The craven

1814 Words
*Jake POV* A month later, I’m on the water-stand duty and already dreading it. Mia Drew, Tanya’s sister is an amazing multi award winning racer and very dedicated to the sport. She’s always the first on the track and quickly leaves just when the rich boys arrive. Tanya comes by a lot to watch her sister race. She, to George’s irritation, always comes to sit at the water station with me. We get along really well. I have also had the opportunity to meet Mercy Drew, my childhood crush, on several occasions too. Most of the old rich folks are surprisingly pleasant. All in all, this job is not bad. Tanya and Mia have just left when George drives by very slowly very close to the stands. I am still figuring out what he is up to when he shouts. “Hey water-boy, catch!” A container comes right at my face, urine drenching my face and clothes. I close my eyes, the acidity of the urine making my eyes sore. My fists involuntarily clench, anger brewing inside. His laughter fading away tells me that he has sped away. Bra Steve is the first to reach me and splashes water on my face. He must tell that I am fuming because he talks me down, his gentle genuinely caring voice getting to me. “Stand down, kid. He is intentionally aggravating you.” Bra Steve is also a security guard and handyman here, but is also like a father to all of us. He’s been here since the construction of the club, gets on very well with the older rich folks and has gotten a lot of us out of tight situations with the manager. I unclench my fist and take deep breaths to calm myself down. “I know. He wants me to retaliate and get fired.” It seems George is on a mission to get on my nerves. I can tolerate his groupies stupid stunts, but he really pushes my buttons. “Sorry, kid. I know that it’s hard. Go get changed, I will take over from here.” The old man comes to my aid again. I hope I will one day have the opportunity to repay him. I nod my head and head to my room where I take a quick shower and change. I meet George and his friends a few minutes later. “Hey craven! How did my urine taste? Better than any drink you can afford hey?” he says while they all burst out in laughter. It takes everything in me to not wipe his smug with my fist and mop the floor with his stupid head. “You need a job and a place to stay, Jake. The pay is good and you have friends here,” I tell myself as I walk away without responding. . Four months later.. “You are in trouble, Mister,” Leticia says the moment I reach the reception. I flash her a smile while taking her in. The tight floral dress accentuates her bosom and tiny waist. I fight the edge to pull her into my arms. “What have I done now, beautiful?” She blushes. “You know that George has been after Tanya for a very long time.” “So?” My mood suddenly gets spoiled. That name just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. “You are too familiar with her. He doesn’t like it,” she says but her voice change tells me that this has more to do her than George. I laugh, amused and the least worried about the pompous rich boy. “Are you sure it’s George I should worry about?” “I don’t know what you mean,” she says innocently but I know that she gets jealous when I talk to Tanya or when other girls flirt with me. I chuckle because she is a really bad liar. “See you later, beautiful. That dress is hot by the way. I can’t wait to take it off.” She completely melts, her cheeks turning crimson. I curse inside when I see Bra Steve, who happens to be her father, approaching us. He waves his finger disapprovingly at me while I smile innocently at him. Leticia took a lot of her kindness and down to earth characteristics from him. I feel completely comfortable talking to her without fearing being judged. She is the only other person, besides Ty, who knows everything about me and my past and I love her for that. An hour later, I am having my lunch when Bra Steve comes to join me and I already know what’s coming. “You are a good kid…” “But?” “You are a player and too smooth with the ladies. Stay away from my daughter.” I don’t think I have seen this overprotective side of him. I guess every father is like that with his daughter. “Come on, Bra Steve. I swear I have good intentions.” He lifts his eyebrow, studying me as if deciding if I am to be trusted or not. “I swear. Leticia is a diamond I will cherish forever.” I have been meaning to come clean about the relationship I have with his daughter. Now that it has come up, I might as well confess. “Are you proposing, Mr Anderson?” “Not yet, but I will very soon when I get my finances sorted.” The pay is not bad. I have been saving most of my money to ensure that I provide her the home she deserves. I should be able to afford a nice cozy home in a years time if I continue saving the way I have been doing. “In that case, you have my blessings, Son,” he beams and I can’t believe my ears and luck. Most fathers would find me too poor and less deserving to be with their daughter, but Bra Steve is actually thrilled. “Thank you, Bra Steve. This means a lot to me.” I can’t hide my excitement when I shake his hand. I catch a glimpse of Leticia, who has been eavesdropping on our conversation and wink at her. “I know that you are there, Leticia,” Bra Steve says without looking back. I can’t help but laugh as the sound of her heels as she runs away, betray her. The old man turns to me with a straight face. “Don’t get her pregnant.” I frantically shake my head as if I am not planning on making his daughter scream my name in an hours time. “I promise.” An hour later… Completely naked and against the wall in my basement room, I break off the kiss, irritated with myself for poor planning. She looks at me with questioning eyes. My Babe wants me as much as I want her. “Condom,” I say, breathlessly and she is not pleased with me. There was a time we both worried about unplanned pregnancy but it now seems like I’m the only one. “Jake!” she exclaims when I put on the condom. “I promised your father to not get you pregnant before we wed.” “Don’t be so old school! We don’t have to be married to have a child. We are both working and can afford to raise one.” It’s all true but she stays with her parents and I stay in a basement at a racing club. I want much better than that for my child. “Babe, I just want to do things right by you,”I explain before burying my head on her neck, her moan waking up a beast I try to suppress. “Fine, we will use the damn condom.” “I love you too,” I tease as I lift her off her feet and positioning myself in her. She rolls her eyes at me and wraps her arms around my neck. “You will pay for that.” It does not take long before I have to cover her mouth to mask her moans. “Oh! Jake!” “You like that?” She nods, sinking her nails on my back. “Babe, Yes!!” At this rate, her father and everyone here will know what we are up too. I adjust my hand over her mouth before riding her until her body trembles against mine and her eyes roll back as o****m watches over her. “I love you, Jake.” “I know.” It’s cocky but I know when a woman is into me. She remains limp in my arms before regaining her strength. I place my forehead against hers, forcing her to look at me. “Tanya is not a threat.” “She is beautiful and a model.” I shrug my shoulders. “True.” “Jake!” she exclaims with a sulking tone. “What do you want me to say Leticia. She is a friend, that’s all.” I have never even once looked at Tanya that way. She is beautiful and friendly, but she is way out of my league. “She has history with hot guys like you.” I shake my head, not impressed. Tanya told me of the history she is very ashamed of, when she left home and lived with some celebrity musicians for fame. That was over five years ago. She since got her life together and no longer that artificial but there are some who still rub that on her face. It’s not like Leticia to be in that judgment group. “That was a long time ago, she changed and you know that.” She pushes me away and picks up her clothes. “You know a lot about someone I should not worry about!” I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her neck. “You are really hot when jealous.” “I am not jealous! She wants you and you are encouraging her!” I sigh, realising that this is serious. Women can be impossible. “Tanya is a good person and a good friend, who knows that I am crazy about you and want to marry you.” “Really?” she’s suddenly all happy now. “Woman, please. Would I give your father my word if I was not serious about you?” She shakes her cute head. “You respect Daddy.” “I look up to that man. Babe, chill, you are my lighthouse.” “Okay. See you later then,” she says with a giggle, quickly getting dressed and blowing me a goodbye kiss. I shake my head at the seemingly similar creature like myself, yet so differently wired. “Women!”
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