Chapter 4 Flex's POV

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" Flex heads up " I heard my name being shouted and turned just in time to catch the flying ball that came flying down the hall over the other students' heads. Andres was at the bottom end grinning at me like a loon. Me and him, we towered over most of the folks at this school, including the teachers. He holds his hands up in the air for me to throw the ball back to him. Pulling my arm back, I threw it and it made a clear shot into his waiting hands. " Nice " he shouted , turning everyone's heads so they could see what was going off. He came running down the hall. Andres was like my side kick. On the field and off. He was a good looking kid , even as a male I could say that because he was. He had muscles like I did. He took his fitness as seriously as I did. He had short dreadlocks that went into a skin-faded hair style , his nose and ear pierced with pieces of bling jewelry that the coach made him take out for games , as well as my lip ring and ear jewelry. We got on well because we had the same interests. He throws his arm over my shoulder and wrestles me into a head lock in the middle of the hall , so I start jabbing him in the side. " ENOUGH " we heard shouted at us. We broke apart from our little wrestling session to see the coach standing looking at us. He shook his head , he was trying his best to keep his disapproving look on his face. But the coach liked me and Andres. " Stop acting like infants in the hall " he said, to try and hide the small smile that had threatened to pop out. His eyes cut at me. " You done them assignments yet, Flex ?" He says, raising a brow. Clearing my throat, I stood myself a little straighter. " Yea, nearly. I'm on this coach ". He looks at me like he dosen't belive me. His eyes narrow and I hold my nerve. He rolls his eyes t me and points " I don't care how you do it , but if you get kicked off of the team. I swear I'll make every teacher give you detention and I swear I'll tell your mother Flex. We need you this year , you'll be letting your team down. And you'll have to explain to them why they can't be on the field with them ". He turns and storms off. I felt a punch on my arm , which took my attention away from the coach. Looking back at Andres, he was scowling at me. " What the f**k what that about dude ?" I set off walking and he fell into step with me. " I haven't done my English assignments , she's threatening to fail me " I said and kept walking. Until Andres grabs my arm and stops me. "Dude what the hell ?" I shake my head and smile. " Don't sweat it , I have got it sorted. I have people doing them for me ". He breathed a sigh of relief , so I set about walking again. " Who ?" I named them all, including Maya. " Wait dude , you have smarty pants, Maya doing one for you? The chick that hates your guts and practically runs in the opposite direction if she sees you ." It marked a little , the mention of her name. What I read in her diary last night pissed me off. " Yea " I snapped. " That chick is cold as ice , we pretty much nailed every chick there is here now. Between us. But I don't see anyone being able to break that ice. " He said it laughing , but I remember last night. The gasp she let out. To distract myself from it, I laughed with him , agreeing. " I bet if I put my effort in dude , I bet I could, " he said, and I felt something in my twang. s**t he wasn't any good for her. No one here at this f*****g school was. Not that I liked her. s**t, what the hell was wrong with me? " Naa dude, you can't get nowhere with that one. " I needed to move the subject away from her. I didn't want to remember she was in existence. " You think you would have a better chance than me, Flex ? The guy who has terrorized her for years. No, I don't think so. I've been feeling a little bored lately. Maybe I will give it a go . Entertain myself for a while. I mean it's not like she's ugly. She's pretty fit really. Nice tight body and all that ". He was pissing me off. But Andres liked games like that. He went after their friend Marie last year for sport. s**t we both did as a bet, see if one of us could sway her. I wasn't against girls liking girls , it was just a bit of fun and I soon backed off. Feeling a little s**t for even entertaining the bet when that was her life choice. " Leave her alone man , it's not worth the effort " I found myself saying, then cursing myself for it. I knew exactly what was coming next. " s**t man didn't know all that hate was actually hidden feelings for her ". There it was Andres , jumping to conclusions. Basically just giving me s**t. I loved Andres but sometimes he, did my head in. " Go f**k yourself it isn't that at all ", I said and, round the corner, headed to the sheds. At the back of the football fields there were equipment sheds. If I couldn't play ball this week , I sure as s**t wouldn't be sitting in the library like the coach wanted me to. " Prove it " he threw out. Turning my head, I looked at him from the side. " How am I meant to do that ?" I asked. He was quiet for a minute as he thought it over. And then he laughed " s**t, it could be like one of those bets in those stupid movies , except this isn't a bet. It's an ultimatum. But with a prize at the end. If you get her to catch the feelings and kiss you in public. I don't expect