Chapter 23: So you wanna be my Ride or die?

3049 Words

JORDAN'S POV I have never had to worry about taking a girl on a date before. I mean I haven't had a girlfriend since Julia so it's been oh so long but they are two different persons. I knew a lot about Arianna the short time we have known each other and I'll used that to tell what I'm gonna do for this date. I didn't tell her it was gonna be tonight or whatever so after school I left early seeing if I had any gang related things to be dealt with. After that was sorted I drove home to get some sleep. You can't blame me right? I'm haven't gotten much sleep last night because I was playing games online and then Arianna had to wake me up 5am in the morning. I took a quick shower then laid down staring in the ceiling. I ran through my thoughts thinking what to do until I got the perfect idea.

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