Chapter 18 - Prisoner

1027 Words

*Him* Nicholas woke up with a massive headache. His eyes adjusted to the darkness. His keen sense of smell allowed him to ascertain that he was underground. His lungs were burning for a cigarette.  As he was taking in his surroundings, he was trying to work out what happened to him. All that he remembered was going to see Vera and having her toy boy there.  Nicholas growled. He didn't know what was going on.  With his heightened sight he could see he was in a cell and in front was the shape of a door. And shadows passing under the gap at the bottom.  His shoulders ached but when he went to move his hands, he discovered he was tied to the wall. "Ha ha ha don't these stupid witches know werewolves are strong?" He sneered as he broke the ropes. He hovered near the front of the cell.

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