Chapter Eight

1089 Words
Diablo “What are you doing here ….” Sarah looked up from her place curled up in her favourite chair, a book in her hand. A book she placed down on her knee as she stared at me. Her eyebrows raised. “Again and …” her eyes swept over me and I fidgeted uncomfortably under my sisters gaze. “So dressed up.” Shit, this was a bad idea. I should have known better than to come here especially when I knew my sister was going to be hovering around but since the moment I had dropped Gabrielle off , I hadn’t been able to get her out of my head. So I was here to do something I had never done before. At least not since school. “Whats going on Diablo?” “I’m here…” f**k why was this so hard. This was something men did every single day. Surely it wasn’t this hard for them. “Spit it out.” She glances down at the shirt peaking out from under my leather jacket. And a knowing smile lit up her face. “I’m here to see Gabrielle.” I finally managed, rubbing a hand across my chin. “To see if she wanted to go to dinner with me.” Sarah’s eyes sparkled. “I knew it. Gabrielle?” She yelled it and Gabrielle’s head appeared almost instantly. Her new darker hair was up in a ponytail, making the angles of her face even more pronounced. She had a jar of peanut butter in her hand like she was making herself a sandwich. “My brother is here to ask you out on a date.” I snarled at Sarah. Why did she have to say it like that? Like it was some joke. “I….” Gabrielle seemed frozen to the spot. “Not a date .” I reassured her even though I was so classing this as a date. “Just inviting you out for dinner.” “Oh ok.” Gabrielle seemed to pause and I caught the almost panicked look she short sister. “He’s wearing an actual shirt Gabrielle, so you best put him out of his misery and go to dinner with him.” I glared at her. But the frown left my face when Gabrielle’s quiet voice spoke out. “Ok.” She seemed unsure of herself. “Ok I’ll quickly go and get changed and come to dinner with you Diablo.” She blushed and I felt myself smile. “I would like that very much.” “You look beautiful tonight.” I slipped into the booth next to her. A half circular thing that was all dark wood . A single stubby red candle flickered in the centre. Not that I was paying my surroundings any attention. All I could think of was how she looked in that dress and how I wanted to kiss the pink lipstick right off her lips. “Thank you.” Gabrielle seemed just as nervous as I did. Which was understandable. She probably hasn’t had much in the way of dating experience either. “I mean you look beautiful all the time…” I trailed off. What the hell was wrong with me? “It’s just…” “This is a nice restaurant.” She turned giving me a small smile. “Thank you for bringing me here. Is it Italian?” Truth was I had no idea what type of food they served here. I had just googled romantic restaurant and chosen the first one on the list. But I was glad she liked it. I liked it as well. I liked that she approved of my choice more though. “Thank you for coming with me.” For a second I let my eyes linger on her face. David Llewelyn was a fool if he didn’t realise what was right in his face all those years. But I wasn’t blind. She shifted slightly and her bare leg brushed against mine. A purr tumbled from my mouth. I liked touching her skin. I liked it a lot. “Shall I get us a bottle of wine?” “Do you drink wine? I would much prefer a beer if that’s ok?” A beer? I could do nothing but stare at her. Gabrielle was a total mystery to me . She just kept on surprising me. “You don’t like wine?” “Not really” “But I have seen you drink it lots of times.” I couldn’t take my eyes from her lips, as they tilted up in a smile. And this one genuine. A little smile just for me. “I drink it with Sarah and Harper yeah, but I prefer beer.” Could this woman get any more perfect. The more time I spent with her. The more I realised just how much I had misunderstood her. “God you are amazing.” I brushed my lips over hers,using my fingers to tilt her chin up but I didn’t close my eyes. I wanted to see her reaction. And she didn’t disappoint, her eyes fluttered closed and her lips parted. Just the tiniest amount, enough so the tip of my tongue touched hers. But that one tiny touch was enough to set my body on fire. I gathered her into my arms. Pulling her closer against me. My tiger roared in my head. Demanding more contact. Demanding I kiss her deeper. Kiss her everywhere. “Amazing.” I broke away finally because we were in a restaurant. And if I carried on I would take this further. Whether we were being watched by the other patrons or not. I watched as she pressed her fingers to her lips. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me…. I…” Her embarrassment was adorable. It just made me want her more. “We kissed Gabrielle.” Tugging her fingers away from her mouth I kissed them instead. “But why….” “Because I like you and I think you like me?” I c****d my head at her. “At least I think you do.” I was pretty sure she liked me. Her body reacted to me. Even from the few kisses I had given her I could tell that. “I…. Yes Diablo.” She lowered her eyes. Chewing on her bottom lip and I watched as she became lost in thought. “Hey.” “Yes I think I like you.” She admitted finally. “My body ….” “I know.. mine as well but that doesn’t mean anything unless we like each other as people as well does it?” “Doesn’t it?” She seemed confused. “I’ve seen you with plenty of women Diablo. Ones I’m not even sure you know the name of.” Yeah she had. I had made a point of rubbing her face in it whenever I had had a chance but that was more me denying my own feelings then trying to hurt hers. “They aren’t you Gabrielle.” I kissed the back of her hand. “Shall we have a nice meal and see where tonight takes us?”
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