed my hand over her mouth to muffle her, and just to be sure she couldn’t do any more spells I broke all her fingers too. F.uck it, better safe than sorry, I took her small knife and forced her mouth open, she knew what I was trying to do, and she fought like hell, kicking and flailing her arms, moving her head violently from side to side, tried to scream, I shoved my fingers in her mouth muffling her and used my other hand to keep her jaws open so she couldn’t bite down, then I cut her tongue out. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as pain consumed her, she gurgled, but no noise came out, she couldn’t scream. “You know, I was planning on killing you anyway, but there was this slither of hope that maybe I wouldn’t have to, I don’t like killing people who haven’t killed or done evil s.hit, but by the crazy crap coming out of your mouth I know you’ve done evil s.hit, and seriously? Use me to get pregnant and kill the f.ucking baby? That’s insane!” Tears streamed down her face from the pain, fear was there too, but she still glowered at me with rage and hate. I wanted to keep t.orturing her, b.itch deserved it, but Rose messaged me asking where I was, she knew, but I knew it was a warning I best get my home right now. “Lucky for you, I don’t have time to play.” I flipped her knife in my hand and then stabbed it in the side of her neck. The only time I grew truly hard for the witch was when I watched her die, f.ucked up I know, but hey, you want a tamer version of my story go look at it from Rose’s perspective, you’ll only get blunt and honest from me even if it makes you squirm in your seat. This next part was not what werewolves usually did I swear, but I didn’t have time to clean everything up and dispose of it properly, I couldn’t risk moving her and being seen either. I made a call to Zara, didn’t tell her too many details, but told her to be alert if they mentioned a body being found, so if anything suspicious came up she could cover for me. I know I was a p.rick using her, but she insisted she liked helping me, so I’d keep using her until she said otherwise. I shifted back to my wolf form and bit her all over, tore chunks from her making sure it looked like she’d been attacked by a dog or some other large animal, even bit her neck where I’d stabbed her, so they wouldn’t see the stab wound, tore her throat out, made a mess of her body, ok, even I didn’t enjoy this part, but I ate a few pieces of her just to make it look real, I’d probably throw up later. When I was done, I stayed in wolf form because it would be easier to move around unseen, and if I was seen, it wouldn’t be a human the witness saw leaving the crime scene. It was risky, if Fenris and Romulus found out they’d lose their s.hit, I was risking exposure by mauling a body as a wolf, and risking it by running around along the streets in wolf form. I knew it would be alright though, I’d never done it before, so it wasn’t like authorities would be panicking thinking a rabid animal was on the loose, they’d chalk this up at most to some large dog, probably a stray, the last thing they’d think was wolf attack, and if they did have an animal expert to figure out that it was a wolf, they wouldn’t be thinking werewolf. I quietly padded along the streets, sticking to the sides of buildings and shadows, it was late, but there was always some f.ucker who was still out and about. I hid down an alleyway when a couple of drunks stumbled past, laughing and joking. When they stopped I panicked, f.uck, if they came down here I’d kill them, I didn’t want to, and it wouldn’t be the killer in me, it would be the wolf, when we were in wolf form it was much harder to control our instincts, if they came down here I’d attack, if they ran away, I’d chase, and I wouldn’t be able to stop myself. Luckily, the guy just wanted to take a p.iss, lucky for him, not so much for me. It didn’t smell great, he should see a f.ucking doctor about that. When he was done, and they left, I crept out and jumped over that f.ucking p.iss, he p.issed a lot, and it was a big jump, it almost got my paw and I shook it just to be sure, nope, the paw was safe and dry. I ran back towards my motorbike and found a quiet spot down a side alleyway to change back. Shifting forms didn’t help clean you up, I was still covered in blood. I had my clothes with me and I pulled them on, then I pulled on the motorbike jacket and the trousers, climbed on my bike and shoved my helmet on, pulling the lid down so no one would see my blood covered face.
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