Chapter 6 Flex’s POV

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Nikki was sitting on my lap. I finally caught the girl's name after one of her friends shouted it. Of course, I had known it before. The town wasn't a big one. I guess I just didn't care enough to store it in memory. Plus, she was a transfer last year. That was my excuse for being a d**k head anyway. I'd only let her sit there because my mind had been preoccupied. Because across the field he was at it again. We all had to come out for the principal announcement of what this year's final year will look like for us. Time schedules for career days , college enrolment day, dances and the prom, the football teams, big games, all of that lot. I'm guessing they decided to do it out here , because the weather was scorching today. Another good reason why she shouldn't be sat on my lap. I was getting too warm. This chick was seriously getting clingy. I needed to find time to give her the thing. The It's not you, it's me speech. I hadn't even slept with this girl. Fair enough, there had been some fooling around when we were at Duke's party the other night. If I hadn't been so wasted, maybe it would have led to that. She was chatting away about a cheerleading routine with her friends sitting next to me. I was busy watching Andres. He had deliberately jumped into the seat at the side of Maya before her friend could take a seat. I don't know why I was so involved. I think it's because I found it amusing that she constantly rebuffed his advances. But him not giving and and just dropping this one , was becoming annoying. He was still trying to coax me into the game. But I wasn't interested. My eyes narrowed as I watched him place his hand around the back of her chair. He leant in and whispered something in her ear and I felt my body tense. Nikki got in my line of sight, she had a sultry grin on her face and then , her lips descended down on mine. I wasn't a complete d**k , refusing her a kiss in front of her friends would embarrass the girl. So I kissed her back, hoping she would then leave me alone , and stop blocking my sight. Nikki wore too much lip gloss , it made my lips feel awful and the kiss feel sticky. When she eventually pulled back , her attention went straight back to her friends. Which gave me the opportunity to wipe the goo off of my lips. My eyes went straight back across the field and both Andres and Maya were looking at me. Andres had a sly smirk on his face and she looked uncomfortable. Had he pointed out us kissing to make her look ? If so , why the f**k would he do that? My only thought was his accusation of me liking her. Did he think she liked me back and was proving a point that I was a d**k or, in her words, a man w***e? I'd heard what she had said about both me and Andres in the library. It made sense because I'd also heard him say to her he thought this was a hidden love situation. In small towns like this, nothing gets kept quiet. Especially gossip. It was like a slow motion picture what happened next. He must have said her name, trying to get her attention. And as she turned to look at him he planted his lips square on hers. She was quick to pull her hews back. A shocked look on her face. But I was already pushing Nikki off. Nikki screeched a protest as I pretty much nearly threw her to the floor. I went down the steps and jumped the barriers, making my way over the field. Without any sort of rational thought in my mind. She clocked me first , her eyes widened and alerted Andres to my arrival. It's a good job the principal hadn't come out yet , or this would have been a whole fiasco. When I got to the barrier at their side , I realised it was already. Most people were watching my steps. I'm not surprised I pretty much stormed the field with a face of murderous intent to get there . And when I looked back over my shoulder , Nikki and her friends were staring at me too. It soon snapped whatever fog I had been in and pulled me out of it with the realisation I was coming over there to punch my best friend. For a girl, I didn't like. Clearing my throat, I panicked. What the hell did I say to explain this? By this point, most of the chatter had stopped too. Everyone was waiting for my next move. Looking down I did the only thing I could think of. I forced a grin on my face and looked up at Andres with a care-free smirk. " Dude, did I just see you kiss her man ? I thought I'd come rescue you from whatever witch craft she cast on you. I mean it's the only explanation for you to kiss her, right ? No one would gladly do that. I heard she's got some sort of disease , like herpes or some s**t. That can be transmitted through saliva. Maybe you'll need a tetanus or some s**t now. " Her face was one of horror , and when people laughed at what I'd said, I saw tears well up in her eyes and her face turned red. Her friend Sara stood up and was screaming s**t at me. But it was all just white noise. A single tear dropped onto her cheek that she quickly swiped away. Then she got up out of her seat and practically ran from the stands. Andres was sitting still. His face knew. He didn't believe any of that bull s**t. He raised a brow at me and shook his head, getting up. I thought he was about to follow after her but instead he headed my way. He jumped the barrier and stood at my side, his voice low. " Not into her, huh ?" Looking at him, I again improvised. " Nope , just decided I wanted in on the game. Can't have you having any advantages now, can I? " He grinned. " So, that was you sabotaging me, dude, you need to rethink your tactics. You just humiliated the