Chapter 5:The New Recruit

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As the small pod enters a large aircraft of the shape of an island.John opens his eyes as he is lifted up by a huge man that he earlier saw.As he glances he sees thousands of black armored men with guns and shielded helmets . "Why you rookie!"shouts gawwd as he sees John. "Ok gawwd.Thats enough."Says  Paula. "So do want to be recruited tough guy"asks Charlie. "You entered my head. Don't you know my name" says John. "No i only care about the protectors.So are you in?"asks Charlie. "Do I have a choice?"Says John. "No you are branded as an offering by the master.So you are a protector henceforth"Says charlie. "The master?"As John touches his bow he begins to remember the voices of a man and a woman . "Is he a man or a woman?I heard their voice,Although I don't remember much not even my name or my place"John replies. "That bow will certainly aid you to bring back your memory.For now we will call you Bullseye as you can wield that bow."Says charlie. "Fine I'm in.But can you tell me more about this in details"Says John "Paula is the Commander of the protectors.She will tell you about everything that is to know here."Says charlie as he leaves . "Ok can one of you please tell me about this. I will be calm"John asks. "You are one of us now .You,I ,Paula,Darr, Baruto and Gawwd are the six protectors under the leader Charlie"says Paul. "And what about those black armored men"John asks. "Those are the commandos recruited by Charlie.They are our infantry.They dont have any powers like us.They are trained soldiers from different planets.All of them volunteered by passing a test made by Charlie .Every test there is a recruit of 500.There are 10,000 of them now.Now listen carefully. A small number of them like 2-20 can be leaded by a leftuinant who is chosen from among them."Says Paul. "Who choses The leftuinant"asks John. "The Captain,that's one of us excluding Paula ofcourse who's is our commander.We can lead 1000 each from the commandos when required in a mission.And Paula can lead all of them as she is in second command to charlie.Darr was one of the commandos before.When I was recruited he was one of the pilots of the commandos.But charlie promoted him to a protector as he knows all the way and everything that is to know about the cosmos.He can help you to search your planet from the database if you remember your planet that is" Says Paul. "Ok so what is this mission and what we do"asks john. "We along with the commandos protect the people of different planets who hire us and also kill "Says Paul. "So we are mercenaries?"John asks. "No Bullseye.Can I call you that?Well somewhat analogous but we only protect and attack under Charlie's command"Says Paul. "Who's he under"asks John. "Well there are the masters and the protectors.The masters are the ones who command the protectors' leaders.The Master who branded you offered Charlie you as a protector.But however he commands Charlie."Says Paul. "Now about the masters.They have the prerogative to assign brands to protectors like the master did to you.When he provides you with cosmic power it means he has branded you.They can give you weapons depending upon your strengths as you cope with your powers.They are the ones who truly do the protecting of the galaxy.They can sense attacks from galaxies or from warlords or other harmful creatures or things and can summon a protector whenever any useful planet is being harmed.That is how you were pulled out from your planet and summoned as a protector." Adds Paul. "Now that's a lot of info there"says John. "There are many things yet to know.Few years ago I was like you .Me and my sister were pulled out when a big natural disaster occurred in our planet.My sister had great cosmic powers inherited by the master.Nowadays these masters have guardians to their work .One of the masters guardian have her a torch from which she can wield a sword or a whip. She can kill atleast 10 normal soldiers at hand to hand combat.I in the other hand was given the power to defend.Although I am able to shield myself ,Charlie says I have the power to shield a planet at maximum level.I still need this shield though to activate my powers just like my sister needs her torch."Says Paul. "So this bow is my weapon.Although I don't quite remember .But I do feel energized when I touch it"Says John. "Yes we are all weapon users.But there will be a time when we are able to use these cosmic powers without our weapons.You know like charlie did to you"Says Paul. "Yeah That was incredible.He just beat me without even touching me"Says John. "Yes he can telepath and attack weaker powered individuals by hypnotizing them to sleep just as he did to you and also Paula when she tried to resist Charlie's power.She was very strong compared to you.Charlie had to touch her to make her unconscious.But Charlie thinks you are stronger than her"Says Paul. "How .I barely remember anything."Says John. "Well you can wield this bow.When you were unconscious Charlie told that this bow was made by not the master but one of his guardians.Your cosmic powers were given by the master but  however were forced into your mind slowly .Well the master is not a guy who usually has patience over a protector But however his selected guardian can provide you with even their cosmic power.They are also as equally powerful as the leaders of the protectors."Says Paul. "So I need to be thankful to this guardian than.Whoever she is has given me a ride too"Says John. "May be .But let's be more practical now Bullseye.Youll learn more of the cosmos as we engage in our mission"Says Paul As both of them go to the pod John stares at the glass of the giant aircraft awaiting the future and more the voice that aided him.
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