Although this land is glorious, it holds a dark and terrible secret. Magic, although in existence, is strictly forbidden. A long time ago, a vicious and un-spirited king sat upon the throne. He used his great power for evil. The kings name was Venect. Every exhale the man took was a new war command. Wiping out civilizations, one after another. Feuled by the beliefs that only those who possessed no magical ability to be true loyal followers due to the inability to fight back. The hunt for magical gifts went on for years. King Venect inherited a dark gift himself. The ability to draw the magical energy out of anyone who possessed it. Leaving many dead or dying. His power grew with every captured soul, forced to walk the earth in ways they have never experienced. A part of them missing while the king used their magic against others of their kind.
A magical contract was created by the surrounding kingdoms in order to stop King Venect. Thus the magical council was born. It was a contract so powerful that anyone who broke it would experience a fiery pain so intense that death itself feared claiming forsaken. This contract prohibited anyone from practicing magic. A contract signed by a single drop of blood forever binding the bloodline to its terms.
A young servant girl managed to sneak into the Kings chamber to poke his finger and claim the blood signature. King Venect was so angry he attempted to burn her alive on the spot to prove to the world that he was the ultimate Sorcerer. However, his plan failed miserably when the imploding feelings of being engulfed in flames over took his body, causing the king to take his own life.
The kingdom lay in ruins for decades as everyone abandoned the land. Dark and terrifying thoughts plaguing the minds of anyone who thought about it. Evil energies latched onto the name, making it almost completely unspoken. The bravest of knights would not dare to enter its borders for generations to come. Myths and legends surrounding King Venect kept the fear alive and fed into the idea that the use of magical abilities would foster another to go down the same path.
Ages passed. Less and less magical births occurred until magic was almost completely wiped out. Very few receiving magical abilities, cursed to spend their whole life hiding.
Over time, a new family came in. Staking their claim in the history books as they sought refuge in the abandoned kingdom. Unknowing of its horrific history. One day stumbling across the old kings personal records stashed away in what once appeared to be a luxurious bed chamber. Only then did they realize the evil that once resided here. They worked hard and restored the Kingdom to its original glory. crafting a new image after all the terror and pain that had once swarmed the land. This family kept themselves hidden from most eyes as they slowly gained power. Eventually, finding themselves in the position of being in control of the most powerful kingdom ever known.