LOGANISMS AND KAPOW! TAYLOR The house was dark when I walked inside with two bags of groceries. Hitting the lights with my elbow, I toed the door shut behind me. “Dad? I got food.” He didn’t answer, but he could’ve been in his office watching tapes. He always seemed to be there. Or else he was still on campus. “Dad?” I put a pot on the stove and put away the milk and orange juice. I unloaded meat for sandwiches, vegetables, fruit, and yogurt. After I pulled out the noodles and set them on the counter for dinner, I realized one thing: My coffee was still in the sink. I’d dumped it there this morning, and a small stain still sat around the drain. Dad hadn’t been home all day. He still wasn’t home. It was eight at night. Normal dads got home around six. My dad’s last practice ended at