The guard, a proper giant of a man, tries to catch his breath when he sees the s*******r in the dungeon. He swings around and shouts something to the outside, but the men cannot hear it as they are too stunned over this sudden turnaround of their fate. “You miserable, sick, puissant, little fool!” Fritz roars at the frightened Petacci, still holding onto his neck where the rat had bitten him. Catroux tells Fritz harshly. “It is quite possible that you would have reacted in the same way, mon ami.” mon ami“I would not have shouted like that, mon Sergent,” says Fritz. mon Sergent“Maybe so, mon legionnaire, but it is possible that you could have also thrown the rat against the door in your fright.” mon legionnaireIn the dim light of the lamps shining in from outside, Fritz turns around, w