Gumshoe Blues-2

2019 Words

“Were you a big fan of Mrs Thatcher’s stint as Prime Minister, Peter?” said Jack. “Not too bothered either way,” I answered. “I’m not exactly what you’d call a particularly political animal.” “Head in the clouds, head in the sand, eh?” said Jack, with a look of distaste. He plonked a bottle of expensive looking brandy on his desk along with two glasses. “Cheers,” said Jack, filling both glasses. He pushed one towards me. “Cheers,” I said. “You see, Mrs T was, in many ways, a visionary, Peter. She believed in an aspirational society,” said Jack. “Get on your bike; go for it; seize the day; grab the bull by the horns. That sort of thing.” I sipped my brandy, enjoying the burn. “But, that’s not for everyone, is it? Ninety-nine per cent of the population are just here to make up the num

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