010 I'll be unlucky if I meet you

1839 Words
Chen Yi left the banquet hall, his face flushed to the base of his neck. He dared not defy Jiang Zhennan. Staying here and persisting stubbornly would only further disgrace himself. As he departed, a smile finally graced Jiang Zhennan's face. He cheerfully declared, "Carry on, everyone, carry on. I'll head next door for now, not to disturb the youthful camaraderie. Later, I'll return to announce something." Glancing towards Ye Xin, who had already resumed eating nearby, he then made his exit, leaving Jiang Wanwan, a young woman, naturally remaining. With his departure, the hall regained its lively atmosphere. Jiang Wanwan was instantly surrounded by several young people. They began discussing their own affairs, inevitably touching upon Chen Yi's embarrassment and Ye Xin. Everyone appeared to return to normalcy, except for two individuals. Lin Qingxue's brows were slightly furrowed. She had been observing from the sidelines, hoping to witness Ye Xin's embarrassment. However, throughout, Chen Yi kept exposing Ye Xin's flaws, yet Ye Xin's expression remained consistently indifferent. Previously, whenever they humiliated Ye Xin, he would often show signs of embarrassment or frustration. "Something's not right!" Observing Ye Xin sitting not far away, she felt uneasy. "What's wrong?" Han Shuo glanced at Lin Qingxue. "Nothing." Lin Qingxue shook her head. Han Shuo chuckled, saying, "I've brought you to such an upscale venue, you should just agree to me tonight." "Oh." Lin Qingxue coquettishly replied, "Let me take a few more photos to post on social media first. I bet my friends will envy me to death. Thank you, dear. We'll talk about tonight's matters later!" Another person behaving abnormally was Zou Qianqian. She remained seated beside Ye Xin, watching him consume his third serving of food, growing increasingly curious. "So mysterious." A hint of a smile appeared on her lips. "How long will this banquet last? It's so boring; I'm already full." Ye Xin remarked. "After Jiang Lao Ye announces something, it should be over!" Zou Qianqian leaned back against the sofa, flashing a sweet smile. "Ah, this is the most relaxed banquet for me. Speaking of which, if there's another such event next time, I'll need your help again!" "Sure thing. With delicious food and drinks, it's a win!" Between their conversation, the banquet hall's doors were pushed open once again, and Jiang Zhennan entered with a microphone in hand. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began, "you are all the bright talents of Jiang City's younger generation. Gathering you here today not only offers an opportunity for exchange but also to make an announcement." All eyes turned towards him. With a slight smile, he looked towards Jiang Wanwan not far away and said, "That announcement concerns my daughter Jiang Wanwan's lifelong event!" "What!" Everyone was astonished. "My daughter is already 25, still single, and as a father, it worries me deeply. Hence, this gathering also serves as an opportunity for anyone who fancies my daughter to boldly pursue her. I will not intervene..." Jiang Zhennan's words were interrupted! A petite figure instantly darted through the crowd, grabbing the microphone. "Dad... please don't say that!" "Shy! So shy!" Jiang Zhennan chuckled. "What I said just now is absolutely valid..." Jiang Wanwan's pretty face turned crimson. Not far away, Ye Xin was dumbfounded. What a dad! "Haha." Zou Qianqian giggled, covering her mouth. "This Jiang Lao Ye is very humorous in his daily life. But despite his appearance, when he gets serious, everyone fears him, especially in business. He's decisive and ruthless, which is why Chen Yi was afraid of him earlier." Ye Xin chuckled. After this farce, the gathering was drawing to a close, and people began to leave one by one. After a brief departure, Zou Qianqian stood up. "Let's go!" At the door, Zou Qianqian waved to Jiang Zhennan. He glanced at Ye Xin and pursed his lips, but said nothing. The two left the banquet hall smoothly. At the hotel entrance, Zou Qianqian smiled, "Where are you heading? I'll drive you." "You go ahead. I have some things to take care of. I'll just take a cab." Ye Xin replied. Zou Qianqian didn't inquire further, nodding. "Alright, thank you for today. If you need anything, just give me a call." Ye Xin nodded. After Zou Qianqian left, he stood at the hotel entrance, intending to hail a cab. At that moment, a middle-aged man hurried over. "Mr. Ye." The man in a suit introduced himself as Jiang Zhennan's secretary, handing over a business card. "Mr. Jiang instructed me to remind you to give him a call, no matter what." Ye Xin calmly took the card, nodding. "Alright, I understand." Then he hailed a taxi and got in. He didn't go directly back to the garden community but headed to Yang Qiang's place. Some of his belongings were still there. The most important of all was naturally that iron box! Three years ago, for that iron box, he almost lost his life, along with three others, including himself, a former Zero. As for what was inside the iron box, he wasn't sure. Initially, he was only assigned the task without being informed of its contents. Half an hour later, at 9 p.m., Ye Xin arrived smoothly at Yang Qiang's home. Standing at the door, he noticed it was open. From above the stairwell, Yang Qiang's voice came, "Hey, Li