Episode 4

1513 Words
Place—Curia of Pompey, Theater of Pompey, Rome. Date—15th March, 44 BCE! The echoes of a chaotic scene filled the air as a large group of senators surrounded Julius Caesar, their faces were twisted in rage and determination. Antony rushed into the theater, but as he reached for Caesar, he fell to the ground, collapsing into unconsciousness. The air thickened with tension as a horrible scream tore through the hall, erupting from Caesar’s throat, echoing off the marble walls. The senators paused, their knives suspended in mid-air, as they turned to witness the unnatural expression on Caesar’s face—one of horror and betrayal. Panic gripped the room, and a collective scream erupted from the senators, piercing the silence. "Aaaaaahhhh!" Ananya shot up in bed, her heart racing, her breath coming in rapid gasps. The terror of the scene lingered in her mind like a shadow, pressing down on her chest. She could still hear the screams echoing in her ears. Dev immediately sat up, alarmed by her cries. He rushed to her side, concern etched on his face as he reached for the water bottle. "Drink this, Anu. Calm down," he urged, his voice steady despite the worry he had. Ananya took a shaky sip, but the remnants of fear clung to her like a heavy fog. "D-Dev," she stammered, her voice trembling, "why is this happening to me? After six years... why now?" Dev’s heart sank as he recognized the pain in her eyes. The memory of Raj Kumar’s murder—the unsolved mystery—flooded back to him. The police had declared it an unnatural death, but the truth remained elusive, leaving a wound that refused to heal. It was supposed to be just another university event. One day, the principal had called all the students from different departments into the conference room to announce a series of historical dramas. Dev remembered the excitement buzzing through the room as roles were assigned. Ananya had been given the role of Cleopatra, his brother Raj was chosen to play Julius Caesar, and Dev himself was cast as Antony. They had laughed about it afterward, teasing each other about their parts, excited about the upcoming performance. After weeks of rehearsal, the day of the performance had finally arrived. The stage was set for the reenactment of Julius Caesar's murder. But before that pivotal scene, there had been a romantic interlude between Caesar and Cleopatra, a moment meant to highlight their passionate connection. Dev had seen the scene countless times in rehearsals, but that night, something was different. On stage, under the glow of the lights, Ananya looked breathtaking. There was something about her in that moment that struck him in a way he hadn't anticipated. Her grace, her beauty—it was undeniable. Despite knowing she was his brother’s girlfriend, Dev had felt his heart stir in a way he had never expected. For a brief moment, he had found himself falling for her. But he had pushed those feelings down, deep within himself, out of respect for Raj. He had focused on the play, on his part in the unfolding drama. The script was clear—after Caesar’s murder, Antony was supposed to flee the scene. But as the stabbing began on stage, something strange happened. Dev had locked eyes with a figure in the audience, someone whose hypnotizing gaze seemed to reach into his soul, freezing him in place. He had tried to move, to speak, but he couldn’t. The last thing he remembered was that piercing gaze and a sudden, overwhelming tightness in his chest. When he woke up in the hospital, the first thing he had been told was that Raj was dead. The doctors explained that Dev had collapsed on stage due to a mini heart attack. But that news paled in comparison to the shattering truth about his brother. Raj was gone, and no one could explain how or why. The authorities declared it an unnatural death, but the investigation yielded no answers, no closure. Raj’s death remained a mystery, a gaping wound in their lives. Dev looked at Ananya now, the woman he had secretly fallen for that night, the woman who had become his wife after tragedy brought them together. Sometimes, Dev couldn’t decide if that day had been a blessing or a curse. He had gained Ananya, the one person he never thought he could love, but at the cost of losing Raj, the person who had meant the world to both of them. It was a cruel twist of fate, one that had left them both haunted. He felt a mix of sadness and helplessness as he glanced out the window. The sun was beginning to rise, casting a warm glow that hinted at a new beginning, but it did little to alleviate the heaviness in the room. "Anu," he whispered, pulling her closer. "I’m sorry... for everything." His voice broke slightly, the weight of guilt and sorrow catching up to him. Ananya looked up at him, her tear-filled eyes searching his face. "Dev... don’t," she whispered, shaking her head. "It wasn’t your fault. None of it was." But Dev couldn’t shake the feeling that, in some way, it was. He had fallen for her that night, and that thought had plagued him ever since. Was it destiny that had brought them together, or some cruel twist of fate? He glanced out the window again, watching the sun climb higher into the sky, signaling the start of a new day. But for him, and for Ananya, the past was still too present, too heavy. And until they found answers, until they could make peace with what had happened, they would both remain trapped in its grip. "Come here," Dev said softly, pulling her fully into his embrace. He kissed the top of her head and held her close, feeling her breath steady against him. "We’ll figure it out, Anu. One way or another, we’ll find our way through this. Together." Ananya sighed against him, her arms wrapping around him as she allowed herself to relax, if only for a moment. The memories still haunted them, but in Dev’s arms, she felt safe—safe from the nightmares, from the pain of the past. As the sun filled the room with warmth, Dev closed his eyes, silently vowing to do whatever it took to uncover the truth and find some semblance of peace—for both of them. Dev and Ananya were still wrapped in each other’s embrace, lost in the heaviness of their thoughts, when some hard knock on the door pulled them out of the trance. "Hey, lovebirds! Are you guys ready?" It was Khushi’s cheerful voice from outside. Dev sighed and kissed the top of Ananya’s head before standing up. "Guess it’s time to get going." Ananya smiled weakly, wiping her face. "Yeah, let’s go." She stood up and kissed his lips. After a moment, Dev smiled against her lips. As they pulled apart, Dev cupped her face. "You okay?" Ananya nodded, her heart feeling a little lighter. "Yeah, I’m okay." "Good," he whispered, brushing his thumb across her cheek. "They are waiting." Dev opened the door and told them to wait a little bit longer. They quickly got ready, freshened up, and soon joined their friends outside. The first day was reserved for casual sightseeing, and everyone was buzzing with excitement. Egypt had been on their list for a long time, and now they were finally here. Their first stop: the Great Pyramid of Giza. As the group stood in front of the largest pyramid in the world, the sheer magnitude of it left them all in awe. "Wow, how beautiful!" Khushi exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder. Vansh stared at the structure with a gleam in his eye. "Yes! I’m going to use this design in my next project. I’ve never seen anything so amazing in my life." Shreya smirked and teased him, "Oh really? I guess you haven’t seen any pictures of the pyramids before!" "I have, but seeing it in real life is a completely different experience!" Vansh shot back, grinning. "It’s one of the seven wonders for a reason, you know." Rounak chimed in. "Correct, Vansh. But did you know that Khufu's pyramid is perhaps the most colossal single building ever erected on the planet? Its sides rise at an angle of 51°52' and are perfectly aligned with the four cardinal points of the compass. The Great Pyramid's core is made of yellowish limestone blocks, while the outer casing and the inner passages are crafted from finer light-colored limestone. The burial chamber itself is built of massive granite blocks. They used around 2.3 million stone blocks to create this 5.75-million-ton structure. It’s truly a masterpiece of ancient engineering!" Shreya let out a frustrated groan, rolling her eyes. "Oh, Mr. Encyclopedia, please stop! You’re going to bore us all to death with your facts." Everyone burst into laughter, except for Rounak and Shreya, who both wore matching expressions of annoyance.
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