Chapter 4

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For the next 2 years Jake checks the cave twice weekly but there is never any sign that anyone has been there. Tom refuses to let Jake go to Smokey pack to find her. Every week on Wednesday and Sunday Jake checks the cave, he has forgotten her voice and long forgotten what she looks like. He just remembers her sweetness, her brilliance and the way she saved him. On one Sunday morning Jake wakes up and Anna hands him his packed picnic lunch like every for the past 2 years, Anna has given up trying to convince him and started to change to view point that it is good to actually persist with an activity for such a long time. "Buddy when will you stop doing this?" "When I talk to her again" "She may never to back to her spot" "Then I will start searching the schools" Anna watches her son walk off, proud of his caring heart and stubbornness. But not sure how to break the news that she may be dead, if a father is able to beat his daughter like that when she was young it will only get worse. Jake walks the very well worn path to the cave. He opens the tendrils the same as always and unpacks the can of peaches to add to the mountain of peach cans already in the cave. He turns suddenly when he hears the faintest breathing sound. His eyes adjust to the low light properly and he notices that the pile of bedding is slightly disturbed. He rushes over to it. "Piper?" A whimper is all that comes out. He looks at her pale face and destroyed body. "Piper, I will save you" Even as a 14 year old he is incredibly strong, he wraps her in a quilt and carries her tiny body with him. Her heartbeat is soft and her breathing is so frail that he is scared it is going to stop at any moment. The warriors intercept him on the border. "Future Alpha let us do it" "Don't touch her, link the luna, I need a doctor and the alphas house now" "Yes future Alpha" Jake carries her. She is pressed tightly to his chest, she has long been unconscious and is most definitely on the brink of death. Anna runs up to Jake as he reaches the house. "I found her mum" "What is wrong with her?" "She is really hurt, I am not sure exactly" "Bring her in, the doctor will get here in a minute" Anna helps Jake bring her inside. They lay her down on the bed. Anna gently unwraps the quilt from Piper's tiny frame. She can't even hide her gasp of shock. Tom enters the room. "Get Jake out of here now" "No mum, I am not leaving her" Anna covers up Piper. Looking at Jake with a firm expression, one that rarely graces her beautiful face. "Not negotiable, you can see her when the doctors are finished, you can't disrupt his work" She nods at her mate and Tom drags Jake away kicking and screaming. Anna slowly uncovers the quilt again. Tears fall from her eyes, she has seen a lot of blood, injury and even death in her life, but she has never seen anything as gruesome as this. Piper is skin and bones, not a single ounce of fat on her. Her pale skin barely visible through the heavy bruising. All four limbs are broken. Bone actually hanging out of the skin on her shin. Dirt embedded in the wounds as she has obviously dragged herself the long distance to her spot. Anna's heart breaks, she knows that Piper was dragging herself to her spot to die. She probably never guessed that Jake would still go there. The doctor walks in. Anna grabs him and shakes him, despair and steely determination written all over her face, there is no way that they can let Piper die, never in a million years would she be able to tell Jake about the passing of his friend that he has desperately wanted to see for 2 whole years. "You have to save her" Anna says, her voice has never sounded so distressed. The doctor looks at the little girl, his eyes widen, he has never seen anyone in such a bad state, let alone this girl is far from the age to get her wolf. "I will do my best" Jake enters 7 hours later. Piper is laying on the bed, heavily bandaged and an IV attached to her arm. Anna is sitting beside Piper holding her hand, she stealthily wipes her tears when Jake walks in. She looks up at Jake. "She is going to be fine" Jake sighs in relief, Piper's heartbeat and breathing a lot stronger than before but she is still not conscious. Anna walks outside to leave Jake alone with Piper, she walks up to Tom and sits next to him. "Tom, she is going to be fine, but she was close to death, so very close" Tom looks at Anna, pulling her into his tight embrace, offering his comfort to his mate. "So what do you want to do?" He knows his wife well enough, he knows she is coming up with some sort of wild plan. "I want to change her identity and adopt her" "Are you serious?" "Yes Tom, I want to ask Jake first, but I think he will be all for it" "No they have a connection Anna. We can't make them brother and sister" "Well I would like it if Samuel and Gabby could take her, but she would end up in as bad situation living with Wendy" "Look how much he already cares for her, there is no way he is not going to form a romantic attachment" "That is why we are going to call it, adopting his best friend" "This is your most insane idea yet" "You should have seen her Tom, I can't even imagine her fear and pain, if we fix her up and send her back, how long do you think it will be till he is carrying home her corpse?" "You have to ask Jake" "Of course I will" "Ask me what?" Both Anna and Tom look over as Jake enters the room. "Do you want Piper to come live with us?" "Like join our family?" "No, like a live in best friend" Jake only has to think for 3 seconds. "Yes" "But Jake, we will face to change her name, is that alright? And of course we have to ask her opinion" "I am sure she will be happy" "Me too buddy" Jake looks back at the room excitedly, he kept hoping, but he was starting to think that he would never actually see her again, now he will get to keep her around it is the best outcome that he could think of. Anna looks at Jake's excited face happily, she is not apprehensive in the slightest about the decision. Tom looks on at the situation with a helpless expression. It is hardly as easy as his mate makes it out to be, but if it makes his mate and son happy he will do his best to make it happen, he will never forget that he owes his sons life to Piper, he has never been one to shy away from debts, so he will deal with anything that arises from the decision so he can repay his debt to her.
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