Ge, do you need more people over there?" "Not anymore, thanks. If you need someone, give me a call. I'm free now, no work." Yang Qiang was on the phone. Evidently, he was looking for a job over the phone, probably not wanting his son, Yang An'an, to overhear. Ye Xin walked up and found cigarette butts scattered on the floor! Yang Qiang was a genuine migrant worker, without a status change like Ye Xin's. Losing that job was equivalent to losing his livelihood. He didn't even have Ye Xin's immense strength. He had nearly exhausted all his efforts to cover his son's chemotherapy fees. Seeing Ye Xin, Yang Qiang flicked away the cigarette butt, extinguishing it. "Thought you weren't coming back today. Damn it, I called several construction sites yesterday, but they're not hiring. If I don't find work soon, An'an's chemotherapy fees next month..." Ye Xin smiled faintly. "I have a job. Want to give it a try tomorrow?" "Hmm?" Yang Qiang's eyes lit up. "Which construction site?" "Not a construction site, it's Shengshi Company." Ye Xin said. "The logistics company?" Yang Qiang's expression shifted slightly. "But won't logistics work involve a lot of traveling? If I leave, who will take care of An'an..." "You won't need to travel." Ye Xin assured him. "Physical labor ? Unloading cargo or something? How's the pay?" Yang Qiang hurriedly asked. "Not manual labor either. Tomorrow morning at 9 a.m., we'll meet at the company entrance. As for the salary, if you're not satisfied, you can just quit." Ye Xin smiled. Yang Qiang hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Alright, since I can't find work for the time being, trying our luck isn't bad. But how do you know people at their company?" "It's just a coincidence." Ye Xin smiled. He knew that if he revealed the truth, Yang Qiang would never believe it! Yang Qiang didn't inquire further. With this news from Ye Xin, his mood seemed to improve significantly. Tilting his head, he looked at Ye Xin. "Are you staying here tonight?" "No, I've found a place to stay. Just here to pick up some things." Ye Xin smiled. "Okay, let's go inside and get them. Just keep it down later; An'an is still doing his homework. Don't disturb him." Yang Qiang said. Ye Xin nodded. After collecting his belongings, Ye Xin returned to the residence of Zhe Qiu Yu and Lin Xiaonan in the garden community. They were not home, obviously out. A night watchman had to safeguard the peace of the night! The next morning at 8 a.m., Ye Xin had already left. At 8:30 a.m., he arrived at the entrance of Shengshi Company. As he arrived, a black car pulled up, and He g**g stepped out, waving to Ye Xin. "Hey, Mr. Ye, so early!" "I came over today for something. I usually won't be here. I trust you to manage the company; I'm quite at ease." Ye Xin said. "Let's go up together. I have something to discuss with you!" Naturally, he was arranging for Yang Qiang to work here. After explaining, He g**g nodded. "Rest assured, I'll arrange it. What about the salary?" "One million a year!" Ye Xin calmly stated. "Regardless of the position, that's the pay. Of course, he can keep it confidential." He g**g nodded. After a moment's thought, he said, "By the way, you probably need to take a photo and put it on the company's wall today. Otherwise, it would be awkward if you can't enter your own company next time." Ye Xin smiled faintly. "Okay!" Taking advantage of this time, He g**g called someone to take a photo of Ye Xin. At 9 a.m., Ye Xin's phone rang. It was Yang Qiang. After a brief conversation, he ran downstairs! At the entrance, Yang Qiang was standing there, anxiously scanning the area. The security guard had changed, and he saw He g**g personally escorting Ye Xin in, so there was no excessive obstruction! "Come in!" Ye Xin waved to Yang Qiang at the entrance. "Ye Xin?" At that moment, a beautiful woman ran over from the entrance, swiping her card and looking at Ye Xin, her face filled with disdain. Yes, it was Lin Qian. "Why are you here? Weren't you fired?" She scowled, glaring at Ye Xin. "The person who fired me has been fired himself, and I've been rehired." Ye Xin smiled. "Hmph, still proud to be a security guard. Can you even earn 5,000 a month? Useless as a guard." Lin Qian cursed. Inside the security booth, the security guard wanted to curse out loud! "Did you see my sister's circle of friends yesterday? Han Shuo took her to attend the top-notch millionaire gathering in Jiang City, at the Marriott Hotel. The food there would probably cost your entire month's salary. Of course, I guess she's already deleted your WeChat. You wouldn't know!" Lin Qian looked at Ye Xin with disdain. "Of course, I guess you had a pretty unlucky day today, especially when you see your photo appearing under the boss's section." Ye Xin looked at her and couldn't help but find it amusing. "Hurry up and move, you're a jinx. Two days ago when I saw you, my car crashed. Yesterday when I saw you, my boss got fired, and I couldn't even get some extra sleep this morning. You're a real jinx. No wonder my sister dumped you. Look at her life now, I'm envious!" Lin Qian said, shoving Ye Xin aside and walking into the building. Watching her leave, Ye Xin chuckled inwardly. "You're probably having a pretty unlucky day today, especially when you see my photo appearing under the boss's section."
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