Mission destroy

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*George POV* It’s two damn o’clock in the morning and I have not slept a wink. The hotting sounds of the stupid owl and heaven’s knows what else kept me company. I have never had problems sleeping my entire life but insomnia is my new best friend and it’s all because of that lowly janitor at the racing club. I have never been challenged my entire life. Be it school or social events, I rule and I always get what I want. The water-boy does not seem to understand this, nor does he know his place. He is too cocky and proud, it’s infuriating. He is just a lowly servant, a janitor but chicks actually drool over him. Then there’s the sexy bootylicious Tanya I have been trying to nail for years now. She won’t even give me an ear but she will gladly sit and happily chat with the water-boy for hours. As if that’s not enough, now grandfather thinks he is all that. The pestilent only returned the stupid wallet untouched and I can’t hear the end of it. It’s now Jake this and Jake that every damn time I meet the old man. I would not care much if that was all, but I have discovered that he had his PI to look into the i***t. Grandfather never does anything for no reason. The way he is talking about Jake is making me really uncomfortable. Him and I are not as close as we once were when I was a boy. He use to dot over me. I was his all but that has all changed. Yes, I have made my fair share of mistakes. On top of that list is impregnating the maid and someone’s wife, but we took care of that and got rid of the pregnancies. The next was when I used some company funds to buy my limited edition rides without consulting him. In my defence we have enough money, it boggles me how he can even hold a couple of millions against me. Since then he does not even consult me about business decisions anymore. It’s like he is trying to cut me off but I didn’t worry about it, until now. Him taking too much liking into the arrogant janitor is not good for me. I might be his only grandson and current heir, but since meeting the irritatingly too goody water-boy, he has repeatedly made it clear that he is under no obligation to pass his wealth to me. Losing my inheritance to a lowly janitor would be a nightmare I can’t afford to live. I need to crush and destroy Jake once and for all and I know just the perfect way to do this. He will not want to stick around here when I am done with him. The following morning….. As if lack of sleep is not enough, I find Mother in the lounge. I can already tell that she is waiting for me. This woman needs to get a life. “Have you fixed your relationship with your grandpa?” That’s the greeting I get these days. I shrug my shoulders. “He will come around or die soon. Don’t worry your busy head about it.” “George….” “Not now, Mother. I don’t need your lecturing every damn morning!” “Watch your tongue when talking to me. How can you say such an evil thing about your grandfather?” “Bye, Mother.” I guess I have to eat my breakfast somewhere else again because I have no intentions of listening to her rant about my unacceptable behaviour. “I am still talking to you!” she yells but I continue walking away from her. This b***h does not realise that she will depend on me when grandpa kicks the …. and I take over the family wealth. For some stupid reasons, she has not given up on trying to install some humble, kind, respectful s**t in me at this age. I really don’t know how Father ended up with her. She is my Mother but really gets on my nerves. I really wish she and grandfather were the ones who died instead of Father. My old man got me, he let me do anything I wanted and never nagged me. Two months later…. Eight weeks, a trip to Jolly islands, designer clothes and a million dollars later, I have Jake’s supposedly loyal fiancée dancing to my every tune. Little gullible sweet thing thinks she is all that, throwing the L word everywhere and even has plans to be Mrs Spencer. How ambitious! I mean even a minister’s daughter hardly qualifies to be my future wife, let alone a nobody like her. She can’t even pronounce half the meals on the menu at the restaurants I take her. Not only that, by the virtue of cheating on her fiancé with me outright disqualifies her. She’s pretty and all but who wants a w***e for a wife? I do enjoy f*****g her though, so I will let her believe what she wants for now until I have no use for her anymore. It does not take much to get her to completely crush her fiancé. You would think she would give it a second thought considering she was ready to walk down the aisle with him. b***h impresses even me with the moaning and praises. She does not try to stop me from thrusting in her even when Jake walks in. Fear this woman I tell you! I follow her lead and bring my A game and w***e responds matching my every effort. I can’t hide my satisfaction at the pestilence’s reaction when he walks in. I can see his hands clench into fists and really disappointed when he walks out instead of trying to fight. What a craven! Grandfather hated violence. It would suit me best if he tries fighting because I can get him fired, arrested and done with. Not only will this destroy him forever but it will erase whatever spark he has with my grandfather. My attempt to aggravate him when I leave his room fail. Too much of a coward this i***t. I mean, who wouldn’t fight a guy who just f****d his fiancée in his room? I guess I have to push him harder to strike. My chance comes earlier than I anticipated. He brings Leticia’s clothes at the reception. I can’t hold my laughter when my w***e throws his engagement ring back at him. This woman is really vicious and heartless, definitely not keeping her around after this. I must admit that the emerald ring is quite exquisite coming from a water-boy, but I can’t hold back the urge to kick it away. That’s because my w***e had told me just how dear he holds his dead mother’s ring. Maybe this will make him snap… Fuck! I didn’t realise that grandfather is in the coffee shop. I disappear out of sight the moment he picks up the ring…..
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