The Longing Howl

1251 Words

Somehow, that small amount of Jell-O managed to fill me up. I put down the spoon and asked Harper, “Shouldn’t you be getting to work?” “I’ve taken two days off to take care of you. You can’t just be in the hospital alone.” Harper lay down on the empty hospital bed next to me. “Plus, I can take this opportunity to get some rest.” I smiled gently, knowing better than to argue. “Thank you, Harper,” I said softly. Harper waved her hand and yawned. “I’m gonna take a nap. Yell if you need anything.” I nodded. “The nurses are here if I need anything. Don’t worry, and go to sleep.” Only then did Harper close her eyes. Harper worked in a nightclub. Most of the time, she was on the night shift. Since her hours were awful and she had to cram her daytime chores and errands into a few hours afte

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