Chapter 30: Little Rabbit 7:09 P.M. How long had I spent at Julia Lullaby’s duplex on Chess Street? Never was I late for a date. Truth was I had to bypass visiting Francine for the time being and speed down to Meaderville to meet Matthew for dinner, drinks, and some one-on-one time with the man, since I really liked him Francine would have called me a w***e if she knew that I was sleeping with two men at the same time, and in the same day. But whatever. I had known for a fact that the woman wasn’t an angel and had played around with three men at one time, two of which were coaches for rival teams in the ESFL, and the third just happened to be the quarterback for the Syracuse Sextons. And all three broke her heart, cheating on her. Not that she cared since she was beautiful and knew it,