3. Deaths Knocking

3031 Words

Chapter 3 Deaths Knocking“I'm afraid robbing the dead may be frowned on by the audience you now hold,” Rollin said as he made his way toward the mage. Lacey glanced at the crowd of townsfolk and refugees that had grown around her. It looked like a large dark mass of bodies silhouetted against a bright sky. Her eyesight was nearly gone from using the Shadow Staff's power. “They would judge me after I saved their lives?” She heard Rollin sigh, “Yes, but would their lives have been in danger save not for you? I believe these two came for your hide.” “I cannot choose my enemies or where they strike. Need I become a hermit to save these people?” Lacey pulled the red silk scarf from her pocket and wrapped it around her eyes. The light from the sky was blinding. In minutes the light would caus

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