
A New Essence

opposites attract
kickass heroine
Multi-professional Billionaire Writing Contest

How does it feel to wake up on a hospital bed, completely feeling alien whilst few people are crying of relief of your survival? The trickiest part is, you don't even know who those people are, and you don't even know your own name!

Cora Evelyn Rhonda, was severely injured in a graphic car accident and was on her death bed when she was 18, and went into coma. 9 years later, she wakes up in a hospital and gets diagnosed with amnesia. With a clean slate in place of her memories and her very reckless behaviour, will she ever get back her past?

Charlie Baxter, playboy extraordinairé, known for his miraculous works at curing people with mental disorders, finally decides to relocate and let his family know about his profession. On the first day at his new workplace, a saline bottle comes flying at his face and next comes a patient to a skidding halt. How will his life take a turn from there?

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Chapter 1
Almost everything was going well now. His family had come to terms with his profession. They thought that he was just a spoilt rich son who mooched off his siblings, but now, he was a responsible adult. Being a bully and giving everyone trauma in their childhood, one cannot really turn over a new leaf and become a psychiatrist. But Charlie Baxter did. Just to keep his image intact as a villain in his family, he kept his studies and his profession a secret from everyone. But now, unfortunately getting caught in the middle of a wedding proposal and offering treatment to his now future sister-in-law, he was forced to let out his secret and relocate to a hospital near his family. But in a sense, it was all good. He could finally live without lying to anyone. Charlie Baxter was now officially a psychiatrist which was known to his family and friends and he could go on about his job without any interruptions. His friend had begged him to join into his hospital as the psychiatry department was very well known. He obliged and got in, as he decided to relocate anyway. "Are you sure that you are a psychiatrist?" His sister, Jesse asked. She was younger to him and worked as an assistant secretary in his twin brother, Jackie's company. "I've told you a million times before. I am a psychiatrist and there is nothing you can do to change it. Is it really so unbelievable?" He rolled his eyes as he drove his car. "Of course! We all thought that you were practically jobless all these years and now you suddenly spill, saying that you are a known doctor and all! I, in fact, never even imagined you in a doctor's coat! How could that be possible?" "I don't really have to answer you. I had my own reasons to keep it from you. Anyway, why in the world am I driving you along?" "Because I desperately need a proof that you are a doctor and also mom and dad asked me to go check," she shrugged. "Jordan could come along. She is a lot more sweeter than you," he sighed thinking about his other sister who was younger to him, but older to Jesse. She was sweet and didn't really care about things other than herself. She was back to her university whereas Jesse dropped out to take up the job at her brother's office. "She left, remember? She can't stay here forever." "I wish you left instead. Why do you have to annoy me all the time? Can't you go and just work?" He sighed. "Ah, being with you makes me feel the same, but I try, you know? I have to be the bigger person out of us both," she smirked and he snorted. There were times when he just wanted to strangle his sister, but reason kicked in and he prevented homicide. He had to be reasonable, he was a psychiatrist after all. They reached the hospital. It was huge and Jesse could swear she never saw a hospital so big in her life. "You are gonna work here?" "Yeah," he began walking in and Jesse followed. "They actually offered you a job here?" "There were much better options, but this was the closest," he shrugged. "Are you sure you are not exaggerating? And what the hell is with your clothes? You look like Jackie, wearing all those suit and ties. I can't really tell you guys apart. You look so similar!" Charlie had more of a bad boy style. Leather jackets, ripped jeans, boots and sunglasses were more of his style. It sure was weird for Jesse to see him dressed up like the goody two shoes, Jackie, his twin brother. "I'm in a professional environment, Jesse. I need to be presentable for at least the first day," he smirked. "True that," she shrugged. Of course, just because he was now a psychiatrist in her eyes didn't change the fact that he was cocky as hell. They walked in and the hospital was bustling with activity. Nurses and doctors were everywhere with patients and the receptions were busier than ever. "There are a lot of sick people in this world, huh?" Jesse mused and walked along with her brother. They met up with Charlie's friend, the hospital's director and he thanked him for more than half an hour for accepting his offer. He already had his paperwork done and ready and made it so that he could start working the very same day. "We'll have a meeting in the evening, introducing you to the senior staff, but I would love it if you could start working from today," Mr. Houston, the director said. He was a middle aged man with a smile on his face all the time. Jesse was quite convinced that Charlie was sure a doctor and a known one at that. "I'll show you around and take you to the psychiatry department. Okay?" "And I'll take my leave now," Jesse said. "Call me and I'll be there to pick you up for today. Alright?" "Sure," Charlie nodded. "See you then, Mr. Houston," Jesse shook his hand. "Yes, darling. And make sure you visit once and take a consultation with your brother. You seem to be having problems with your anger management," he said with the same annoying smile. "I don't think I will need it. In fact, for believing that my brother is such a nice person, you need to get yourself checked once," she rolled her eyes, pulling back her hand from