8. Nakir

1449 Words
What the hell was she thinking just barging in like that? He went to all the trouble to get Ery to see his side of the bloody thing, and to lay off with torturing Siobhan, then the witch walks into his private tower and nearly destroys the fragile peace he has going on with Ery. The goddess doesn’t share her possessions. Siobhan has to learn who she belongs to and fast. He’d prefer the soft witch over that demon b***h every day, but he can’t touch her. Ery looks the other way if he f***s and kills an occasional demon, but she is fond of Siobhan. She claimed the witch for her own. Would casting a spell to keep her out be too much? How about a Hellhound at the base of the stairs? That should discourage her. Maybe. Would it? He’s got more important things to do than worry about her. She wanted to be here, so here she is. His meal has turned sour. The demoness is pouting, so he sends her packing. He doesn’t need drama. Even s*x is optional, he can just bite them and be done with it. But how will he pass the time then? And it’s so fun to see them vying for his attention. They made it into a twisted game by now. Whichever gets to spend a night with him, is worth more in the eyes of the others. She can boss the lower demons around for a while. Has Siobhan realised that her mind walls were down? Was she so shocked that she forgot to protect her mind? He saw a glimpse of her thoughts, she wanted him. Siobhan wanted to be where the demoness was. Was sleeping with her a mistake? Humans forgot all about him and moved on, the witch never has. Even though she married at some point, Siobhan still wants him. He doesn’t understand her at all. She knows very well who he is and what he does. She should keep a safe distance from him, but she seeks him out instead. Nakir doesn’t believe the story about searching for the library stairs. He knows where those are, but it’s up to Ery if she allows Siobhan access to the upper floors. He feels the summons. Ery wants something from him. Nakir grabs a shirt and shoes, his coat too. Ery is all about decency and decorum. How can Siobhan even think they are lovers? They can hardly stand to be in the same room. Yes, he loves her, but not in that way. Like an annoying sister is more likely. Buttoning up his shirt on the way to the throne room, he’s thinking about his next meal. Siobhan’s interruption was very ill timed. He didn’t get enough blood and Malalyka is pissed, so she’s out of the question. “I heard our feisty little witch walked in on you,” Ery chuckles. At least someone is amused by the situation. “And your point is?” He frowns. “She doesn’t listen, she’s stubborn, persistent, her thoughts are funny when she’s not guarding them. Siobhan really was looking for the library stairs. Do you think I should let her up there? How do we explain it?” Ery asks him. “Why explain anything? She’s dead and stuck here. She can’t tell anyone,” Nakir shrugs. “If it keeps her occupied and out of my way, I’ll show her the stairs myself.” “You don’t like her? Why did you bring her here then?” Ery nudges him. “I like her. She’s a good person that made a few stupid choices in her life,” he says. “What do you think would happen to her in Uffern? She was guarding that realm all her life. The job has been passed to Selene now. It has to be a woman from her bloodline to keep the seal locked.” “Uffern is a nasty realm. There is no order there, Chaos rules supreme. I commend her choice. At least she’s not hunted here,” Ery winks at him. “Please don’t say you’re bored and want to go hunting?” Nakir glares back. “But we really should!” Ery skips around him like a happy little child. “I’m hungry,” he tells her. He’s not in the mood to go hunting. “So? We catch something and you feed?” Ery smirks. “I don’t see a reason why we shouldn’t? You must know of a demon that needs to be disciplined?” “Fine. I’ll bring the mares around,” he gives in. Nakir shakes his head all the way to the royal stables. The mares are half demon half horse. It takes a special way to tame them somewhat, but Ery prefers them as wild as they come. The stable is an open type. The mares can come and go as they please, but mostly stay where there’s food. They haven’t kept any stallions around since Munkar died. The male specimens are too complicated to have, so they release them into the wild. His favourite mare comes running on her own, so he gives her a treat. The demon horses love dried blood. He takes Ery’s harness from the wall. The small bells call to the mare that she favours. That’s the only trick this mare has ever learned. To come at the sound of the bells. He feeds her a few treats as well, just to have peace while he leads them over. Ery is probably waiting by the palace door for him. Her black scaled armour and bow are from the same material as the saddle and harness. It almost looks like she’s got wings, but they are only elaborate arm guards. The helmet has tips like elven ears and her long hair is let loose to flow behind her as she rides. She makes a formidable sight like this. They let the demon horses run until they reach the wide deserted planes of Irkalla. The demon they are hunting was last seen lurking around the stone monoliths. A runaway, ironically. Ery pulls an arrow to be ready with her bow. They haven’t hunted together in aeons, so this should be fun. She is one with her horse. They are so in sync that she never needs to hold the reins. Ery shoots the arrow before he even sees the demon. Did she get it? A red streak is left on the stones. She nicked it. Nakir rides forth to catch the demon. The sight of fresh blood brought his hunger back into the game. He slides from the mare when he spots the demon. The monoliths are remnants of old temples, there is nowhere to hide. The ground is the only firm thing left. He runs parallel to the creature. Ugly looking halfbreed that shouldn’t exist at all. Another arrow flies over his head. Ery is trying to herd the demon. It would be easier if they had a wall or two to corner the slippery bastard. He laughs out loud when the creature gets in grabbing range. One bite is all it takes. “Don’t kill it!” Ery shouts. “I want that one back!” “Bloody Hell! May I at least get a drink? I’m starving!” Nakir shouts back at her. “Sure. Tie it up and bring it back to the palace. Just don’t let it get in your head, I don’t share!” Ery growls. But she did say yes. Nakir sinks his fangs deep into the demon’s neck. This will teach the bastard to just donate the bloody pint next time. Getting bit is not pleasant. Especially when Nakir is angry and starving. He prefers willing food, but a squirming demon feeds his thirst even better. Fear is a treat he doesn’t taste so often. He sends his mare back to the palace on its own. They always return eventually. There is nothing here in the wastelands anyway. Nakir ties the insubordinate demon with a chain. Then he summons his shadows and returns to the palace on the expressway. He dumps the demon back to its holding cell and waits for Ery. She can influence her mare to run like the wind, so she’s probably not far behind. He leans on the wall, he inspects his perfect nails. He plays with one of his daggers. Boredom is not his friend. Nakir spotted a few demons giving him a wide berth. Just standing here, he can inflict fear. Just wait till they hear about today’s hunting trip, they’re gonna be quiet for a few days at least.
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