She really loved me.

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Shelly left as she had many more things to do on her side. As she left she felt pity for the young man and his family but there was nothing she could do to help them with. She shook her head and prayed 'I hope that your family will see the light of hope soon.' The next day, both the mother and daughter were sitting beside the wasted man. The middle aged woman looked at her daughter and said "Go to school, I will look after him." Khusi on the other hand remained lifeless as if she didn't hear a single thing. Suddenly, her brothers phone rang and she was woken from her nightmare. There wasn't a name so she didn't know whether to pick it or not. Still she picked up the call.. Hello... She heard a pleasant voice of a girl from the other side of the phone. She didn't know why but she felt familiar with the voice. "Hey, Ronnie I have come to the city. So, can we meet?" Khusi was a little surprised as she replied "Do you know my brother?" A shocked yet familiar voice was heard again "Hmm, Khusi, is that you? Where is your brother? Give him the phone." Khusi was taken aback as she did not know what to say. Yet she mustered up some courage and said "Hmm, my brother cannot meet you today. He is sleeping and I don't want to disturb him." The person on the other side of the call felt something a miss. This wasn't her first time talking with Khusi so she knew her usual way of talking but now this little girl was talking in a strange way. 'Hmm, this is unexpected. She would have handed over the phone as soon as she realized that it's me. Also, I don't think she haven't realized. Somethings not right. I should find out why she is acting like this. Is she trying to hide something.' "Hmm, is that so but yesterday he said that he would meet with me. And now you are saying he is sleeping so he cannot meet me. Well, tell me where are you. I will come meet instead." Khusi was shaken as she hurriedly said "No.. No.. Don't come. I will tell once brother wakes up." As soon as she said that she was about the cut the call when the doctor came and said "Little girl, we need to take your brother to another ward so can you give us some way." Unconciousky she nodded and made a hmm noise. "Khusi, are you in hospital? Did something happen to your brother? Tell me in which hospital you are and I will come visit you guys." Khusi couldn't utter a single word. Seeing this the middle aged woman took the phone and said "Hey, why are you making my daughter cry? Stop calling and bothering us." Melina was taken aback as she hurriedly said "No.. I didn't mean to hurt her. I just wanted to meet with Ronnie but she said he was sleeping. And just now I heard the doctor say something. It made me worried thinking that something might have happened to Ronnie." The middle aged woman sighed as she said "Well, you can come to Patan hospital to meet him but don't hope for anything. Just as my daughter said he is sleeping with no one knowing when he would wake up." Ting... Just then she heard a shattering noise. She didn't know what it was and since there was no reply she handed the phone back to her daughter and said" Stop making your life miserable. Just pray that your brother will be able to wake up." On the other side... When she first called she was happy. When she heard that he is sleeping and cannot answer, she felt irritated. When she heard doctor say something she felt confused and worried. Finally when she heard those few words from Ronnie's mom, she couldn't help but slump on the ground. She remembered their last conversation. Well they didn't talk much with each other anyway. But both of them loved and cherished each other. Ronnie was upfront and he always confessed sometime showing dissatisfaction at her answer. She on the other hand could neither accept nor say it herself. Well this was inevitable after all they haven't even met once ever since they began to chat with each other. It's been more than 3 years. This time she thought of meeting him. She also decided that she would confess her love to him. Just a few days ago she received a message from him. "Well, I loved you and will always love you. It doesn't matter if you don't. Just know that there is someone in this world who loves you unconditionally. Why I love you so much? I don't even know the reason yet I can't help it. This might very well be my last message so live a happy life with the person that you love. And if that person does not loves you then tell me." 'How could this be? Why did your mother say that you are sleeping with no one knowing when you will wake up?' 'I will have to go and see him for my self. I just hope that he is fine. I ran away from home just to come and confess to him and if anything were to happen to him, what will I do?' With a heavy heart she waved her hand for the taxi and soon arrived in the hospital. As soon as she arrived she began to ask about Ronnie. She knew he was in the hospital but she didn't knew in which ward or for what treatment. So she struggled for couple of hours. 'Just where is he? I am sure his mother was talking about this hospital and now I am here I can't even find him. My phone even got broke if not I would have called to him.' Just as she was complaining she saw a familiar face 'Huh, is that his sister?' She hurriedly rushed towards the other side of the hospital. There was a girl staring the sky. She seemed to be completely lost in thoughts. "Finally, I fanally found you guys. Khusi," But the young girl didn't respond. Seeing this Melina was a little surprised as she approached the girl and shook her as she called out to her again "Khusi.." Suddenly the little girl woke up and seeing a familiar face, she was a little surprised. "Melina sis, why are you here?" Melina sighed as she said "I came to meet your brother. Since your mother said that you guys were in this hospital, I immediately came here. Now can you tell me what happened to him?" Khusi couldn't help but broke out as she sobbed continuously. Seeing this Melina couldn't help but feel a painful sensation in her heart. After consoling her, Melina finally knew the gist of the situation. When she learned of his condition, she felt like her world had crumbled. Still she remained strong as she said "It's ok, don't worry about it. I am sure he will wake up soon. I will stay with you until he wakes up." She embraced the little girl and consoled her. Even though she herself was breaking apart from the news she controlled herself and consoled the little child. Days passed and week passed. Their life continued the usual way. With her addition the mother and daughter began to cheer up a little but the heavy pain of seeing their beloved in a lifeless state still bothered them. Suddenly one day something strange happened. The earth began to shake as if a great earthquakw has occurred. The sky turned blood red and many spiral dots began to form. The three of them barely survived from the crumbling building. Amidst the chaos they also managed to protect his body. As the hospital was in complete ruin they had no choose but to find a place to stay. The three of them had previously rented an apartment so they went there, Thankfully the apartment was still intact. But the inside was in a mess. As they walked towards their apartment they saw many bodies lying lifeless on the ground. The entire vicinity was covered in bloody scent. "Just what happened in here? How could there be so many dead people?" Somethings not right... Soon they heard a creaking sound Gree... Gree.. Two greenish creature with long ear and sharp tooth, each holding small knife suddenly looked at them and grinned. Melina screamed" Hurry, lets go inside." She didn't know what these creatures were but she knew that they weren't friendly. On the other world he smiled as he murmured" You really did loved me. Just a while more and I shall return." " Oh heaven let nothing happen to my family and my beloved, let them hold on till I return. I still ned some more time to open up the void.
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