Chapter 7

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Scott Richards junior was enjoying a nice view of the sprawling town from the balcony of his office. It was almost seven in the evening. He had asked his driver to pick him at eight. "So how did the dinner go?" Kyle asked from behind carrying two glasses of champagne. "You know you are not supposed to drink at the work place?" Scott asked taking the glass anyway. "Do you really want me to answer that?" Kyle asked sipping his champagne as though it was hot. "Yeah am your boss buddy you answer to me at all times", Scott said smiling. "Okay one you are the boss, leading by example, am just doing what you are doing, two it's past the office hours and three... Well there is no three that's all" They raised their glasses laughing happily. Then they all went dead silent. Too men enjoying the breeze on a balcony. Way past their working hours, too afraid to go home. For Kyle his wife was used to it, were it not for the drink with his boss and friend he would be enjoying the same at club Leviticus. As for Scott- soon to be the richest man in Fort cannon with more billions in his account that his father gave him he was still not on the top ten list. He wanted in_ he had two things that were scaring him. Even the rich men were ruled by women the good thing with women in his time, they yelled at anyone no matter their economic status. One was his conversation with Melissa earlier that morning it was not going to go well and second he changed their dinner plans even after promising it was a surprise. No man wanted to go home to a super mad wife, puffed up singing inaudible tunes and hanging around some not very comfortable tools. A vacuum cleaner, a pistol they kept in the drawer, a knife from the kitchen, sometimes an electric kettle with water, an iron box or the electric harmer gun loaded with nails. Yet he loved her more than anything on the planet. A lie. Scott worshipped money and power. Maybe she was second on the list of things he loved most. "I should get going man", Kyle said "Me too I think I can now face Melissa", Scott said leading the way. "Don't tell me you asked her to carry your baby again, we agreed that's not important at the moment you are young, rich and your two families own like half this city!" "I wanted it to be a gift", Scott said putting on his coat. He took his phone and dialed the driver’s phone. "Change of plans pick me up in ten". "Sir...” "Do it?" He said and hang up. They walked to the lift. The security guard locked the office. "A gift to who? I really want to know them" "To dad men, you remember the dinner?" "Of course I do I asked you how it went" "Yeah it went south, Dad has cancer and grandma collapsed" When needed Kyle could change roles quickly. From a colleague at the work place to a friend sometimes a therapist. "Am sorry man" "I just don't want dad to die without seeing his grandchildren it has always been his dream since Amber died" "I feel you buddy... Your ride is not here yet I can drop you" Kyle suggested. "The guy is so fired!" He rarely used another car apart from his families’ luxurious fleet. But Kyle's Audi was not that uncomfortable as long as it could get him home safely and not dead as his friend was driving changing lanes like a mad man. "You kill us both my dad will kill you", Scott Richards threatened. "I will be dead already we die once" "Drive carefully" He insisted. ***** Melissa and Alicia were not that great friends but they went along quiet well. Apart from both of them being very rich and married to rich men. They shared a common interest, shopping and fashion. They were both at the castle that day, Angela had her maid by her side and their men were both out doing God knows what. All they needed was to know they were safe. "How about this mum?" Melissa asked showing her a dress. "Looks good, for a date" "Speaking of dates BR and you haven't gone for any, you got us worrying", Melissa said. "Ben is getting old you should have seen him twenty years ago" "Bring me a glass of wine", Melissa ordered a maid. She bowed and asked, "And what can I get you mom?" "The same, is my son back?" "Am not sure mum" "Go check or I'll just call him get me my phone" "Alright mum" she said and walked out. Outside the castle, Scott was yelling at the driver for delaying to pick him up. He made him wait when Scott waited for nothing in his entire life. The whole transport department of the Richards family was lined up, Paul being their leader was not around so Scott had no option but to deal with it. The protocol was Paul to get the lecture then distribute it equally to all others. That evening he was not there. "You need to understand I Pay you to serve me, to serve my interests next time this happens I will fire all of you. You understand?" There was a chorus of "Yes sir" he looked at them, all of them and clicked his tongue before he walked past them. The guards at the entrance opened the door and bowed in respect. Even their "good evening sir" was not answered. Scott was furious. Displacing his anger on his employees. "Good evening sir", A maid said her hands tucked somewhere behind her body. "What?" Scott asked sounding agitated. He was agitated. "Your mum is looking for you" she said. "Where?" he asked less aggressive than the last time. "Dressing room" she said. Scott just moved past her towards the dressing room. Scott had a soft spot for his mum. All boys do love their mothers more than anything else, they are supposed to according to the Oedipus complex. But the reason behind Scott's unyielding love for his mum was the fact that she was the one defending him every time his dad ridiculed him, called him a tick waiting to suck up his wealth instead of working hard in school, Alicia was there to aid and abet, she was there