"No, really, no. If I take a sip, I'll hurl. I really need to get home and get sorted out before I start the lunch rush at work. I can call a cab, so you don't have to …" Her eyes are flicking between Jake and I and the obvious tension between us. "No, it's fine. I want to give Emma some space to get herself together and my driver is out for now anyway. I'll take you; I'll just go get my shoes." Jake pushes off the counter, glancing at me quickly, and saunters off toward his guest rooms. I can't help but watch his strong and fit body swagger, like a man with too much s*x appeal, crossing the room and that ass; sighing as I watch it go. When did he start keeping clothes down there? "You're not coming home anytime soon I take it?" Sarah looks me up and down warily, a slight hint of hope