Confronting Accusations

1256 Words

Jackson didn’t know why, but every time he saw Taya, he couldn’t help but feel sad. When he first lost his memory, he felt nothing when he saw her. But when they met again this time, it was different. Something had shifted, and now all he could do was FEEL, and it threw him for a loop. I wasn’t sure if I believed him. But something in his eyes told me he was telling the truth, that he wasn’t faking it just for my sake. A honk sounded from behind us, and Jackson and I turned around at the same time. Two cars had stopped behind us. The car in the front had the license plate number ALPHA1. The was only one person in Arcadia with this license plate number. I subconsciously buried my head in Jackson’s arms when I saw who was in the car. I’d hoped that he wouldn’t see me, but I didn’

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