to remind Scott that his father wanted the best for him it had nothing to do with hate. But did Scott believe it? The end might have justified the means but he was not convinced. All he wanted was a father who could balance parenthood and friendship. "My favorite son”, Alicia said when Scott entered the room. "You, don't just stand there brig him something to drink!” Melissa said to the maid. “What will...” "Grab a martini from the bar be quick about it" She added on. As she ran to grab a martini for her boss the mother and wife took turns to hug him. Alicia was seated in a singles coach, Scott and Melissa were sharing a brown two seater leather coach. Their glasses of wine resting on top of a mahogany table, a glass vase with a mixture of tulips and roses in the middle. Behind them was all kinds of shoes and clothes for all genders a television screen on the wall closer to the entrance. "Have you talked to your father?" Alicia asked. "Like the father son talk we rarely have? No" Scott said taking his martini. "He needs you right now Scott he might act all fine but Ben needs you", Melissa joined in. He hated it when two most important women in his life ganged up against him. Now he had to call his old man and plan a talk or else they were not going to keep quiet about it. "We all know dad doesn't give a rat’s ass about me but I will try", He said relaxing his back. Melissa cupped his face and feigned a smile, she was super mad at him. He was lucky his defense mechanism of a mother was seated right there. "Don't bail on him like you did on me", she said. "Let me guess Scott Richards Jr stood you up?" Alicia inquired. "Yap, apparently a meeting came up at the exact time we were supposed to go for a date what a coincidence!" Melissa mocked. "It was an impromptu meeting love I couldn't lose those investors you know" "Don't worry son she is just ruffling your feathers... Can someone tell me why we haven't taken dinner yet!" Alicia asked The maid who was serving them that evening came running. "Almost ready mum". "Tell them to make it quick am starving in my own house" "Sorry mum". "Don’t sorry me go tell them to make it quick and tasty too!" ********** For events that were top secret, the billionaire of Fort cannon Ben Richards and his loyal right hand man, butler or chief of staff Paul whiskers traveled light. They used hired cars and it was Paul who played the driver. He was driving his master back home after a busy day. His phone rang, he had his earpiece connected already. "Not the right time Jake" Paul said concentrating on the road. One would have thought it was daytime in the city. Neon lights, green, blue, yellow, violet and white, street lights, cars hooting and music throbbing from clubs, people walking in groups of two, most shops and eating joints were still open and the streetlights made the road as clear as crystal. I bet one could see an ant crossing the road. "Where is she Paul I told you she is harmless men" "Yes she is, again not the right time am driving" "I just want to know if she is okay" "She is, I will call you later" After he hang up he apologized to his boss for picking an unnecessary call in the middle of his duties. It was a show respect from the butler. "Now we have to get Scott to give his sample", Ben Richards said busy on his phone. "You are asking for my ideas?" Paul asked swerving the car right in front of the gate. "Yes how do we do it, I don't want him to know it might ruin his marriage if Melissa finds out" The gate was opened, his magnificent house was an eighth wonder of the world at night a scene one could only imagine yet it was right in front of them. Paul drove them slowly buying some time for their conversation. It had to end in the car, the moment they stepped in the house unless in his home office they said nothing of their plans. "Let's use the genetics approach, Allan requests to screen him for cancer am sure Scott will be willing to be tested" Paul said parking the car in front the house. "You are a genius Paul, maybe it's time I gave you a pay rise", Ben said getting the door himself. "You should" Paul mumbled to himself. The two found everybody at the dining room including Angela who was recuperating. As usual everyday was a celebration at the Richards except for some days when father and son could not agree, they enjoyed the dinner as one big happy family. ********* The first step to Arya's salvation was already complete. Dr. Allan brown had taken a sample of the fetus to do a DNA and she was eagerly waiting for the results. She was all alone in the penthouse after she requested not to be guarded, Arya was preparing her evening meal in the kitchen as she watched a repeat of her favorite show. Which happened to be one Melissa was host. She was a big fan of Melissa. If they met Arya wasn't sure if she could resist to ask for an autograph with her. And yet it was a sad thing that was doomed to fail if she found out that Arya slept with her husband. The alone but not lonely girl served herself and collapsed on the coach in front of the TV. The next day was going to be the biggest day of her life. Her unborn baby was going to have a secured future like hers. She called her mother. It was easier to call her than to receive her call. "Why are you whispering?” Arya asked. “Your dad is here" she whispered. "Okay, goodnight mum" Arya said and hang up. She still loved and respected her father even though he was living in erstwhile and so uptight, twenty four year old were adults enough to get pregnant but just not to him. According to her father anyone not married was not supposed to have babies and it didn't matter if it was her only daughter. And there was something else, it was very painful that she didn’t want to think about it.
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