XXI "Jenny just calm down, talk to us." I usher her and she tries to breathe evenly. "I'll get her some water." Becca stands going into the kitchen and quickly comes back with a water bottle from the fridge. "Weren't you with Jake on a date?" Becca asks. "Where is he?" "He left, after what happened. Said he needed a minute to think." She scoffed between sobs. "Okay Jenny, tell us what happened." I said softly. "Well...I was feeling sick the last few days and so I went to the doctor. Th-they t-took some tests and said they would call me back when they knew what was w-wrong." She explained and I held her hand as she tried to continue through her tears. "Wh-when we were at dinner I got the call." That's when she burst into tears again. Oh my god is she okay?! She has to be okay right?