Chapter Eight: Tai-1

2006 Words

Chapter Eight: Tai Strange, going back to Eventide in Fionn’s company. Bittersweet, because it was just like old times — and yet nothing like that at all. Strange going back under any circumstances, to be fair. I don’t mix with the type who go there now, not if I can help it. It was a sad day when Ayaka retired. No one with any sense could approve of what’s been done with the place since. The staff used to be merely friendly. Now they’re downright creepy — if you’ve eminence enough to pull your weight in there. As successful artists with a modicum of fame, Fi and I do, more’s the pity. Eventide’s front doors are just for show. And what a show: clear glass lit with its own golden radiance, like afternoon sun on the water. Beyond that, a swirl of drifting mist, moon-silver, opaque; peeri

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