Chapter 4-3

1362 Words

"I f*****g hate you!" Leila is yelling at the top of her lungs, in his strong embrace, hauling his shirt up his back, twisting it around her fists. Jake follows at a distance keeping a tight hold of me in his arms. His expression giving nothing away. My heart is pounding so fast at his proximity yet part of me can't tear my eyes away from the couple walking ahead of us. My heart torn as to where my attention should be; Jake's perfect profile and touchable face or the hellcat being kidnapped by the guy who wants her. "Leila, I'm not against dumping your ass on the sidewalk and making you walk home if you keep that up." She's still pulling his shirt up his back, clawing at him, and using his trouser waist band as leverage to pull her weight down to smack him. He smacks her ass hard in reta

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