Chapter3:The Master

448 Words
A young man is found unconscious in a huge aircraft .A man and a young woman approach him.The man says to the young woman "Looks like your mare found him".The girl replies "Yes he followed me" to which there is a reply by the old man "You mean your voice". The old man stares at him and says " Is he ready yet".The woman replies "No he should have discovered his powers a long time ago". "What is his name?"he asks ." John Bonan.Hes from earth" The woman replies . The man and the young woman leaves the room as they enter the cockpit of an aircraft the size of a planet "Let me check at the database.Earth Ok.Third planet of the system solar and the galaxy Milky Way. Well so he is the sacrifice.Another one.Your first one isn't it" asks the man.She smiles as she looks at the young man through the computer. " I have been in his head for a long time.Although it's only 6 years here.Its already 29 years in the place from where he came." The woman replies. "29 years ??Its still a long time.He must have developed huge cosmic power with you on his head.Although he hasn't been able to use it though.When he will be able he will a strong force to reckon." Asks the old man. "Well He can only use his power to use with a weapon.Well I could see he could not use it .These earth people are very primitive.So I developed a bow with my powers.Only strong cosmic powered individuals can wield that bow."Says the woman. "Well put him in the small pod and free him in space."Says the old man. "Will they find him?"asks the young woman in a frightened voice "I mean he will die if they don't find him." "He's has come here riding in a horse absorbing all your powers for 29 .......I don't know earth years .Ahhhh  solar years as it is called.He must have passed out after he saw the universe outside his planet.Although his head is quite vulnerable as due to your long tenured involvement with his head His body has gained advantage with this so called involvement that it has absorbed a huge amount of cosmic power and has become a force to reckon.He will be very strong.So there is no question to doubt his survival"answers the old Man. As the young man is carried to the aircraft the young woman sees the young mans eyes. "He will wake up soon.Bye Bye my friend" she says as she kisses his forehead as two guards put the young man in  a pod ,a miniature aircraft which can accommodate 5-6 people.
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