you to sleep with her or anything. Just a little PDA in front of the school. We tag team it. See who gets there first , whoever wins gets to get the other dude to make a forfeit at the final game, they have to do it ". " A bit f*****g childish isn't it, Andres? " I said, getting more and more pissed. " Well, I said it was an ultimatum, didn't I? I'm still doing it you join in or not. That's the ultimatum. Play or not dude? I mean you won't be bothered if you hate the girl, right ?" He says knowingly and then splits off to the lockers. I watched his back go and I had never wanted to hit my best friend more in my life. " Party at Dukes tonight don't forget dude " he shouts as he disappears into the lockers. I ran across the field before the coach saw me and hopped the fence to the sheds. One of the sheds never got used. It had all the really old equipment that the school hadn't thrown out yet. Going around the back , I moved the panel out of the way that was loose and slipped inside. Me and the guys had kitted it out with a radio and we sometimes brought a few beers here. We made chairs out of the old football pads and other s**t. We used this place just to hang out if we didn't want to go to lessons. Sometimes we have even crashed here all night , once the school was shut and used it as a party spot. No one was in at the minute and I was glad about that. Andres had put me in a fowl f*****g mood and I needed a minute to process this s**t. I mean I didn't need to get involved if she was stupid enough to fall for his tricks. That was her own issue. I wasn't playing his games though. Spending any time with her just dragged up old memories. I mean last night , I couldn't help myself. It came out like word vomit around her. All it did was hurt us both. She would look distraught and I would end up just as mad as I was that day. After an hour, I was thinking about it all ,over and over again. I came to the conclusion she was on her own. I would keep my distance like I always had. Let Andres do his thing and let her deal with it. I heard the bell ring signaling it was time for an English lesson. I couldn't ditch that, I was already failing. Climbing back out the shed and making a run across the field. I made it to English without getting caught. As I was walking close to the class, I saw her. She was standing talking to that mouthy friend of hers. She was facing my way , her friend had her back to me. I saw her eyes widen slightly when she saw me coming. She rushed to say something to her friend and then walked towards the bathroom. Her friend disappeared inside the classroom and as soon as she did , she made a come her motion with her hand. Following her , she led us to the girls' bathroom door. Then she disappeared inside and I scrunched my face up in confusion. What the hell was she telling me to go to the girl's bathroom for? I was about to turn around and head back , but she poked her head back out. " No one is in quick, before we are both late " she harshly whispered. Looking up and down the hall , I saw no one hanging around. Curiosity got the better of me a], so I went in. As soon as I was in, she slammed the door shut and put her back on it. Looking guilty as sin. " What you brought me in here for " before I could finish, she slammed some papers against my chest. Looking down at them, I saw it was a computer-written assignment. " You did this already?" I asked, holding it up at her. She nods at me. " Yea, I did some last night, then finished it last lesson in the library. I had a free period ". I flicked through the pages , there were roughly ten and all of them were full. How did she finish it so quickly? " How do you have free periods ?" She scowled at me. " People who have done most of there work, or who are trusted with free periods to go do their work solo Flex " she snapped at me. For a girl who normally dodges me , she wasn't doing badly at confronting me now. Or calling me on my s**t. " This is done right, isn't it? I mean it hasn't even taken you twenty-four hours. You're not trying to make me look stupid, are you or just copying and pasting this?" She looks at me offended. " No , I mean I've had to dumb it down a little so it sounds like you. If I hadn't Mrs Flint, would know you had got someone else to do it ". Nice , so I am dumb now. I suppose after all the shift I've said to her , I don't blame her for throwing digs back at me. I just raised a brow at her and stared her down. I suppose I could tell her what my best friend had planned. She had just done me a massive favour. But for the dumb remark . Na, I think I'll let this play out a little. I could have dealt with her calling me almost everything else, but not dumb. Or and the names she called me in her journal. Smirking, I grabbed the toilet door knob at the side of her. " Thanks Maya ", I said and moved her out of the way with the door. She stepped aside and let me pass. I walked into class and two minutes later she walked in after me. She didn't look my way once. She was that innocent, she looked like she would puke with nerves, probably at the thought of getting caught. She sat rigid all lesson and when I walked to the front and gave Mrs Flint the assignment, her head was practically plastered on the desk. It was that low down. It was quite comical.
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