Farm of Horrors

1124 Words
As she sits quiet in the front seat of a black car, Novah can't help but wonder what had happened to Max and who had helped Sam. She can't believe that Max was nowhere to be seen as Sam forced her to leave with him. She kicked herself for not asking Max to sit in the bathroom with her. Dropping her head in defeat, she sneaks a side ways glance at Sam. He had a smile on his face, looking very relaxed. The look on his face just made her blood boil with hate. She couldn't believe this was the same cute, boy next door, type guy she talked to at work. He was a complete stranger to her now. Taking a deep breath, she opened her mouth to speak but he held up a finger to silence her. "Before you start asking me a million question, let me speak, please?" Novah rolled her eyes and sighed. She could see his jaw tick at her gesture. She didn't care if he was annoyed with her. Sam reached towards her and grabbed a fist of her hair, pulling her closer to him. "You WILL show me respect. Do you understand me? Or our time together will not be pleasant for you." Novah slowly nods, reach to remove his hand. As her fingers lightly touched his hand, he tightened his hold to the point she gasped in pain.  He let go by throwing her head away from him. Novah reached up and rubbed her head as tear fell down her cheek. Sam let out a sigh, and his eyes turned soft. He smiled sweetly as he reached for her again. This time, Novah flinched away from him afraid of what he was going to do to her. He stopped and put his hand back on the wheel. "Novah, I really do love you." he says, glancing her way. "I just can't let you and our baby stay with Max. He's not good enough for you." Novah's eyes almost pop out of her head as she looks at him in shock. He really thought the baby was his? She leaned over and put a hand on his arm, making him stiffen. "Sam, hun, do you think this baby is yours?" Sam smiles again and nods as he turns to look her in the eye. She could see that what he said was real to him. She sighs, as she drops her head a little. Taking a deep breath she continues. "Sam, you have to listen to me. I'm too far along for YOU to be the father." she removes her hand as she sits back in her seat. "Max can be the only one who is the father."  Sam hits the wheel and looks at her with dark angry eyes. "How could you say that to me?!" Novah winced at how his tone felt like acid being spit at her. Sam begins to shake his head and hitting the wheel again. He's beginning to fall apart with rage. Novah gasped and began to look around to find a way to defend herself if he tried anything crazy. Nothing was available and she felt trapped for the first time. She's pulled from her thought as she hears Sam hitting himself in the head. He keeps shooting ice cold looks her way, mumbling something to himself. She looks out the window to realize he'd left the city and was turning on to a gravel dirt road. Fear creeps in to make her shake. She felt cold all of a sudden. She knew from shows she'd seen that if he got her out of car now, they'd probably never find her alive. She had to think of the little human growing her belly. She placed a hand on her stomach and whispered, "It'll be okay, baby. Mommy will do whatever it takes to get us back to daddy." Sam pulled the car into an old barn with faded red paint. He shut it off and got out to walk around to her door. As he reached her side, she leaned away from the door, not willing to get out of the car without an fight. Sam throws the door open, leans in and grabs her hair causing her to scream out in pain. "Ouch! Sam, let me go!" He laughed as if he was enjoying her screams of pain. "Then get your ass out of the f*****g car!" He yelled at her. As tears ran down her cheeks, she nodded and slid out of the car.  She could smell the fresh air of the countryside. What should have been peaceful and beautiful was ruined by Sam's dark plan. She had to think fast of an idea to get away from him. As she stood there thinking, Sam grabbed her arm pushing her towards the opened barn door. His grip was beginning to make her arm hurt but she didn't dare say anything. As they stepped outside the barn, her heart dropped in defeat. All she could see was trees and hills for as far as the eye could see. She was officially scared and alone with Sam. She had no way of knowing if Max would even be able to find her now. She shivered with fear but anger mad her warm up. Sam was laughing at her. He must have seen her face fall as she realized they were in the middle of nowhere. "You could try and run if you'd like." He whispered in her ear, with a smirk on his face. He let go of her arm still laughing. She turned to look at him with a challenging glare. "Why would I give you the satisfaction of watching me go nowhere?" His smile faded as it hit him she wasn't letting him get to her. With a sigh and shake of his head, he stomped towards her, grabbed her arm and pull forced her to walk in the direction of an old farm house. She tried to struggle, but it was no use. He was so much stronger than her. Instead, she willing walked up the steps, sighing admitting her fate. They stopped at the door, as Sam pulled a key from his jean pocket. He put the key in the door and unlocked it. Pushing the door open, Novah gasped. She saw a dark hallway with 4 windows lining it with white curtains. She shivered as it hit her. This was the hallway from her dreams. How was that possible? She had never been here before. Frowning she walked inside. Sam slammed the door shut, making her jump, and he locked it. She was now at his mercy and whatever he wanted to do to her.
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