The Journal of Left Vazz's friend part 1

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July 7th, 2086, 10:08…       Today is day one of our journey… Five years from now we should arrive to the port safely, well hopefully safely…       July 8th, 2086, 16:56          Hello again journal entry! I’ve introduced myself to my fellow shipmates today! The captain of the ship is named Korie. They’re probably the shortest but scariest person here. Next up we have Ryder, he’s much taller than me and isn’t the friendliest. There’s also Stormi! They’re Korie’s best friend! And, then there’s Opal. She’s very quiet which I haven’t figured out why. Anyway, gotta go! We’re about to eat food!       December 25th, 2086, 8:27          Hi journal! It’s Christmas! Korie made Stormi a prank gift which was hilarious. And- Huh? What’s going on Stormi? Stormi!               Apri

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