Chapter One ~ 1818-3

2055 Words

Unfortunately he was not aware at the moment of what the record was and, as the groom who was to accompany him had also been engaged by Gerald, it was no use asking him. Instead, as his trunk was strapped to the back of the phaeton, he said to Bateson, “I have told my valet to take the rest of the day and part of tomorrow off so that he can visit his relatives who live in London. I expect that there will be someone who will look after me at The Castle.” “I hope there’ll be, Your Grace,” Bateson murmured. “But I thinks it’s a mistake, Your Grace, not to take your own man with you.” “Nonsense!” the Duke replied. “You are worrying about me unnecessarily, as you did when I was a small boy. I am sure that The Castle will be just as I remember it.” He sprang up into the phaeton and took the

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