his grip, "good day, Mr. Houston." With that she left. "Your sister really has a few anger issues, you know?" The old man said with a bewildered face and Charlie smiled. "It runs in the family, sir. You have a lot more to see," he said and they began walking. The old man took his time in walking through the departments and introducing Charlie to different doctors. He met a few whom he knew before and there were a few new faces which were completely unknown. When he finally reached the department where he belonged, there were looks of envy and l**t all around him. He could separate out all the people into categories which would either try to become good friends or rebel against him. That was the pro of being a psychiatrist. He could gauge how people would react to him. Funny how wherever he went, the nurses gave him flirty glances. Weren't there people who could take his hotness without succumbing to it? As they were passing by a corridor, a saline bottle came flying towards them and Charlie caught it just in time. "Catch her!" Someone yelled and he saw a girl in a hospital gown come skidding towards him. Thanks to his instincts, he caught her just in time and pinned her to the ground. Her wild black locks were scattered all around her face as she struggled under his grip and stormy grey eyes met his own chocolate brown ones when she looked up. His heart did a flip all of a sudden and he wasn't so sure why that happened. She was too fair, as if she had never been out in the sun. She looked so weak and fragile, with a bony structure to boot and most of all, she looked scared. "Thank you so much!" Another doctor followed by two nurses and a few people came running towards them. "Let me go! Why are you doing this? I don't know any of you!" The girl screamed, tears streaming down her porcelain like face. "What's the matter, doctor?" Mr. Houston asked the other doctor, looking absolutely puzzled. "Ah, she woke up from her comatose after a major car accident just a while ago. She's been in it for almost 9 years and now she doesn't recognize anyone or even herself. I'm suspecting amnesia," the doctor sighed as a woman beside him sobbed uncontrollably. "I think she needs to be shifted to the psychiatry department. At this rate we might need to tranquilize her." "Ah, then Dr. Baxter is the right man for the job. I'm sure you can handle this case, can't you, Charlie?" The old man said and he smiled, still trying to hold the girl in position. "Let me go! What are you all talking about? Why is that woman sobbing? It is hurting my ears!" The girl screamed and Charlie made a gesture to take that woman away from the scene. The woman, apparently the patient's mother, sobbed a little harder and reluctantly left when she was towed away by a nurse and her husband. "Listen, I need to talk to you. Will you be able to do that without running away? Just a few questions would be all," Charlie asked her calmly. "Of course not, you dip s**t! Why would I be running in the first place if I wanted to talk? Let me go!" She sneered and it pissed off Charlie. "You surely have some guts to be talking like that," Charlie raised his brow, tightening his grip on her. "Looks like we need to use some force on you, huh?" The got up from the floor, not releasing yet and towing her into a room from where she appeared. "Where are you taking me?" She cried and he made her sit on the chair and made the nurses close the doors. "Now, be a good girl and answer my questions quickly so that I can let you go. Alright?" "Why would I answer someone like you?" She rolled her eyes and turned her face away from him. "You remind me of my sister whom I want to strangle so badly," he muttered, trying to keep his cool. "Now, what is your name?" She looked like she wanted to answer, but she frowned, looking around. "It's okay, do you know who those people out there are?" She just looked even more confused and it softened Charlie. Just because he was pissed at his sister, doesn't mean he could be mean to his patient. That was personal and this was professional. He needed to act like one if he needed to be one. "I'll tell you something, just listen to me carefully, alright?" He sighed. "You have been in an accident 9 years ago and it looks like you lost most of your memory. Don't worry, I'll help you retrieve them somehow," he smiled. "Are you sure? I can't really remember anything," she held her head. "I don't know anyone and I can't remember how I came to be here. I don't even have a name!" "Let's start with the basics, alright?" He pulled out the file which the earlier doctor provided him with. "Your name is Cora Evelyn Rhonda, your age now is around 27. Do you think you remember something?" He probed. She felt some stranger call out her name and it echoed in her head very disturbingly. "I can hear voices," she looked scared. "I can hear someone say that in my head." "Well, looks like you can remember a part of your memory. At least a voice is good," he smiled. "I don't like that memory," she frowned. "And who are those people out there? Who are you?" "I am Charlie Baxter, your doctor until you get your memories back and those people out there are your family. Would you like to meet them?" She looked strangely confused and he piped in. "Listen, Cora, I promise you that they are harmless. They are just worried for you. It would be good if you meet them once." "Will I get my memories back?" "What?" "Will you promise that doing whatever you say will get my memories back?" "I can't guarantee-" he was about to say but she interrupted. "Promise me, Charlie," she looked him in the eye and that somehow did a number on him. This girl wasn't someone he could deal with easily. His gut was telling him to quit here and let that girl be given to some other doctor, but he couldn't just let it go. Even though his head was screaming at him that this girl was going to be trouble, he remained true to his profession and pushed all the warnings away. "I promise," he said. And he knew that he was going to regret this some day.

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