Chapter 8: Not a Mission

950 Words
Micah We need to go check on that trail. I don't want an official mission or to make a big deal out of this. I just want a group of guys to go with me to go check it out. So I grab a few guys, not a big detail, and early in the morning, the day after Brice hurt his ankle, we go out to see what the situation is with those tracks that were discovered on our last trip into the woods. I have some of my most trusted wolves with me, and it's so early in the morning, not many people are out and about. Eli, Kimber, Alex, and another guy named Rob are in our wolf forms, and we are running along at a good clip as the sun comes up, painting the sky in pinks and yellows. This is one of my favorite times of the day. It's so peaceful. The birds begin to sing in the trees, and the night creatures are just crawling back beneath their blankets of leaves and bark for a day's rest while the animals that call the daytime their own are up and about, scurrying around looking for something to fill their bellies. Fall is in the air, and a breeze hits me in the face. I smell pine and a hint of decay that lets me know that soon enough all of the leaves on these trees will turn shades of scarlet and orange and tumble to the ground. They'll fade away, and winter will be upon us. But soon enough, spring will come, and with it new life, and we'll start the cycle all over again. My thoughts are interrupted as the game path comes into view ahead of us. There's no need to scout it out this time because we know exactly where the tracks are. We don't even slow down as I lead the way, my team falling into line behind me. I follow the footsteps the wolves from Dark Eclipse left in the mud for a few miles until they disappear in the tall grass only a few miles short of the border of their pack lands. It's all the further proof I need that the wolves that were spotted on our lands were from our rival pack. “Those dirty b*stards," Eli says using the mind-link. “They want a war? A war's comin'!" “We've got to be smart, though," I remind him. The last thing we need is for other packs to think that we are the aggressor. “We should go before their Omegas see us. They're probably patrolling the area," Alex suggests. I know he's right. I take another look around and we head back to the village. A glance at the sky tells me it's about eight o'clock in the morning now, which means people will be milling about. I doubt anyone will see us coming back into the village. Even if they do, they'll probably just think that we're out on a patrol. Not that it's anyone's business what we're doing. Still… I don't need certain people getting upset that I didn't ask them along. “All right," I say. “Let's head back." We turn and follow our trail back to the village and get to the spot where Zariah initially noticed the footprints the other day when a detail of Omegas happens by. It's the morning patrol. They are in wolf form but bow their heads in respect. “Good morning, Alpha," their leader, Juan, says to me. “Good morning," I say to all of them. “Out on a mission, sir?" he asks in a cheerful tone. “No, just out on a run," I say, giving him a small smile, and we turn and head off toward the village again. But I know it's too late for my lie to work. Because amidst the group I see a familiar face. Greg Jeffries, one of Zariah's good friends, is with the Omegas on patrol, and he's sure to tell her that I was out with a group following the footprints that she found. I suck in a deep breath and pretend that I don't think it's a problem, but we don't even make it back to my office before Eli's voice is in my head. “Sh*t, Alpha Micah, you're in trouble now." He may be my best friend, but sometimes I want to slug him. “I don't know what you're talking about," I tell him. “Oh, I think you do," Eli insists. I just keep running. There's really nothing to say. Of course, Greg will tell her. He's so far up her bottom, he can see the back of her eyes. I honestly hope that they find out that they are mates so that she'll leave me the h*ll alone. Seriously, they are meant to be together. So, yes, Greg will most certainly tell Zariah that I took a group out there. And I will have to be prepared to tell her it's none of her d*mn business what I do or who I do it with. She's not my Beta. Not yet anyway. I head into my office through a door I've had put in for when I'm in my wolf form, and Eli follows me, almost getting stuck because he's so big. I turn and glare at him. “Are you going to follow me into the bathroom to change, too?" “No," he says. “But I just wanted to see your human face one more time. Before you die." I shake my wolf head at him and tell him, “Get the h*ll out of here."
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