girl in front of most of our year. Like you can win this now ", he pats my shoulder and headed over the field to our friends. The next thing was Saravin my face , as the rest of Maya's friend group went running after her. She stayed behind. She wasn't close enough to have heard what we had just said. She was still making her way down the steps and I waited for her to make her way to me. I could just walk off , but Sara would follow me across the field. Sara was not one to not be heard if she had something to say. " What was all that about jerk off ? When in your suck off session with Nikki, did you think ah f**k it, I'd go terrorise Maya at the other side of the field, d**k wad. I don't know what you two pieces of s**t are up to. All of a sudden, he's creeping around her , which is not wanted by the way. She's been trying to shake him off for days. So go over there and tell your pal to back off and leave her alone before I feed you each other's balls. " she stormed off the way the rest of them had gone. The principal was coming onto the field , so I quickly made my way back. I picked a seat away from Nikki. My actions caused me confusion all day, and for once, I actually felt s**t for making her upset. Those feelings had disappeared a long time ago. When I'd first started being a piece of s**t to her , well, it had bugged me .But it had soon passed, after a year or two. It was the last break before school was out when I saw her again. She was heading into the library. Looking around me, I made sure no one was paying me any attention and snuck into the library. It was the same again , her bag was on the table but she was missing. The library was quiet. Only one or two students were there. I should keep my distance, keeping away from her. But my stupid big mouth had told Andres I was in on this stupid game now. I'd mulled this over , show him I gave it one or two tries. Then throw in the towel. And the next time I see him make a move , keep my f*****g head about me and not go get myself into more s**t. Looking down each isle , I find her in the one I found her in before. Her head was buried in a book the way it always was. This time she was sitting on the floor crossed-legged reading it , like walking back to the table would have taken too much time. Like whatever boring book that was demanded, she read it on the spot. I stood watching her for a second. It was like the work around her didn't exist. Slowly walking over , I wanted to see how far I'd get before she realized I was there. I got across from her , then decided I'd take a seat. I got down on the floor and rested my back against the book shelves. After a couple of minutes of waiting, I got bored. So I cleared my throat. Still nothing , so I pushed my foot out and tapped her knee. Her head jerked up and she looked at me in horror. " Flex wh . . What are you doing ?" She looked around and then she slammed the book closed. " In fact, I don't care, leave me the hell alone " she said, recovering and going to get up. " Maya " I said to get her attention but she still went to get up. So, shooting forward, I grabbed her arm. " Wait " I asked. She looks down at her arm and back at me. Those damn tears shimmering in her eyes again. " Wait for what ? You've said and done enough today, don't you think ?"' " Just sit back down, " then it near on killed me to say it. But I add " please ". She looked shocked. I actually asked nicely. Pulling her arm free from my grip, she sits back down but shuffles herself away from me and moves to lean against the other book shelves opposite. Awkward silence happens and again I'm at a loss about what I am actually doing. While I try to think about it, she stares impatiently at me. After I say nothing, she huffs in frustration. She grabs the book and goes to stand again. " Sorry ". I rushed out. She looks back across at me, her eyebrows scrunching in. " Sorry ? Sorry for what exactly?" " Earlier " I say with a sigh, bothering me that she's making me explain it. I seemed to shock her into silence because she dropped back onto her butt and looked at me like I was a freak or something. " You've never apologised for being mean to me. Flex , what is going on ? Please just tell me. Because I just want to go back to the way things were. All of this is confusing and frustrating". Yet another chance to come clean. Getting up off of the floor, I put my hand down to help her up. She looked at it like it was poison. " I'm not going to drop you , just let me help you up ." She placed her hand in mine and I pulled her up. She was lighter than I expected , so when I pulled she came flying up and crashed into my body. I shot my other hand out to steady her before she knocked up both flying , my hand landing on her hip. She was looking down, breathing heavily, when she slowly looked up at me. Her muddy brown eyes were unreadable. One of her hands had landed on my chest , the heat of it burning onto my chest. The other was holding the book onto her chest still. I felt my head dipping down on its own accord. My face was getting closer and closer to hers. Our breaths started mingling. My lips were mere inches from hers. Sticking my tongue out, I licked my bottom lip. Her eyes tracked it and I was about to close the gap when she squeezed her eyes shut and pushed herself off of my chest. I let her go and she stumbled back, shaking her head. " Thanks for the apology, but I don't accept it. You broke my heart once, Flex. I don't know what your playing at. But I won't let you do it again ". Then she runs off out of the isle.
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